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  1. mrsalvadorean

    Some parent's should be shot for what they name their kids...

    My mans Aunt met someone named La-Ia Pronounced la/dash/ia
  2. mrsalvadorean

    SMH at my friend.

    Smh at him for being so racist .. Dude needs to grow up
  3. mrsalvadorean

    Post The Random Things You Do

    I HAVE to touch things I see in stores and what not Almost breaking / breaking things in stores FTL
  4. mrsalvadorean

    So my dog is getting put to sleep tomorrow...

    I know how you feel man I had my dog for 8 almost 9 years before we put her down. I had her all threw elementary and middle school and when I would come home from from school she'd be there After we put her down I felt so lonely coming home from school R.I.P.
  5. mrsalvadorean


    Anyone mind sharing how to get the iTunes iPod Touch skin?
  6. mrsalvadorean

    They found Jennifer Hudson's nephew.....

    Oh man.. RIP to him and her mom and brother. Its s shame someone would really hurt a 7 year old And she was getting in with the good life too
  7. mrsalvadorean

    When did they bring him back?

    Oh man these videos had me Whooo!
  8. mrsalvadorean

    big girl takes a hard fall

  9. mrsalvadorean

    (pics)How do you take pictures of girls faces from upclose?(pics)

    Son that looks like a computer lab at my school....same comps and even that little pic in the back and theres a dude with the same name as you andeverything if thats the dude im thinkin it is then at you
  10. mrsalvadorean

    So um..theres this girl....

    If you gonna get with it the least you can do is tell your homeboy whats up
  11. mrsalvadorean

    **who remembers this guy and the horror he put in us as a child**

    Oh man I still remember seeing part of a Freddy movie..Couldnt sleep for weeks
  12. mrsalvadorean

    So one of my dudes got put in a coma.

    Dang yo sorry to hear...Hope your mans pulls thru at the people goin to party JUST to start beef
  13. mrsalvadorean

    Don't lie... when you first started peeing in the urinal...

    Anyone seen those little kids that drop their pants all the way down to their ankles when using the urinals
  14. mrsalvadorean

    Yesterday morning my nightmare came true.

    Sorry to hear about your dad Just remember the good times and he'll always be there with you R.I.P.
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