Car crashes into a horse!

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Ortega03

I came in expecting to see this vid.

Stupid yuku won't let me embed..but this vid is


damn, that horse did a tre flip
Originally Posted by kdawg

Those cops/firefighters/whatever they were didn't look like they knew what they were doing - they just hauled the guy out. Not very smart if he has neck damage.

I can't believe the car went so far across the road though - I guess horses are really heavy but it really did some damage.

thats exactly what I thought.

I kinda lol'd, I didn't actually expect to come in here and see a car crashing ito a horse
LOL omfg I cannot stop laughing this is just so funny to me!!!!! Hahaha seriously lol @ the idiot for hitting him... lol @ horses being on the highway... lol @how after the horse gets hit how it just lays there lmao!!!! Imagine what that guy was thinking he was probably like "WTFF was a horse doing on thefreeway???" LMAO ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh got I'm laughing so much it hurts I haven't laughed this hard in years!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by RobAF1

Originally Posted by kdawg

Those cops/firefighters/whatever they were didn't look like they knew what they were doing - they just hauled the guy out. Not very smart if he has neck damage.

I can't believe the car went so far across the road though - I guess horses are really heavy but it really did some damage.

I kinda lol'd, I didn't actually expect to come in here and see a car crashing ito a horse
did u read the title?
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by Stillmatic718

Wow, if you pause it at 12 seconds you can see the person in the car's spirit leave, it's in the smoke.

saw that too

initially I thought you said, you can see the car's spirit leave the car. dumb me.

wow. i do see the person's image at :12. spooky.
like how dont u see that big behind horse there?

at the guy yankin him outta the car like a rag doll but then they decide to put a neckbrace on
Damn. I never really understood how like animals can damage a car that bad. Now I see
Imagine hitting an elk or a moose or something
That poor poor horse...anyone else notice how dude was being yanked out of the car like he may/may not be seriously injured?
Originally Posted by AJMasta

LOL omfg I cannot stop laughing this is just so funny to me!!!!! Hahaha seriously lol @ the idiot for hitting him... lol @ horses being on the highway... lol @ how after the horse gets hit how it just lays there lmao!!!! Imagine what that guy was thinking he was probably like "WTFF was a horse doing on the freeway???" LMAO ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh got I'm laughing so much it hurts I haven't laughed this hard in years!!!!!!!
I am glad I am not the only one who found this funny a hell. I was laughing so hard I was crying this afternoon. I came back to see it again. Thatyoutube one is even better than this... That horses legs had me dying
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