☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Shaq is bad. The end.

His pride and agendas are breaking up the show's renowned chemistry.

16 for 39 = above 50%?

Bynum = best big man in the game?

Rubio = Italian?!

I didn't watch tonight but I see people are getting tired of Shaq. Since day 1 I said Shaq is a human troll and he tries too hard to be funny/fit in. He may have his funny moment here and there, but the other 93% of the time he's just trolling. I wonder how long it takes TNT to realize and get rid of his @*#
The triangle was better due to spacing and ball movement. How is that not evident? It gave Pau and Bynum better options. More ball movement. How does that not facilitate their involvement? How does that not force a player's hand? The triangle is designed to mitigate ball-stoppers.

And I bring up those seasons to say this guy can't shoot his way to success. No player in NBA has been able to do that. That's just a particular example. I can't criticize a player for getting 40 points on 30 shots by saying that is not good for long-term success? Sorry for not fawning. I'm not just criticizing the player; I'm criticizing the team. These 40's are not a good sign. It's not ALL on Kobe but he does take a bunch of bad shots every game. This means I don't like Kobe? It's an observation.

Lakers need more games like tonight. Work through the kinks rather than relying on perimeter isolation. They aren't winning squat without figuring out this mess. Bynum received way better touches tonight. And Kobe had 7 assists.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

What's the rumor about d12 wanting to add the clippers to the mix?

He's "intrigued" that they have CP3 & Blake..  Only way for it to happen if it's through a trade is giving up Blake & DeAndre..

Very unlikely through free agency unless Mo is traded and DeAndre or Caron are traded as well

would leave the Clippers with a 6 man roster..    CP3, Eric Bledsoe, Randy Foye, Caron Butler, Blake Griffin, D12

Basically what D12 said was "They have too good players. I'd be intrigued by the Clippers because they have 2 good players" (I typed that in a 6 year old voice)
The Clippers don't have enough to trade for Dwight. It ain't happening. The one team that has assets to trade is Chicago. That's why Chicago makes the most sense. But sense has been thrown out the door in the NBA.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

wow this thread finally got stickied huh?

Oh so this is what happened... I was perplexed getting pised I had to go navigate through my previous post to find it
Originally Posted by HankMoody

The triangle was better due to spacing and ball movement. How is that not evident? It gave Pau and Bynum better options. More ball movement. How does that not facilitate their involvement? How does that not force a player's hand? The triangle is designed to mitigate ball-stoppers.

And I bring up those seasons to say this guy can't shoot his way to success. No player in NBA has been able to do that. That's just a particular example. I can't criticize a player for getting 40 points on 30 shots by saying that is not good for long-term success? Sorry for not fawning. I'm not just criticizing the player; I'm criticizing the team. These 40's are not a good sign. It's not ALL on Kobe but he does take a bunch of bad shots every game. This means I don't like Kobe? It's an observation.

Lakers need more games like tonight. Work through the kinks rather than relying on perimeter isolation. They aren't winning squat without figuring out this mess. Bynum received way better touches tonight. And Kobe had 7 assists.
Do you even watch Lakers basketball?  Cuz you soundin foolish in here two days straight.  First you post a Simmons clone article that says A, I hate the Lakers, and B, Pau sucks/Pau should be getting half the shots on the team.  Which the @#$% is it? 
  Then he talks about how Kobe shoots too much and doesn't pass, ya know, the 2 games he's seen all year, never paying attention to the fact that up to this early point, he's getting 5-6 assists a game, right in line with his career. 

You been talkin about they can't win like this all year.  No, really?  Gee, thank God you are here to tell us this.  What else can you fill me in on?  The Heat can't win with Bron ghosting 4th quarters.  The Bulls can't win with a Boozer on the team.  The Mavs can't win with a Vincgina on their team.  The Celtics can't win......they just can't.  Sweet.  Good tips. 

And I like how you refer to the Triangle as some magic offense, when all these years everybody and their brother STILL said Kobe shot too much.  Now it keeps him clean?  Now it helps the offense flow? 
  How pick and choose of you.  It was the triangle he ran when he was takin 27 shots a game 6 years ago.  Stop with the triangle does this that or the other. 

Now you will certainly speak up at some point about this new offense, that the Lakers do NOT work on in practice, why?  Mike Brown himself says they work 80/20 on defense in practice, he's simply relying on Kobe EARLY in the season to carry that part, they'll learn more offensive sets as the season goes on.  Surely you were getting ready to post this, yes?  Right after Bill Simmons does I imagine. 

How you sit here and talk about team X can't win doing ________  after FOURTEEN games is ridiciulous.  But typical.  Surely Kobe cares more about shooting, than winning #6.  He's merely been counting the seconds for Phil to leave, so he can shoot.  You got him.  Nicely done detective. 

And your pie charts, that tell me Utah and Denver get 4 point leads before the game even starts, because of where they play, I loved that.  That was awesome.  Loved the whole breakdowns about getting and losing points, before the actual tip.  I don't know why the NBA hasn't just adopted that as a rule.  You posted such great articles from writers with clearly no agendas or anything.  You didn't have any Henry Abbot on file?  No Hollinger?  How bout Zo, you got any of his articles to post in here on how the Lakers operate?  I'm sure they'd be just as good. 

And you're right, the Lakers need more games like tonight, where they score 75.  MUUUUUUCHHHHH better that way.  When Kobe takes 22 shots and like 4-5 of them were shot clock heaves that his team throws at him.  If he were a smarter man, he would throw those to Bynum and make him force those up so they'd go on his stat sheets. 

And since you don't watch any games other than a national one here and there, Pau is playing the Big Z role 20 feet from the rim, and Bynum hasn't been getting low enough on the block, plus, he doesn't seal good enough to receive the pass properly, when he gets good space, he gets the ball.  Adding to his problem, he can't pass out of the double to save his life, something he needs to work on, during that 20% of the practice they work on offense. 

But as the expert you are on Laker basketball, you of course knew all this, and how easy it is to learn a new offense and defense, starting on Dec 9th or whatever, and here we are on January 17th, no idea how they haven't learned it all in 5 weeks, especially playing 15 times in 23 days leaving about 4-5 days to practice.........20% on offense. 

Sorry, as you were Xtap, er, I mean Hank.  Keep up the fine work. 

It is possible that Mike Brown still is clueless on the offensive side of the ball. That's a good compromise to this argument, right?
Originally Posted by Al3xis

It is possible that Mike Brown still is clueless on the offensive side of the ball. That's a good compromise to this argument, right?
I'd somewhat agree about Mike Brown's possible offensive ineptitude, but I'd also keep in mind that installing a brand new offensive system in such a short period of time will take some growing pains.  Not to mention they don't seem to have all the correct personnel for this system. 
(1) Simmons didn't write that article.
(2) I'm pointing out the obvious? Damn, like you haven't? Where are your insights? Lebron had problems in the 4th in the finals last year!? What? When?!Damn your eyes are superb!
Oh I know! You are saving all your knowledge for the Dolphins draft! Fine job there btw. Great work. Would read again. Really great insights! Not regurgitating the obvious there, of course. You get the call yet to be a Northwest scout or what?
(3) When did I indict the team as if the season is over? All Im saying is the stuff analysts on TV were saying LAST NIGHT, which was after I first posted about it. Kobe is shooting too much. Some are bad shots, some is the offense in transistion, some is bad play by others but his usage rate is thought the roof at the end of the day. Why cannot I post about this? Is this not a legitimate observation? Kobe is shooting too much. It's not all his fault. But we've seen in the past what happens when a player's usage rate is too high. It doesn't work. Again, I can't comment on this?
(4) Yes, nights like last night are good for the Lakers because they are trying to work this offense out. Obviously they will struggle. But they have to. Like you said, implementing an offense is difficult. That doesn't mean everything that's happened is immune from observation and criticism.
(5) We will see in May if the Lakers are winning when Kobe goes for 40 or 26 and 7. I put my money on the latter.

Are the Lakers immune from criticism? Lebron and co weren't last year. Melo and Amare weren't. Boozer wasn't last year and the Bulls had a great record all year. No team or player is immune from criticism, no matter the situation. Transition? Tell that to everyone else who has been criticized a month in. People post what they see.

Why don't we just lock the thread and come back in a few months? Then we can all rightfully post opinions. Then they will matter. Why don't we let Rubio go around the league a couple times before calling him a phenom? Where are you on this, CP? Rubio can pass? Love can rebound? That's obvious! Why are people posting this!? It's so obvious!
Originally Posted by Al3xis

It is possible that Mike Brown still is clueless on the offensive side of the ball. That's a good compromise to this argument, right?

It sucks that Kobe is the only guy on the perimeter that can consistently make a play for himself and others.
Originally Posted by JPZx

After the Kings/Timberwolves game some friends and I went to the Kings tunnel. When DeMarcus Cousins walked by I yelled, "MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN PAUL WESTPHAL FIRED." (I couldn't think of anything better, it was a spur of the moment type of thing 
). He stopped in his tracks, turned around looked at me and said "What did you say!?" I repeated it and he spun around and stormed off. 

I just tweeted him taunting him, hopefully he responds

I think it would be better if they had Shaq on Fan Night a little bit more now. Plus I hate when they do the postgame outside I can barely hear them.
 First you post a Simmons clone article
No @$%^&* @#$% Einstein.  I didn't know that.  

Good thing we have you,   Kobe shoots too much.  Wow, aren't you brilliant. 
  Hey, while we're here, Wade plays for the Heat, Ray Allen is in Boston, and the Hornets play in New Orleans. 

Sweet, you just came in here and said the same things Steve Kerr and Reggie Miller were saying.  You gonna quote Shaq next? 

You came in with some dumb @#$% article and started poppin off, "this guy reads my posts"  You soundin like a Spur fan right now.  And stating that they can't do this or that in the playoffs is stupid.  Do you think he won't adjust his part of the game once that part of the season gets here?  Think he's goin for 40 every night all year?  So why go on and on about a 4 game stretch?

And to answer your question, I already said I was wrong about Rubio, I have been very impressed by that kid.  Not that you were asking an honest question, I'm just a nice guy and answered it anyways. 

Keep it up though, I'm learnin a ton. 
don't want to get involved, but this is/was a little odd to me:
Originally Posted by CP1708

 First you post a Simmons clone article
No @$%^&* @#$% Einstein.  I didn't know that.  

ummm are you answering yourself?

i swore i saw this in your last post:
Originally Posted by CP1708

First you post a Simmons clone article 
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

don't want to get involved, but this is/was a little odd to me:
Originally Posted by CP1708

 First you post a Simmons clone article
No @$%^&* @#$% Einstein.  I didn't know that.  

ummm are you answering yourself?

i swore i saw this in your last post:
Originally Posted by CP1708

First you post a Simmons clone article 


(1) Simmons didn't write that article.
That's why I quoted what I said.  I was showing him that I did not say Simmons did, I said Simmons Clone. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

 First you post a Simmons clone article
No @$%^&* @#$% Einstein.  I didn't know that.  

Good thing we have you,   Kobe shoots too much.  Wow, aren't you brilliant. 
  Hey, while we're here, Wade plays for the Heat, Ray Allen is in Boston, and the Hornets play in New Orleans. 

Sweet, you just came in here and said the same things Steve Kerr and Reggie Miller were saying.  You gonna quote Shaq next? 

You came in with some dumb @#$% article and started poppin off, "this guy reads my posts"  You soundin like a Spur fan right now.  And stating that they can't do this or that in the playoffs is stupid.  Do you think he won't adjust his part of the game once that part of the season gets here?  Think he's goin for 40 every night all year?  So why go on and on about a 4 game stretch?

And to answer your question, I already said I was wrong about Rubio, I have been very impressed by that kid.  Not that you were asking an honest question, I'm just a nice guy and answered it anyways. 

Keep it up though, I'm learnin a ton. 
The guy is a joke. He has yet to "disprove" anything I wrote. He told me to respond and I did and I'm waiting for his masterful words to disprove everything I wrote on the previous page. He obviously hasn't been watching the games and if he has, he probably has caught a glimpse of the game. So I'm waiting for this guy to disprove what I said. 
As a Laker fan Kobe does piss me off a lot of times. He takes ridiculous shots at times, but I give him the benefit of the doubt. And right now I have no problem with taking those shots, especially since the team isn't on the same page because of the new coach, different roles, etc. 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by NobleKane

wow this thread finally got stickied huh?

Oh so this is what happened... I was perplexed getting pised I had to go navigate through my previous post to find it
Same here. I thought some Kobe/Lebron debate got to heated and the thread got locked
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