☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

I can't wait to see what I wake up too
Here is where is gets tricky with Stern being in charge of the Hornets. If this goes to court how would they explain this:

The league owns the Hornets
The Comish runs the League
But the comish is the employee of owners who are the league

So how does that work.
Wow, didn't expect for anyone to mention that there was an "exception made for Lebron" last year.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I would just like a real explanation cause every thing their spewing out makes no sense, if it was to the Bobcats they wouldn't have done it *+++$. "Basketball reasons" what the hell does that mean.

NBA wants to sucker some rich people into buying that franchise and they're content to use CP3 as bait.  IMO if CP3 played for a team that wasn't owned by the NBA (NBA trying to sell team too) this wouldn't be an issue.

Stern already turned down Ellison's 450 million bid because he wanted to move the team to San Jose.  I don't see anyone buying the team and not relocating it so the League is gonna own it for a while.
so Eillison cant buy Hornets so he can move them to San Jose when Stern let Clay Bennett buy the Sonics and move them out of Seattle
As a fan of the NBA and fairness this mess is wrong on so many levels. My issue with this is why would the NBA even allow Demps to orchestrate a trade only to deny permission at the last minute? You would have to think Stern knew about the offers beforehand.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

"Who's going to pull the button on it?" Jackson said. "http://www.bing.com/search?form=CXTSPR&q=When Chris&mkt=en-CA&adlt=strictWhen Chris says he has to be traded, how's that going to go? ... Someone's going to have to make a very non-judgmental decision on that part that's not going to irritate anyone else in the league."

--Phil Jackson on the New Orleans Hornets being owned by the NBA, December 29, 2010.

That's why Phil is the Zen Master. He saw this coming from miles away. I miss that guy. 
Originally Posted by aepps20

This smells like collusion to me.
This. The league may technically own the Hornets but other teams/owners are not within their rights to block a trade that the three teams and their management agreed to with no grounds to do so. They may not like CP3 demanding a trade, but it's the Hornets' decision whether they want to accommodate that or not, and they chose to and got what looked like a pretty good deal. You can't just block a trade because other teams don't want it to happen; it's not like he got traded for a stick of gum. Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm absolutely incredulous that Stern did this and I think he should be ousted immediately. [Kanye]No one man should have all that power.[/Kanye]

Also, when whoever it was made that comment about owners being plantation owners and players being slaves, I TOTALLY disagreed and thought he was being ridiculous. After this, I think I might agree with him.
[h1]Lamar Odom in 'disbelief' after nearly being traded to Hornets[/h1]
Lamar Odom is still a Laker, but he doesn't sound completely thrilled about it.

Odom admitted that he was “shockedâ€
everyone knows stern is a knick fan....he wants paul here in NY

he gave y'all ewing....time for a new gift.

btw, dont know if posted but i heard on the radio that phil jackson will coach again in 2012.
Originally Posted by dakid23

 at the NBA.

The lockout didn't solve crap. Small market teams are still gonna be held hostage by their superstar players when they demand a trade to a large market team. Thanks Lebron, Bosh and Melo for ruining the NBA. The owners should have negotiated a player "Franchise Tag" into the CBA like the NFL has to protect their star players. Unless you're a fan of a big market team then what's the point? Why waste your money supporting teams that will never be able to win against these super teams.  You think a bunch of teams lost money the last couple of seasons?...let this crap continue for a couple more years and see how healthy the league is.  I think right now the deck is stacked against the small markets in the NBA even more so than in baseball which I would have never thought possible.
this whole thing is a mess

should have outright told EVERYONE that NO ONE on the hornets will be traded if they wanna play that "basketball reasons" !+@!+#%+
sheridanhoops Chris Sheridan
I'm told there is a school of thought in informed circles that Stern vetoed C.Paul trade because a D.Howard-to-LA trade was coming up next.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

sheridanhoops Chris Sheridan
I'm told there is a school of thought in informed circles that Stern vetoed C.Paul trade because a D.Howard-to-LA trade was coming up next.


Seriously whether you're a Laker fan or not, Stern is killing the league he helped made popular. 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

everyone knows stern is a knick fan....he wants paul here in NY

he gave y'all ewing....time for a new gift.

btw, dont know if posted but i heard on the radio that phil jackson will coach again in 2012.

He's kryptonite to me. It's like we're Odom in this too. We sold the farm for Melo in part, because we thought CP3 was committed to coming here like he said at Melo's wedding toast, but just like that he's down for the Lakers. Now, surprise, we can get him again. But that's a stain that stays with you. Melo had the exact same offer to go play for the Lakers, but he turned it down to play with Amar'e and (he thought) Chris Paul.

I'd rather move along with Tyson Chandler and if that doesn't work, take a shot at D-Will or just fill out a real roster.

What team can Chris Paul play for now? He was ready for the next decade (or until injuries caught up) in Los Angeles.

[It's complicated.]
This whole thing is a complete mess.

Sidenotel Kudos on that Fisher Birdman gif Pablo.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

sheridanhoops Chris Sheridan
I'm told there is a school of thought in informed circles that Stern vetoed C.Paul trade because a D.Howard-to-LA trade was coming up next.


Seriously whether you're a Laker fan or not, Stern is killing the league he helped made popular. 

  U Stern...
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