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  1. tragiccracker

    "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" appreciation post

    Thoughts?  As a MAJOR Bat fan, I want to hear everyone's opinions
  2. tragiccracker

    anyone just get bored wit life

    We're not married, and I'm not putting a ring on ANY fingers anytime soon.  I doubt I will be asking her to move down there with me.  haha ... what's the problem?  Ladies in Dallas area are nice.
  3. tragiccracker

    "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" appreciation post

    Exactly.  Superman always shows restraint.  Bats doesn't, thus the anti-hero nature of the character.
  4. tragiccracker

    meme's helping people get away with crimes now

    All kinds of win right here !!!
  5. tragiccracker

    anyone just get bored wit life

    I'm bored, period.  27, no current job or career.  I'm going through like a quarter life crisis, if that's even possible.  Rapidly approaching 10 years since HS graduation and feeling like an utter disappointment to anyone who ever thought I'd be something special or make something out of my...
  6. tragiccracker

    "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" appreciation post

    Well done, both parts 1 and 2.  Probably the best animation movie I've seen.  Year One was a shocking disappointment, it just didn't have great flow to it.  But this one was flat out awesome.
  7. tragiccracker

    Chappelle's Show is 10 years old...

    This revelation just made me feel EXTREMELY old.  I was 17 on the boarder of 18 in freshman year of college when this show really started to heat up.  Hell, I remember the t.v. commercial hyping it up in late 2002, with Chappelle making fun of the girl break dancing in the Volkswagnn commercial...
  8. tragiccracker

    Official "What's your FAVORITE Jordan of all time?"

    3 way tie AJ VI - Carmines AJ XI - Concord AJ XIII - He Got Game
  9. tragiccracker

    Jumpman Pro Quick Retro?

    Anyone know if they have any plans of making this happen? Specifically the white/black/blue versions.
  10. tragiccracker

    Official Air Jordan 13 Black/White/True Red Retro Thread. No Buying/Selling/Trading (3/16/13)

    My body is ready. Now all I need is the white / black / true red 14s
  11. tragiccracker

    Official "When did MJ wear those??" post and FAQs!!

    When NBA kicks were classy, black / white based models.  Without being over designed, busy, and in "look at me" juvenile, bright, ghetto colorways. Simple, yet refined.  Sexy aesthetic, yet functional. This is how basketball shoes should be.  A clean pair of shoes you can wear to ball, or wear...
  12. tragiccracker

    Adidas Gil Zero Low Reviews?

    I just copped an original pair from 2007.  I prefer lows, so I figured I'd give these a shot.  Anyone have good experiences hoopin in these?  Comfort?  Traction?
  13. tragiccracker

    How can you tell when a girl is checking you out?

    Girls don't EVER flat out stare like dudes.  And if they do, it is quite rare.  That is a very forward woman if she does.  Girls will check you out when you're not looking.  You will catch them in fleeting glances every once in awhile.  You can tell she is checking you if you in kind return the...
  14. tragiccracker

    How do you guys manage to play on dusty indoor courts?

    I play at Lifetime fitness or X-Sport.  I usually just a) ask an employee to sweep the floor (which they generally do anyway, especially before runs start) and then b) dampen a towel.  Easy as that.  No need to waist money on the court grip stuff.  I heard it ruins the soles of your shoes anyhow.
  15. tragiccracker

    Shooting Sleeve - Which arm?

    They dudes who come into the gym head to toe in brand new matching Jordan / Nike gear, or in this case come in looking like an NBA 2k create a player with sleeves or multiple sleeves and in some cases the 2006 esque "leggings" ... usually can't play a lick, so they overcompensate with all the...
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