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  1. brainwashed21

    "America R U Donald Sterling?"

    America R U Donald Sterling? dont know if they did that on purpose, but pretty cool pic I saw..  Are people mad at him because he said what we all think is happening? or are they mad because he's a rich person who said it? does it matter if it was a black guy, who doesn't make as much money...
  2. brainwashed21

    Clippers Protest

    Was there some a.i behind this protest?? If they would've turned their game jerseys inside out during the game, It might have had a deeper impact.. but practice suits? i think they saying they handling things different
  3. brainwashed21

    Read this.. It should help

    So, I came up on this article nd was enlightened.. I always thought porn was the problem.. But it's not. I'm the problem.. Porn is junk food I shouldn't eat, nd if I want my Ed nd pe cured, I should stop eating it.. There's still hope...
  4. brainwashed21

    James Franco article.. What is a nerd? What is a nerd? Are nerds the new cool? That’s what people have been asking ever since video games started making more money than movies. But the reality of nerds is much different than how the media portrays it, as evidenced by...
  5. brainwashed21

    yoo nt.. need some feedback..

  6. brainwashed21

    dirty jesus read it.. makes it seem more real, without all the miracles and supernatural *&^%..
  7. brainwashed21

    ai takeover

    check out the girl dancing towards the end lol
  8. brainwashed21

    incarceration and social inequality

    i guess this is taking a little bit from that hood mentality thread..... over the years prisons and jails have produced a group of social outcasts who are joined by the shared experience of incarceration, crime, poverty, racial minority and low education. since the 70s young men have been faced...
  9. brainwashed21

    21 year old saw attacks coming.. I was reading this article and something about the way its written makes me uncomfortable.. this happened over a month ago but I havent heard much about it.. Kinda weird how this doesnt seem like a...
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