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  1. robaf1

    WDYWT September 2009 Back to School...NO PIC QUOTING!!!

    best dressed dude on NT, no +$$#.
  2. robaf1

    Sneakerhead Wedding

    the hundreds of sneaker boxes about the house were probably a clue Congrats man, the best sneaker cake I've seen.
  3. robaf1

    50 Cent and Robert Greene(48 Laws of Power)- 50th Law....Book Drops Today

    Copping now, never had this kind of book, and allways thought 50 is cool.
  4. robaf1

    Nas gets a Tattoo

    Lil Wayne > Nas & Jay I joke.
  5. robaf1

    Name Some Movies U Like That The Majority Didn't

    both copped
  6. robaf1

    Where To Watch Movies Online.??

    reaaad the rules.
  7. robaf1

    Yo Nt... Real talk tho

  8. robaf1

    Serious Topic: For those of you who live in the hood.......

    Preston, England STANNDD UPPPP!
  9. robaf1

    OMFG the biggest zit in the world!!

    EDIT: Girl making fake vomiting noises was annoying as hell..
  10. robaf1

    Post your jumpoff disaster stories.

  11. robaf1

    Guy Caught Cheating by GF then gives her a KO

    "Did you ever plan on facing the situation like a MAN?!" "hmm..." BLAAAOO! She deserved it, pushing him, hes asking them to turn off the cameras. The Chuck Norris kick to the window was amazing.
  12. robaf1

    Pokemon Explained

    Damn, Pokémon was the best part of my childhood Im bout to go watch the first episode.
  13. robaf1

    PYK -Post your kid- Thread. vol. I'm loving fatherhood

    this thread was dead from the start, perhaps starts this thread on a less "ruthless" board
  14. robaf1

    This creature live in your house. Graphic

    I never understand when people post this stuff, if you allready know, you put it to the back of your mind, because you can't stop it. If you don'tknow, you dont want to know. I now feel all itchy.
  15. robaf1

    You Got Stacks

    Can anyone beat that?
  16. robaf1

    Exam results VOL. Nerves..

    So I get my GCSE results in 8 hours, how did your highschool exams go?
  17. robaf1

    Car crashes into a horse!

    thats exactly what I thought. I kinda lol'd, I didn't actually expect to come in here and see a car crashing ito a horse .
  18. robaf1


    Dave Chappelle allready said this, cant remember which show though. "If men could have sex in a cardboard box, we wouldnt buy cars, houses or %$%*!"
  19. robaf1

    "you keep the CHANGE"....This moron lives near me.

    Im with this guy, And generally im left wing, but you sound exacrtly like his^ quote.
  20. robaf1

    Y do chicks always ask how big it is... VOL. Do I measure in inches OR CM..

    at this dude and all those that laughed.. that was a childs joke..
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