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  1. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    i feel the pain of those that have gone through what i went through or that your going through it now i tell you this much the first sign i see to bounce imout and i think i will try to insight this bastard cuz if he get out a line i'm a GTS his behind.... lol
  2. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    sorry computer froze.......
  3. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    smh if there was an HR dept. here this is a family owned company. his boss is his dad so daddy aint gonna take my side over the heir to his company its just ano win situation but im trying to keep my composure hopefully by the end of august when kids go back to college there might be a lil more...
  4. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    smh if there was an HR dept. here this is a family owned company. his boss is his dad so daddy aint gonna take my side over the heir to his company its just ano win situation but im trying to keep my composure hopefully by the end of august when kids go back to college there might be a lil more...
  5. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    i work in the office for a coffee company im an accounts manager. i was hired to work soley in the office dealing with customers over the phone but son bemaking drop my work so i can get his lunch and stuff like that. and when i ask him questions about work related issues he be staright giving...
  6. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    this dude be just straight talking reckless to me i mean like on some real cocky arrogant tip... but then my boy went on the road with him on a service issueand he punked out when he almost hit this dude in manhattan and dude was gonna rock him to sleep. it just frustrates me that this dude be...
  7. sneakerfiend157

    Bosses that are younger than you FTL......

    my boss is a complete bastard and what makes it worse is that he is younger than me not by much but since his daddy owns the company he just be straightdolging me. who here can relate to this issue........
  8. sneakerfiend157

    **Mods Please Lock, Thanks**Glenn Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper

    found these look at your boy gripping the mic and how wide he opens hismouth
  9. sneakerfiend157

    **Mods Please Lock, Thanks**Glenn Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper

    i bet KG, PP, & Ray Ray dont let him pat them in the butt
  10. sneakerfiend157


    why because i dont kiss *** like most of the nt'ers on this board. your entitiled to how you feel but just to stay on topic its not my fault theMETS suck and they will never amount to anything not this year or for the next coming years for that matter.....
  11. sneakerfiend157


    nice touch dannylike how you changed the thread name...... this one was still better [[ Official N.Y. METS 2008 Season Thread (34-35): (Vol. FRANCHISE A JOKE) ]]
  12. sneakerfiend157

    Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

    co-sign on mike wilbon and bill plaschke keeping it real. i can honestly say that if the kings got jerked that will be as a big a screwjob since brethart got screwed in montreal..... i can picture it now david stern giving the speech("david stern didnt screw the kings the kings screwed thekings")
  13. sneakerfiend157

    Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

    59 Piffy "one day i can say i was right, $tern will be behind bars, and you all will know that your idol (his initials are M and J) wasnt all he was cracked up tobe" you must be smoking crack to think that the era mj and the rest of the fifty nba greats played was rigged. there was not one...
  14. sneakerfiend157

    Do you think Griffey will be traded? If so, when, and to who?

    i would love him to go the yanks but its true after the way they treated his dad he will rather tear a ligament in both knees before coming to the bronx. hehas a pure hatred for the yankees it sucks because short porch would of been his playground. him batting dh would of been great for us in...
  15. sneakerfiend157

    Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

    dudes here are getting too technical. idk i think ya'll just like gettin everything in correct.. so let me be like these nt'ers, calderon is from spain. so 2 europeans from the list. oh, and sorry for ignoring argentina and south america. lol..obviously i know what's europe and...
  16. sneakerfiend157

    Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

    exactly what i said the lakers are beating themselves and as questionable the refs were in the game you still have to continue to play the game anddont go crying to the bench whenever calls dont go your way. thats it.point blank end of story
  17. sneakerfiend157

    Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

    at this dude. someone didnt get any love last night from kobe and the soft as cotton lakers last night. yup i think mj is the GOAT so what.........
  18. sneakerfiend157

    Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

    Okay those are european, and they're ballers. I was talking about mexican aka the majority hispanic laker fans. i mean i got some mexican friends and we always joke about it but they never tell me why. anyways thanks for sharing though, you seem to know alot. the only one from...
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