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  1. quest4glory

    ::Official ask a Muslim vol. Salaam::

    Hey redman, that's really cool that you're reading up on Malcolm X, great man. Malcolm X initially entered the Nation of Islam in prison, which is a deviant sect of the true Islam. The religion uses ideologies that stem from Islam, but the teachings are based on the whims of men. ...
  2. quest4glory

    ::Official ask a Muslim vol. Salaam::

    Hey redman, that's really cool that you're reading up on Malcolm X, great man. Malcolm X initially entered the Nation of Islam in prison, which is a deviant sect of the true Islam. The religion uses ideologies that stem from Islam, but the teachings are based on the whims of men. ...
  3. quest4glory

    Muslim NTers

    Asalamu alaikum wa ramatuallhi wa barakatu my beloved brothers in Islam! I want to inform you guys that the salah isone of the most important aspects of our deen, and it is what often separates the believer from the nonbeliever. What is more rewarding and beneficial for thesoul than to have a...
  4. quest4glory

    FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

    I hope and pray Egypt gets involved, backing Palestine against this genocide.
  5. quest4glory

    FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

    Looks to me as though another holocaust is taking place, but this time the tables have turned.
  6. quest4glory

    ASK A LaVEYAN SATANIST vol. I'm devilish

    Well I know satanists like yourself do dark magic and stuff, i looked it up on wiki, for your information. You must therefore believe in some kind of'magical spirit'. So if you say you don't believe in any external forces besides the kind you see with your two eyes, then how do you explain...
  7. quest4glory

    FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

    Please watch occupation 101, and get your facts straight. It's not about Jews and Muslims... stop. It's about freedom to live in your land withoutoccupation, unjust sanctions, and conditions unbearable to any standards of living. Psychologists ran a study on Palestinian children and found that...
  8. quest4glory

    Real talk, what's the point in living? vol. No, I'm not about to off myself

    Read the Quran, you'll find all your answers there, inshallah.
  9. quest4glory

    If You Were Of The Opposite Sex, Would Your Find Yourself To Be Attractive?

    thats a question i ask myself everyday... ha, not really
  10. quest4glory


    smh at you thinking prices were going to stay this low.
  11. quest4glory


    ahahahaha i am dying right now. str8 comedy
  12. quest4glory

    Karmaloop 50% off SALE!!!!!!!

    Plain and simple, the site is a joke. There is nothing clean on thatwebsite; just over the top, colorfully grotesque, low quality crap that has now been reduced to a reasonable price and that's only if you have absolutelyno taste in clothes. For a person with a knack for fashion, they can...
  13. quest4glory

    *Offical Signs of the Last Days on Earth Post

    What an ignorant person, I R Andre. How are your going to have a debate and not even hearing out what your opponent has to say. Your attempt to spread hate and lies about Islam have been exposed. Obviously you have no knowledge of the sort so you typed in 'moon islam worship'into google and...
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