I'm not disagreeing with letting him go at this point.

But the way the Mets did it seems pretty classless.

You release a statement at 3:15a stating that Willie has been fired AFTER the team JUST won a game (two straight overall).

And in the middle of a series nontheless.

And at the start of a roadtrip.

Way out on the west coast.

Unless Willie went off on some sort of tirade at Minaya/the owners, then I for the life of me can't see why they would time this so poorly.

Why not fire him BEFORE this series started? While the team was still in NY? And while everyone was actually awake to report on it?

Come on Omar, you have more class than that.

I'm guessing b/c lately there has been overwhelming sympathy for Willie by the fans. I've read in two places in the past week that most fans areblaming Omar more for this poor start than Willie.
Mets have no spine, can't even fire him in person. I'm glad they made a decision so no more distractions, but that was a classless move for a classyguy. Quoting myself from the other post:

First of all, the Mets had their chance to fire him weeks ago. Now, the man is a horrible....HORRIBLE manager, but he is an extremely nice guy and never threw any of his players or the team under the bus,m he deserves better than that, and this was absolutely classless by the Mets organization to do something like that. But Willie knows more than anybody that this is business and he can''t take this personally.

But....with the damn distractions every SINGLE NIGHT of Willie being fired, will he or won't he, I'm glad Omar finally made a damn decision.

This was very classless though, I am extremely disappointed how this was handled.
what makes this so bad is that EVERYONE knew Willie was gonna be fired, the question was when. After so many perfect opportunities to fire him, they picked theabsolute worst time possible.

And having this black cloud hanging over them for most of the season, probably affected their play. Even the players were just waiting for it to happen.Beltran said, "If you're gonna do it, than do it already. Stop causing distractions."

smh, this should have been done a month ago.
smh, this should have been done a month ago last year.

Mets management somehow turned Willy from scapegoat to sympathetic victim, that's how bad they handled their situation.

Now they can just focus playing baseball, I want the distractions to finally go away (it was something new everyday).
Damn they fired Willie at 3 am in the morning and after sending Willie Randolph on a long flight from New York to California that is bad job by the Metsorganization.

They should've fired Willie when he lost 3 out of 4 to the Nats
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

smh, this should have been done a month ago last year.

Mets management somehow turned Willy from scapegoat to sympathetic victim, that's how bad they handled their situation.

Now they can just focus playing baseball, I want the distractions to finally go away (it was something new everyday).

what sucks is that, this probably made the team even worse. They finally had a reason to play hard, they had some sympathy for Willie because this turnedinto a circus. Now what do they have to play for? This whole thing is a giant clusterfruck.
Anyone want to predict Willie's press conference at 12?

"We just gotta get in a little groove, just gotta tip our cap and turn the page........oh wait"

More like...."I'm gonna sip some of that sweet champagne during my 1st class flight back home".
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

You're just as annoying on the internet Eric.
why because i dont kiss *** like most of the nt'ers on this board. your entitiled to how you feel but just to stay on topic its not my fault theMETS suck and they will never amount to anything not this year or for the next coming years for that matter.....
Here's my psot from the other thread. I have no respect for Minaya and I cannot wait for him to be replaced.

I just got back from work and when my dad told me this at 6:00 am the first thing I said was, "Why make the guy fly out to California?" Then Ichecked last nights score because I didn't watch the game and saw the won 9-6,. I then said "Why the hell would you fire a guy who's just won 3out of 4 and would have at least 3 more games if his closer didn't hit a slump?"

This is an absolute disgrace, I honestly hope Minaya gets fired this off season and gets these Latin players out of here. Give me some guys with gritt andheart, not old, overpaid heartless fools.

And to fire Peterson. Is it his fault Heilman sucks, PEdro is old and El Duque is on social security? Just when Pelf starts to put things together and Perezcomes off a career year( I know he's been bad lately but still). This organization is a joke and I truly am pissed off.

Just to clarify, I'm not a Willie homer and I knew he would be fired, but firing him after he won and made a disgusting trip to California and then bringin Jerry Manuel who is just as much of a joke.

If they wanted to clean house they should have done it the right way, fire everybody on the coaching staff and bring in all new guys. Not promote your benchcoach.

I don't like Manuel as the manager and he better not be here next year. I much rathger have Bobby Valentine managing this team.
Mets fans wanted him gone but the timing was awkward.

Just came home, but after watching that Minaya press conference, its apparent that dude just prolonged this because he really had confidence in Willie. I mean,he did bring him here, and I just get the feeling that he really did not want to fire him (dude looked like he was about to cry)....but finally had to make adecision because of this whole media cloud over this team, and the distractions it was causing.

You come to realize how viscous NY fans can be when it comes to coaches/managers......like they said on SNY just now, Eric Mangini is next.

Like Keith Hernandez said on SNY a few minutes ago.....players like D. Wright can't be leaders on this team yet because there are simply too many veteranson this team, but if they keep playing inconsistently there will be a lot of wholesale changes, and I think thats when someone like Wright can be a true leaderon this team (which is something this team needs).

We shall see how the Mets respond now that this cloud will be gone within the next few days.....Santana on the mound tonight, time to get back to .500.

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... letssee how that plays out
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... lets see how that plays out

What about any of that is different from what Willie wanted?

I mean, every manager wants his starter to go 7-8 no? And Willie loved to run. To HIT and run though, you need guys who are actually able to put the bat on theball. Name a regular who has a batting average over .290. Oh that's right.

And what does Manuel mean by "locking bullpen guys into roles"? I've always thought that was dumb. You go by your gut or who's hot(Willie's style which you all forgot worked in 06). When you start locking guys into a role, you are forced to always go to that guy in a particularsituation thereby making you a predictable manager.

Anyway, for the record, Manuel seems like a likeable guy. And I think he'll do fine here. So we'll see. I just find it funny that everyone is alreadypraising Manuel.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... lets see how that plays out
What about any of that is different from what Willie wanted?

I mean, every manager wants his starter to go 7-8 no? And Willie loved to run. To HIT and run though, you need guys who are actually able to put the bat on the ball. Name a regular who has a batting average over .290. Oh that's right.

And what does Manuel mean by "locking bullpen guys into roles"? I've always thought that was dumb. You go by your gut or who's hot (Willie's style which you all forgot worked in 06). When you start locking guys into a role, you are forced to always go to that guy in a particular situation thereby making you a predictable manager.

Anyway, for the record, Manuel seems like a likeable guy. And I think he'll do fine here. So we'll see. I just find it funny that everyone is already praising Manuel.

Who's praising Manuel? all i said was i like what i hear so far. You need to learn to read bro. and u say ur a Mets fan, but any chance u get, u dogthem. To me, that's not a TRUE fan. that's a bandwagoner.
Goroot for the Yankees , since they are doing better RIGHT NOW
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... lets see how that plays out
What about any of that is different from what Willie wanted?

I mean, every manager wants his starter to go 7-8 no? And Willie loved to run. To HIT and run though, you need guys who are actually able to put the bat on the ball. Name a regular who has a batting average over .290. Oh that's right.

And what does Manuel mean by "locking bullpen guys into roles"? I've always thought that was dumb. You go by your gut or who's hot (Willie's style which you all forgot worked in 06). When you start locking guys into a role, you are forced to always go to that guy in a particular situation thereby making you a predictable manager.

Anyway, for the record, Manuel seems like a likeable guy. And I think he'll do fine here. So we'll see. I just find it funny that everyone is already praising Manuel.

Who's praising Manuel? all i said was i like what i hear so far. You need to learn to read bro. and u say ur a Mets fan, but any chance u get, u dog them. To me, that's not a TRUE fan. that's a bandwagoner.
Go root for the Yankees , since they are doing better RIGHT NOW

Maybe you should reread his post because there is no dogging or bandwagoning at all in his post. The points brought up by Manuel are similar to Willie,except for defined bullpen roles and more hit and runs. And you could chalk the hit and runs up to the low batting averages.

I don't like Manuel as the new manager but I hope he mixes the batting order up a bit and slides Beltran to the 2 hole and keep Wright in the 3 hole.This way you give both Reyes and Beltran better pitches to look at and a better chance for them to get hot. Albeit you sacrifice Wright's numbers buthe's a good enough hitter to deal with it.Get Beltran hot and the Mets will be fine.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... lets see how that plays out
What about any of that is different from what Willie wanted?

I mean, every manager wants his starter to go 7-8 no? And Willie loved to run. To HIT and run though, you need guys who are actually able to put the bat on the ball. Name a regular who has a batting average over .290. Oh that's right.

And what does Manuel mean by "locking bullpen guys into roles"? I've always thought that was dumb. You go by your gut or who's hot (Willie's style which you all forgot worked in 06). When you start locking guys into a role, you are forced to always go to that guy in a particular situation thereby making you a predictable manager.

Anyway, for the record, Manuel seems like a likeable guy. And I think he'll do fine here. So we'll see. I just find it funny that everyone is already praising Manuel.

Who's praising Manuel? all i said was i like what i hear so far. You need to learn to read bro. and u say ur a Mets fan, but any chance u get, u dog them. To me, that's not a TRUE fan. that's a bandwagoner.
Go root for the Yankees , since they are doing better RIGHT NOW

Maybe you should reread his post because there is no dogging or bandwagoning at all in his post. The points brought up by Manuel are similar to Willie, except for defined bullpen roles and more hit and runs. And you could chalk the hit and runs up to the low batting averages.

I don't like Manuel as the new manager but I hope he mixes the batting order up a bit and slides Beltran to the 2 hole and keep Wright in the 3 hole. This way you give both Reyes and Beltran better pitches to look at and a better chance for them to get hot. Albeit you sacrifice Wright's numbers but he's a good enough hitter to deal with it.Get Beltran hot and the Mets will be fine.

Reyes,Beltran, Wright, Church,Delgado,Nixon, Schenider,Castillo..
I don't like Manuel as the new manager but I hope he mixes the batting order up a bit and slides Beltran to the 2 hole and keep Wright in the 3 hole.
You can't do that with all these injuries right now. Plus, he stated he wants to emphasize WHEN to steal and improve the situational hit andrun (obviously he feels the team lacks in that dept). I'm also glad to hear he wants to see 120 pitches throw, the 100 pitch count is a joke in today'sgame.

As for today, it was a long and awkward day, but its time to move on (no point in discussing it even more, nobody will care in 48 hrs anyway).

Santana on the mound tonight at 10pm, lets get this series win and move back to .500.

Its a new era.

Tonights lineup:

1. Reyes - SS
2. Castillo - 2B
3. Wright - DH
4. Beltran - CF
5. Delgado - 1B
6. Anderson - LF
7. Tatis - 3B
8. Schneider - C
9. Chavez - RF

Wonder why Nixon is out....good to give Wright an off-day at 3rd base.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

1 through 4 that's as good as anybody. 5-8 yea, automatic outs.

i wouldn't say that.... Nixon is still scrappy n puts the bat on the ball... Gado is warming up....Schneider maybe a auto out.... Castillo always putsthe bat on the ball too
Well, We knew Willie would be gone. I feel sympathetic that he didn't get a chance to really put it back together since there are still almost 100 gamesleft or so.

This season has been 90 percent disappointment so I was willing to go down with Willie and the rest of them. This is Omar tryna save his job because Willie washis guy and the change needed to be made because if they miss the playoffs, Omar will be out as well.

The timing was terrible, we know this. This is just another reminder that this is all a business in the end. And I believe Omar was there in person to fireWillie. It's not like the Wilpons waited for Willie to get to the West Coast and then canned him. It was Omar's decision whole heartedly.

Onto new life with Jerry Manuel? Time will tell....
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry Manuel stated a lot of different things than Willie:
he's going to hit and run

Alomar won't be 3rd base coach anymore...Luis Aguyo will be

he wants pitchers to go 7-8 innings and throw 120 pitches

he wants to identify roles for bullpen pitchers and lock them in

im glad to hear all of those ideas by Manuel. so far so good... lets see how that plays out
What about any of that is different from what Willie wanted?

I mean, every manager wants his starter to go 7-8 no? And Willie loved to run. To HIT and run though, you need guys who are actually able to put the bat on the ball. Name a regular who has a batting average over .290. Oh that's right.

And what does Manuel mean by "locking bullpen guys into roles"? I've always thought that was dumb. You go by your gut or who's hot (Willie's style which you all forgot worked in 06). When you start locking guys into a role, you are forced to always go to that guy in a particular situation thereby making you a predictable manager.

Anyway, for the record, Manuel seems like a likeable guy. And I think he'll do fine here. So we'll see. I just find it funny that everyone is already praising Manuel.

Who's praising Manuel? all i said was i like what i hear so far. You need to learn to read bro. and u say ur a Mets fan, but any chance u get, u dog them. To me, that's not a TRUE fan. that's a bandwagoner.
Go root for the Yankees , since they are doing better RIGHT NOW


Son, have you really been checking this entire thread? I've had nothing but good things to say about the Mets. I'm one of the few who has beenpreaching patience all season long.

Me dog the Mets?
You must be confusing my Knicks posts or something.

Maybe my choice of words could have been better so as not to make you or Mez (the other person who "complimented" Manuel) feel as if I was personallyattacking either of you.

We all have our differences and don't have to agree on anything except that we all want the Mets to do well.

Anyway, as stated... let's move on.
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