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  1. ikaman

    Post your Twitter Vol. 2012

    @ohmygoditsrod I follow NT. I love Ya'll.
  2. ikaman

    Post your Twitter Vol. 2012

  3. ikaman

    Once yours always yours? vol. Jr Smith vs Joe Budden

               This!! All you guys trying to justify why you would consider taking her back are simps. Period. But don't worry, I wont insult you without elaborating. It has nothing to do with being a "One way street", or a "Two way street", it has everything to do with not letting her have and eat...
  4. ikaman


    Whats up NT? I'll just get straight to it. I live with my parents, have an older brother in DC, and an older sister in Jersey. My little sister passed away 3 years ago from airway complications, so we're pretty much all we got. This past Christmas my parents get into a fight about the...
  5. ikaman

    Be a bum. Smash chicks easier.

    This is truth. A lot of girls are scared of not being a guys EQUAL. They're scared that he may be more of a catch than she is in the relationship, insecurity kicks in, and its all downhill from there. This is why the super successful guy with the brand new car, great career etc. may not always...
  6. ikaman

    Why did you and your ex break up?

    Real talk I feel as tho this has turned out to be one of NT's best threads, pure honesty in here... with that said: I started noticing the fact that she would call a lot of my boys "Cute", may not be a big deal to some, but this started out of nowhere though... One day me, her, and my boy were...
  7. ikaman

    NT I am feeling a little bit jaded

    Girls are corny bro. After 3 years, she probably just wanted to know if she could still have you..or if you still wanted her, I'm pretty sure she got her answer. The head game girls play are confusing to us, but the fact that she's playing them in the first place, says she's confused as !%#...
  8. ikaman

    Larceny charge... Need advice fam.

               Respect bro, thanks ... Now, to the less intelligent Niketalkers talking about how I just "openly admitted " this, and explained too much of my crimes on a public forum... You're corny. Nobody knows I'm on NT.. "Ikaman" is not on my birth certificate, I got caught on CAMERA so no need...
  9. ikaman

    Larceny charge... Need advice fam.

              Relax bro, everyone makes mistakes.. especially when profit is involved. $250??  nah son keep in mind that I was CAUGHT filling up 3 cars but the actual scheme has been going on for almost 2years.. I just used the wrong gas station this time smh.
  10. ikaman

    Larceny charge... Need advice fam.

              I feel you, I just want to make sure I'm not giving stacks to a lawyer who can't do a thing for me anyway.. The guilt part is obvious, but It's my first court case ever, so I wanna go about it the best way... but if I'm already cooked, then why be cooked and broke?
  11. ikaman

    Larceny charge... Need advice fam.

               Don't know about that bro...  worst case scenario, I'm still a full time EMT (some of my co-workers have violent felonies)...MY question however, was how screwed am I in terms of ever becoming a nurse with this type of charge on my record. Thanks.
  12. ikaman

    Larceny charge... Need advice fam.

    I was in possession of a shell gas card and was caught on camera filling tanks up (3 of them), now I'm being charged with 3 counts of use of a stolen credit card (1 charge for each tank I filled up)... Problem is I just finished my nursing pre-req's and I'm apllying to the program next month...
  13. ikaman


    For whatever reason, it sounds like dude is losing interest. Period. If someone wants to be with you than NOTHING will stop them.. #@!* happens, maybe his outlook changed after being in the military, or maybe his feelings have changed and he just doesnt know how to say it without feeling...
  14. ikaman

    Mid-twenties crisis.. Need advice

     I've been doing alot of thinking lately in regards to life in general, and where i'm at in life so here's my question NT. As far as American society is concerned, what are some of the things that a 24 year old male should be doing?? I mean as far as friends, family, career, money, love-life...
  15. ikaman

    Mid-twenties crisis.. Need advice

     I've been doing alot of thinking lately in regards to life in general, and where i'm at in life so here's my question NT. As far as American society is concerned, what are some of the things that a 24 year old male should be doing?? I mean as far as friends, family, career, money, love-life...
  16. ikaman

    Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

       "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical...
  17. ikaman

    Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

       "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical...
  18. ikaman

    Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

               Please, continue...   
  19. ikaman

    Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

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