So my dog is getting put to sleep tomorrow...

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

well i wrote this a couple of years ago.. i don't know if it helps you or what not but here i saved it on to my hard drive to read whenever I wanna think of my little homie..

Depending on how I feel after I write I this I'll decide to continue or not.

Today well actually yesterday at about 6 p.m my dog was put to sleep. Most of yall know him as the scary black dog named Rocky. To me he was my brother my best friend my homie my man my everything. This goes to everyone who has a dog, don't ever get caught in the situation where you have to let your dog suffer. Rocky didn't suffer and I'm glad now that he's resting. Cause I do know I'm going to see him again somewhere someday I hope.. I hope that all my prayer my beliefs actually go to something because it would suck if it all went to nothing and that me & rocky could never be again.

It was rough having to hold him and spray anastic in his mouth myself.. It felt like I betrayed him and he didn't even want to go inside the vet because in his heart he knew what was going down.. He looked at me, but it wasn't the same dog I loved and that loved me. It was a dog that was confused.. dazed.. Dizzy and wondering why?? What did I do wrong ??

Then having to hold him while the doctor injected him with another tranquilizer was harder because he's such a big guy and to see him like that made me feel like a +!!++. I never want to go through this pain again then as he was half awake half dazed they carted him to the back and now all I have left is his bowls and his collar and leash. They asked me would I want to be in the room when it was answer was simply a walk out the office and walked home crying on flatbush. Wondering why?? Why is that the ones we love are the ones we take for granted and why is it that the ones we love die so quickly.. I don't have an answer to it but I guess its because we only notice people that we love.

I had Rocky since my father died and I never really took time until today to look at him and tell him I love you and appreciate what he did for me.. Becuase what he did he did for free and without even talking.. He loved me.. And now its the little things ill miss like his smell.. Walking him.. Him annoying me.. =)... him barking... him looking at my food even of he knows he's getting none..

I love you rocky.. You know what I'm going through .. I hope to see you again one day lil buddy.

Btw I wrote this for me.. I don't want nobody sympathy I aint type some $%$@#$$% just for cool points.. I'm still the same me same smile but heavier heart and more mature for all this.

Much appreciated bro. I have my dog now..hes only a year old, like my best friend. Its true, they make the biggest difference in your life, and they dont evenhave to say a word. I think i just gaind mad mature points haha.. RIP to our under-rated friends
my dog gets put to sleep tomorrow too, lost 2 of my dogs last year and this one this year....I got one left. 2 from cancer and 1 from kidney failure. I knowthe feeling man, stay up.
our family dog, a papillion was put to sleep today. she lived a full 17+ yrs. sad...
I know how you feel man
I had my dog for 8 almost 9 years before we put her down.

I had her all threw elementary and middle school and when I would come home from from school she'd be there

After we put her down I felt so lonely coming home from school

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