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  1. geronim04

    ARod to earn $6.2 Million more than entire Florida Marlins in 2008

    with the amount of money the yankees make, as well as MLB.. a case could be made that a-rod is underpaid, considering the value (money and otherwise) he bringsto the franchise. this is a business at the end of the day.. and if the yanks make enough money to sustain the payroll, then so be it.
  2. geronim04

    Official NHL Thread: Vol. I Know Some NTers Care

    i was contemplating jumping over the boards when backman gave up that stupid pass that ended in a goal. he made up for it later though. he was boo'eda few times after that play.
  3. geronim04

    Official NHL Thread: Vol. I Know Some NTers Care

    i was at the ranger game.. sitting about 5 rows to the left of brodeur. the place was going nuts all night.. when the ref ruled it a goal the place wentberserk.
  4. geronim04


    theyre also wearing an all star patch. ill have to order one and get it sewn on. ill probably go for the road auth. last time i bought a home, it was #41 for randy johnson. then it became miguel cairo. what a mistake..
  5. geronim04

    To all the NT Investors that play the stock market Vol. E*Trade ..

    im not an accounting guy, and you are. but when i see something like 500 million in a package of "synthetic collateralized debt obligations" named"Delta One" and then analyzing the third tranch of a floater pair bond, i dont know what in the world im actually looking at. check this out...
  6. geronim04

    To all the NT Investors that play the stock market Vol. E*Trade ..

    why are people still buying financials? it is almost impossible to pick bottoms. NOBODY knows the book value of these firms. "ill think it will bottom at12, 15" where does that come from? many analysts are calling for a $5 for C. the same people buying financials now are the same ones who said...
  7. geronim04

    Suicide watch update..BSC/ Bear Sterns, The truth comes out after hearing a bunch of lies

    again.. there is no transparency into these banks. nobody actually knows how "well-hedged" they are, because they are not forced to disclose it. andeven if they did, almost nobody would understand it. and lazyj, i would say the buying at 10-1015 was a reaction to the shorting.. most guys...
  8. geronim04

    Suicide watch update..BSC/ Bear Sterns, The truth comes out after hearing a bunch of lies

    perfect example of what myself and a few others have been saying. dont even go near these bank stocks. right now, nobody knows the book value of these stocks.those who bought yesterday in the 50's wake up to find 40% of their value gone.. thinking it was "cheap" in the 50's, just because it was...
  9. geronim04

    Official NHL Thread: Vol. I Know Some NTers Care

    i like iginla but.. my fav. flame and one of my fav players will always be..
  10. geronim04

    NEW YORK YANKEES SEASON THREAD VOL. ROAD TO 27 the only site you need for yanks info. this blog is great.
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