☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Knicks vs Bobcats on NBATV tonight

sort of want. Will be switching between this and the BCS game tonight
Still don't think Tristan Thompson was or will ever be worth a 4th pick in any draft but he's going to be pretty damn good on the defensive end if nothing else.
mark cuban let me down on this one

[h2]Report: Mavs told to remove anti-Kardashian fans[/h2]

10:00 AM ET 01.07 | Good thing Kim Kardashian was provided with a warm welcome at American Airlines Center earlier this week. After all, a negative sign or an anti-Kardashian chant could've led to a forced exit from the building. According to HollywoodLife.com, Mavericks employees were instructed to remove fans that attempted to express negativity toward the reality television star. "The staff were told that if there was any type of anti-Kardashian sign or chant that the fans would be reprimanded, removed and the signs taken away," a source told the celebrity news site. "Luckily the visit went off without a hitch!"

Dallas Morning News

Read more: http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/nba?page=2#ixzz1iySqsia5
my Sixers 
I know even though its been 7 games, but who wouldve thought they would lead the NBA in scoring and defense right now.
How to stop Dwight.

Spoiler [+]
Dwight Howard looked human on Christmas Day, scoring just 11 points in a 97-89 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder. Since then he's certainly been Superman, averaging 20.3 points, 15.9 rebounds and 2.6 blocks a game.

Indeed, Howard seems primed to be a bigger low-post threat than at any other time in his career, but that doesn't mean he's unbeatable. This past weekend's games against the Kings and Chicago Bulls offered potential blueprints on how to stop the Orlando Magic's All-Star center.

Here are five ways teams can limit Howard's impact on games:

1. Prevent Howard from gaining position in the center of the floor
Howard initially camps out in front of the rim, working for position in the center of the floor -- the most valuable place on the court. He runs to that spot and tries to seal his defender behind him while looking for a pass. If his defender is helping away from him, Howard's presence forces that helper coming to him to try to root him out.

Where will Dwight Howard land?
Howard wants to be traded. Will it be to the Nets or Lakers?

Here's additional Insider content about Howard's impact if he is traded.

• Thorpe: Howard's defensive impact on the Nets

• Palmer: Kobe and Dwight vs. Shaq and Dwight

Oddly, Orlando finished a middling 16th in offensive rebound rate in 2010-11, but Howard grabbed more offensive rebounds than any other center in the NBA and was third overall. He's the only Magic player who typically goes to the glass, but he's really all they need. Teams that employ a great position defender like Kendrick Perkins have a chance to move Howard out of the paint and prevent that from happening. Sloppy, undisciplined defense will allow Howard to force opposing big men into foul trouble. By preventing Howard from claiming that piece of real estate, opponents can stop the Magic from immediately gaining the upper hand in most offensive possessions.


2. Keep Howard guessing who's defending him
When Magic coach Stan Van Gundy runs an offensive set featuring Howard as the centerpiece, it's typically from the classic "4-around-1" set, with four players (all capable 3-point shooters) lined up behind the line and Howard sitting in the paint. That's where spacing is so valuable for the Magic; they spread to the corners and wings with one player at dead center of the top of the key. Leaving one of the perimeter shooters to help inside means traveling a good distance to get there, and a perimeter shift toward the nearest shooters requires moving 12-15 feet on every rotation as well.

However, changing up who double-teams Howard, where the doubles comes from and when or even if a double will come can help occupy precious shot clock time, which proves valuable when the Magic are passing around the perimeter. Certainly pushing Howard outside the paint on his catches is the priority, and not letting him act and instead making him react might curb Howard's impact as well.


3. Keep Howard moving and glue a big man to him in transition
One would assume the Magic would like to walk the ball up the floor every possession and grind out the offense to get the ball into Howard's hands or take an open 3. That is not the case. Orlando frequently pushes the ball and even encourages its shooters to fire early 3-pointers in order to stretch opponents vertically or horizontally from corner to corner.

Gary Dineen/NBAE/Getty Images
Tattooing a big man like the Bulls' Joakim Noah on Howard can help teams contain the Magic center.

Amid the chaos, holes are created all over the court, especially for Howard waiting in the paint. Defenders must never miss a block-out opportunity and should always have a big man race the floor with him as he goes from defense to offense. By eliminating second shots and transition buckets and forcing Howard to beat you with his skill game and free throws, his power game is minimized.


4. Go straight at Howard and get him in foul trouble
This might be easier said than done, but less of Howard on the court is better for any opposing team. Orlando's 104-97 win Sunday against the Kings was a perfect example. Howard quickly earned his first two fouls within the first three minutes of the game. He had four after three quarters, so Howard's aggressive play was effectively muted and Sacramento was able to keep it close.

Going right at him all game long and penetrating into the paint from all angles will surely create contact. He might block eight shots, but his chances of catching a foul go up each time. It's a classic strategy against any big man but difficult against one as nimble, athletic and defensively gifted as Howard. However, if a team can tag Howard with early fouls and get him out of the game, or at least make him play less physically (so as not to risk another foul), Howard's impact can be minimized.


5. Don't stop Howard, stop his teammates
Of course, a team could employ the strategy the Bulls used on Howard in their 97-83 win over Orlando on Friday. They allowed Howard to score from mainly low-post positions with just a single defender and routinely double-teamed his teammates. According to ESPN Stats and Information, Howard scored 19 of his 28 points off low-post plays.

Dwight Howard Post-Up Plays
2011-12 First 7 Games Friday
Plays/game 13.2 18.0
FG pct. 50.7 66.7
Pts. per play 0.97 1.3

While Howard was running free early, his teammates were struggling to make contested shots. And they were contested because the Bulls allowed Howard to get good shots but refused to allow anyone else to get going. They avoided fouling Howard as much as they could while making him use hooks rather than better angled layups (which tend to draw more fouls) and stayed home on Orlando's shooters. The rest of the Magic took 57 shots and made just 19, a horrible result by any measurement. That funk stuck with the Magic, even when the Bulls started banging Howard more inside with two or three bodies on him. Magic shooters got more open shots but with similarly poor results.

The Bulls held a top-10 offensive efficiency team to 83 points and drummed them for the last 45 minutes of the game, outscoring Orlando by 22 in those 45 minutes. In contrast, on Sunday the Kings limited Howard's points and minutes and yet still lost as Howard's teammates made their shots, unlike in the game against the Bulls.

Indeed, defending Howard creates almost as many problems as it solves. The aforementioned remedies aren't guaranteed. However, the Bulls' win was a great reminder that when defending Dwight Howard, the ultimate goal is to stop the Magic from scoring efficiently as a group, not just to slow Howard. As the Bulls proved, one can be accomplished, ironically, without the other.
Speights had 17 and 7 
. Dumb $@* Sixers front office, I'm sure that 2nd round pick was worth it. He'll end up being the starter for the Grizzlies at PF til Z-Bo comes back.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Speights had 17 and 7 
. Dumb $@* Sixers front office, I'm sure that 2nd round pick was worth it. He'll end up being the starter for the Grizzlies at PF til Z-Bo comes back.


I just hope Henry doesn't develop into a starter level player with the Hornets. Speights looked good out there tonight. Once he gets the offense down, I expect him to look better. He did look engaged on the defensive end and I hope we do start him soon, especially if we are still running this halfcourt offense.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Delonte West not allowed in the White House
I mean, I know why he's not allowed, but on another note (and politics aside), wouldn't it just be weird if you were being hosted as the "world champion" even though you weren't even on the team? I've never really understood that. I guess they recognize the franchise more than the team, but it still doesn't make sense.
Delonte West had a twitter rant this weekend


Track #13 ..do u know what it would mean to my family to be able to shake hands with the first black president...
January 8, 2012 9:58 am via Mobile WebReplyRetweetFavorite

Delonte West

Being an African American man... I though u were understanding what I was sayin... I'm not mad or arrogant..Im sadden
January 8, 2012 10:00 am via Mobile WebReplyRetweetFavorite

Delonte West
By decisions I've made that have cost me the opportunity to do so....To me and my family ...being residence of DMV...don't do us like that.
January 8, 2012 10:02 am via Mobile WebReplyRetweetFavorite

Delonte West
I take that very seriously .,ur article was uncalled for and u made me look like some type of jerk off.i said that jokingly not arrogant
January 8, 2012 10:05 am via Mobile WebReplyRetweetFavorite

Delonte West
I been to the white house 100 times just like everybody else in dc...just drivin by wondering what it would be like to step inside
January 8, 2012 10:06 am via Mobile WebReplyRetweetFavorite

Delonte West
RobMahoney Rob Mahoney
Fun stat from that Randolph piece: Marreese Speights had 22 touches on offense on Sunday. He passed twice.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

RobMahoney Rob Mahoney
Fun stat from that Randolph piece: Marreese Speights had 22 touches on offense on Sunday. He passed twice.

thats kinda impressive I guess
I was thinking... someone should make an NBA "~10 games in" review and do it for your every ~10 games. Kind of like the NFL week in review threads. I think the thread would be made every 2 weeks. Thoughts? I think itd be interesting to see observations.
[h1]The Secret Service Says Delonte West Was Never Banned From The White House[/h1]
When he wasn't playing basketball games this weekend, Delonte West spent his days engaged in leisurely Twitter meltdowns: Hecomplained about his salary and his team, and related it all to the media's portrayal of him since his arrest in 2009. He also singled out one particular writer who he says needs to "get Bron **** out ur mouth."

In person, he also went off about missing out on the NBA champion Dallas Mavericks' visit to the White House today. He said he was banned because his police record didn't clear the mandatory background check.

"That's what happens when you make bad decisions in your life," West told the Star-Telegramon Saturday. "You can't go to the White House.''

It turns out that West, who suffers from bipolar disorder, was at least misinformed on this count. A Secret Service agent told ABC News that West was never banned from today's ceremony, which makes some sense: Plenty of professional athletes visit the White House each year, and plenty of professional athletes also have felony convictions on their records. Why would West's particular charge be an issue?

"The individual in question was never someone that would not be permitted to attend the event today," Secret Service agent Edwin Donovan said today, in perfect Secret Service speak. "He is on the list for entry today and was never advised otherwise to my knowledge."

West said on Saturday that he'd instead spend Monday at home in D.C., where he grew up—"right around the corner" from the White House—because at least there he is "the president of my house."

No longer, though, of his Twitter account. All of his tweets have been deleted, and the name next to his handle now reads "none."

Was Delonte talking about Brian Windhurst in the last few? The dude who stopped covering the Cavs and went to ESPN when Bron left?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I was thinking... someone should make an NBA "~10 games in" review and do it for your every ~10 games. Kind of like the NFL week in review threads. I think the thread would be made every 2 weeks. Thoughts? I think itd be interesting to see observations.
Good idea.
Hopefully it can be more unbiased than the author of the NFL in review one.
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