*Offical Signs of the Last Days on Earth Post

Those are signs to ppl that believe in that type of stuff

To the guy who sees reality (me)...those are not signs at all
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

hangtight and I R Andre are officially in a Holy war

I think they call that Jihad.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

DunkNForce wrote:
hangtight and I R Andre are officially in a Holy war

I think they call that Jihad.

WOW, you are trying so HARD!!!! You keep bringing up FALSE FACTS and I keep putting them to rest. #1 you are being offensive and you have no education aboutIslam, or the Arabic Language. JIHAD Does not mean HOLY WAR, Literally, jihad means doing one's utmost to realize a goal (struggle within). It is not theequivalent of war, for which Arabic and the Qur'an use qital. Jihad has a wider connotation and embraces every kind of striving in God'scause.

This guy is trying everything to do to put Islam down and to shame. YOU MAD???

This is not no war, this is just an attempt to bash Islam by an individual. Not once have I bashed or put down Christianity, Judaism, or anyother religion.
The differences in Islam and the paganistic views before it far out way the few similarities you mentioned, some of which can be easily argued.

Based on that, I think it is unjust to call Islam a "Paganistic religion in Monotheistic Wrapping Paper"

I'm not saying you said that either, obviously you took that article from online.

But I thought the discussion began with Islam worshiping the moon..? Because you haven't addressed the point I have made concerning that topic yet.

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

hangtight and I R Andre are officially in a Holy war

I think they call that Jihad.
You thought wrong.

Jihad is an internal struggle within oneself.
Originally Posted by HangTight

Originally Posted by I R Andre

DunkNForce wrote:
hangtight and I R Andre are officially in a Holy war

I think they call that Jihad.

WOW, you are trying so HARD!!!! You keep bringing up FALSE FACTS and I keep putting them to rest. #1 you are being offensive and you have no education about Islam, or the Arabic Language. JIHAD Does not mean HOLY WAR, Literally, jihad means doing one's utmost to realize a goal (struggle within). It is not the equivalent of war, for which Arabic and the Qur'an use qital. Jihad has a wider connotation and embraces every kind of striving in God's cause.

This guy is trying everything to do to put Islam down and to shame. YOU MAD???

Mad? No. Bored Yes. I didn't even read anything you or the other guy wrote. I have my opinions and you have your moon.

Originally Posted by HangTight

Originally Posted by I R Andre

WOW, you must be really ignorant, you have no Education on this subject matter. Go do your research then come back and post when you get an idea.
Until then please FALL BACK!
Prove me wrong.

Islam is a monotheistic religion from the seventh century. Islam itself means "submission", and a follower of Islam is called a Muslim, meaning "one who submits to God" . All Muslims believe in the Holy Qur'an in which it was sent down from God to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the pure and holy word of God. The main belief and concept of Islam is that there is only one God and one God only. Allah (the Arabic translation to the word God) alone is the creator of all the universe. To a Muslim, Allah is almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Allah (Qur'an). Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Allah as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created the human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor through prayer. Muslims also believe Allah has no shape or form, nor is Allah male or female, has no children, parents, or partners, and there are no equal, superior, or lesser Gods. Muslims only worship God, God is the only worthy to worship.

Your whole moon concept was false like I stated before.

well put, and good post btw.
What an ignorant person, I R Andre. How are your going to have a debate and not even hearing out what your opponent has to say.

Your attempt to spread hate and lies about Islam have been exposed. Obviously you have no knowledge of the sort so you typed in 'moon islam worship'into google and out came your response. I dare you to learn about Islam and what it stands for and teaches. Seek truth.

Just to refute all your claims, before Islam, there was a time of ignorance where there was much paganism and idol worshipping. Islam came to correct that. Howyou going to tell a muslim what he prays to. Get a life.
Wow I didn't know similar this was to what I believe.
You'd be even further surprised at how similar Islam is to true Christianity if you looked into Islam further.
Did you now that they do acknowledge Jesus Christ as a spiritual leader, aprophet? They simply don't acknowledge Him to be the Son of God; they don't believe anyone to be the Son of God.
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