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Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by you go boy

i dont even know why the lakers are trading for cp3... i honestly think they are giving up too much... they are giving up their height and depth for 1 player and that was their advantage on the whole league... you can say the knicks gave up a lot for melo but if you compare those traded knicks players to odom and gasol and its almost laughable.... besides being an all star and having a younger player i dont see how this makes sense for the lakers...
Because they were going to form the super teams of super teams by trading Bynum and getting the # 1 Center and # 1 PG in the league.  I honestly think that's what it's REALLY about. 
still they are giving up their depth and front line... i see your point in the super team which would be sick on paper but once howard goes down its a rap... but still that team would be better than miami come to think about it 
... but lets be honest bynum for howard straight up 
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by you go boy

i dont even know why the lakers are trading for cp3... i honestly think they are giving up too much... they are giving up their height and depth for 1 player and that was their advantage on the whole league... you can say the knicks gave up a lot for melo but if you compare those traded knicks players to odom and gasol and its almost laughable.... besides being an all star and having a younger player i dont see how this makes sense for the lakers...
Because they were going to form the super teams of super teams by trading Bynum and getting the # 1 Center and # 1 PG in the league.  I honestly think that's what it's REALLY about. 
How in the world could LA get Dwight simply by giving up Bynum? After this CP3 trade, they would have no pieces to get Dwight. 

It wasn't simply Bynum. They had about 11 mil in trade exceptions. They would have absorbed Turkoglu's contract in the trade. That was the rumor and it was said to be just about done...

So how some way this deal is going through. If the NBA from the start said CP3 couldn't be traded I would have no issue but since talks about a deal had been going for at least a week now and to step in nwo doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by you go boy

i dont even know why the lakers are trading for cp3... i honestly think they are giving up too much... they are giving up their height and depth for 1 player and that was their advantage on the whole league... you can say the knicks gave up a lot for melo but if you compare those traded knicks players to odom and gasol and its almost laughable.... besides being an all star and having a younger player i dont see how this makes sense for the lakers...
Because they were going to form the super teams of super teams by trading Bynum and getting the # 1 Center and # 1 PG in the league.  I honestly think that's what it's REALLY about. 
How in the world could LA get Dwight simply by giving up Bynum? After this CP3 trade, they would have no pieces to get Dwight. 
Many ways...I'm thinking a 3 Team trade. 

EDIT: NVM, tupac just answered your question but yeah, it was going down and Stern seen the writings on the wall.  This is going to be a PR nightmare for the league for sure.
sheridanhoops Chris Sheridan
I'm told there is a school of thought in informed circles that Stern vetoed C.Paul trade because a D.Howard-to-LA trade was coming up next.

BINGO!...This IS the reason I honestly feel it got vetoed.  Has nothing to do with CP3 going to a "big market."  It got vetoed because if this happened, the whole talk of the lockout and having more competition in the L would be laughable.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I'm trying to figure out why the league even let it get this far (tentative agreement) in the first place. PR nightmare to the nth degree.

That's what it all comes down to, to me.

New Orleans got a nice haul if they wanna be a fringe playoff team from here on out, but they're in a special position where that has to be good enough so they can sell the team. But the owners (who altogether) own the Hornets can't help create the Heat of the West minutes after they officially end the lockout.

And personally, that leverage is why this deal even happened. The Hornets aren't in a position to tank for talent like Cleveland. They need someone to buy them who won't move them. But if that wasn't the case, hell no would they keep CP3 in their conference and put him in a position to maybe win the next few titles while they barely hang on with the Laker leftovers.

I think if the Hornets had an owner, CP3 would be in Boston by now through some kinda 3-team trade.

Stern is an idiot.
Lakers were not even told by NBA how they could change the trade to make it palatable for the league office
Chris Paul is a Laker by Sunday....

I would think that trades need to be approved by the teams in this instance.
Its one thing if the owners had issues with taking on money, but the people you put in a position to make basketball decisions should be the ones telling you if this is a competitive market value trade in this instance where the league owns a team making a deal. And even then it isnt unbiased but at least its more fair than David Stern saying it. In would have to think that the Golden State GM, the Clippers Gm would acknowledge that this trade keeps them in a similar position while avoiding the issues that declining the trade has brought.

I have to think that this is something that should be thought about because, the Hawks could be in a similar position ( without a superstar per say) next year.

For the record. The owners have an issue with this trade because they fully intentioned keeping the Hornets at the minimum salary or at the very least below the cap for this season. David Stern is empowered by this to decline the trade because he wants to control where players go, and how much money they make for disrupting competitve balance. Something that Stern never had an issue with disrupting until he had to hear about it from guys like Robert Sarver, Dan Gilbert and Michael Jordan.
So you got a guy making a decision because some of his bosses dont want to put out the money like Mark Cuban. Some of his bosses dont like that they cannot get Paul like Michael Jordan ( who already makes decent amount of money off Paul's shoes), Dan Gilbert who is still pissed that private jets, and coddling Lebron didnt work, and Robert Sarver who for a stretch traded traded Luol Deng, Rondo, Nate Robinson for cash. And didnt let Steve Kerr make a deal for Amar'e, knowing that they would push for an amnesty on contracts.
I kinda feel for the Lakers (naaah not really) cause it's a bs situation but you gotta look at it objectively. The problem is not that Stern blocked the trade, b/c in that, he's well within his rights. The problem is that the league owns the Hornets. Someone in power should've foreseen how problematic and messy this could get.
What an embarrassing moment for the league, considering the season is getting underway this should be a time of anticipation and excitement.. instead we see another selfish action by a petty man who has been drunk with power for too long. This lockout was bad enough, but Stern needs to retire immediately. I don't want him around even for one more season.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I kinda feel for the Lakers (naaah not really) cause it's a bs situation but you gotta look at it objectively. The problem is not that Stern blocked the trade, b/c in that, he's well within his rights. The problem is that the league owns the Hornets. Someone in power should've foreseen how problematic and messy this could get.

All of this.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I kinda feel for the Lakers (naaah not really) cause it's a bs situation but you gotta look at it objectively. The problem is not that Stern blocked the trade, b/c in that, he's well within his rights. The problem is that the league owns the Hornets. Someone in power should've foreseen how problematic and messy this could get.
Phil did!
[h3]Jackson Questions Where 'Final Say' On A Chris Paul Trade Would Come[/h3]
Dec 30, 2010 7:30 PM EST


Phil Jackson says he's "not happy" about the NBA's ownership of the Hornets and is not optimistic about the possibility of the team remaining in New Orleans.

Jackson also commented on how the NBA's takeover raises questions about where the final say on a Chris Paul trade, should it happen, comes from.

Via Orange County Register

Chris Paul, Los Angeles Lakers, New Orleans Hornets, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Honestly, I don't even believe it has to really do with CP3 going to a "big" market.  I think if there was no possiblity of Dwight being able to go to the Lakers, CP3 would be a Laker right now.  I believe the league, owners, etc. see the writings on the wall.  The Lakers didn't have to give up their ONLY trade bait that Orlando wanted, in Dwight, and acquired CP3.  I'm pretty sure they could've worked out another "3 team trade" in where they trade Bynum and get Dwight.
Ding Ding Ding!!

Obviously this was the reason the trade was shut down by Stern.  As much as I would have hated to see D12 and CP3 at the Lakers together I really can't stand Stern.  That trade is leaps and bounds better than anything else they are going to get for Chris Paul.  Wish Stern would just drop dead seriously, dude is ruining the NBA.  He made the argument about making it an equal playing field and all that crap but when the playoffs come around you will start seeing the usual bull shark officiating facilitating the win of the teams in the big markets, since that is where they make their money
Rockets were giving up a lot no doubt, but with the trade they felt they had a great shot at getting Nene And retaining Chuck Hayes because of the cap room it would have cleared up (aftet amnestying Thabeet) Now, who knows.
Damn the more I ready this thread the more I realize this trade was really in the best interest of all teams.

I hate the Lakers but damn this is messed up.
I think the owners do not want to see superstars being able to choose their destination and hold a team hostage- same thing with Carmelo, and looks like that happened here with CP3, who wanted to be a Laker. If this trade goes down, like everyone else has already said, Dwight can hold the Magic hostage until he becomes a Laker.
Blame Stern for this, but it's also all the other owners of small/mid market teams, who don't want something like this to happen.
@RealLamarOdom LAMAR ODOM
Gotta change code twitter jacked

Yeah right.

Caron Butler was interviewed on NBATV. He was talking about the deal with the Clippers. He said the Mavs reached out to his agent, but weren't aggressive.
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

I'm a Laker hater but what Stern did was wrong.

Agree 100%, at the end of the day, they are PLAYERS. If they don't want to stick to a team, they don't have to stick with them.

I agree with the decision, not the motives behind Stern's actions. Not letting players "dictate where they want to go"? Are you kidding me? So maybe next we should stop allowing free agencies and leave it at that.

However, the decision is just. That trade was borderline NBA 2K12 association trade override, and the Lakers need to give up more than that for an all star, worldly talent like Paul.

This whole thing is erroneous.

But welcome to the season.
Cavs owner wanted trade blocked

Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert called the New Orleans Hornets’ proposed trade of Chris Paul to the Los Angeles Lakers a “travesty,â€
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