☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Carter limping as soon as it bricks
I still think these pick-ups were terrible; Carter, Odom, and West.

How we lose with my man Kobe just scoring 14?

Letting Fisher hit that 3, C'mon Mavs!
someone had to win this ugly game
knew kidds missed and dirk travel would hurt their chances
should have had forced Kobe to take a difficult shot but who will have thought old man fisher was gonna hit that lol
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This is ugly, real ugly. 
But we are in prime position to steal a W, who will prevail....
Speaking of steals, DFish

I don't think you guys stole that victory considering the Lakers had a 2 possession lead with like 1:15 to go, but I do know that NOBODY thought Fisher was going to hit that 3
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

Originally Posted by HankMoody

This guy has been reading my posts! Good read on Kobe. That one goes out to CP. This one too: http://wagesofwins.com/20...ty-in-basketball-fandom/\

Another good read: http://wagesofwins.com/20...he-2011-2012-nba-season/
Wages of Wins Journal is great.
Are you being serious? You obviously don't like the guy and it's blatant. Not saying he's perfect, but seriously? Bringing up the 2005-2007 seasons. Once again I ask have you been watching these games lately? 

I don't like the guy?
Is that all you have? How lame could you be? I and the author bring up evidence that Kobe can't shoot his way to success. The only way the Lakers succeed long-term is if the offense runs through Bynum and Pau and Kobe plays off that. And watch the games? Even if I hadn't, the author goes in-depth of 2games in the article. But to answer your question, yes, I've witnessed my fair share of Kome in the past week. Kobe is the best offensive player of his generation. That doesn't mean it's the best way for his team to win. Lakers have to get Pau and Bynum more involved. The triangle forced that happen but now it's Mike Brown's team. Why the hell are people so defensive to data and evidence? Your eyes aren't the end all, be all. Nor are mine. Read the article and come up with a better counter argument. To ask of I watch the games is idiotic. State what you have to say. I can disprove you faster that way.
This bijald character.  I disproved you a little more than a year ago over something totally different because for some odd reason you wanted to derail a simple thread I made by trying to "disprove" me, but that's an old conversation. "Disprove" me again 
You obviously haven't been watching the games, if you are talking about Pau and Bynum involvement. You are biased, you don't like Kobe. I don't see how that is lame? I'm just calling it how it is. Not a big deal. Don't like him whatever not a big deal. He's annoying. He takes dumb shots a lot of times that can be frustrating. He has that dumb face he makes, etc, etc, etc. 

The Lakers have succeeded with Kobe as the focal point of the offense. I understand the Lakers should use the "advantage" they have over the league with their length, but they have attempted to do this. Pau this season is playing on the perimeter and not in the post. This can be attributed to his shoulder sprain, which he hasn't been complaining about at all. Also there isn't much room down low with Bynum there. He also doesn't seem as interested/aggressive this season. That trade definitely affected him. He's a sensitive guy and honestly who wouldn't get upset that a team traded you. He has been taking it in stride, but I'm sure its hurting him. I'll chalk it up to his shoulder sprain/getting acclimated to the new offense and Bynum's role. But what advantage is his length when he's out there shooting threes and hanging around the perimeter. Once again stop watching these games casually and seeing "Kome" take shots and say he is taking too many shots. Understand why he is taking those shots. The triangle didn't "force" anything to happen. Stop it. It didn't "force" other people to get involved. Kobe was the facilitator under the triangle. He did everything he's been doing now.

Your article that you posted, why would I follow that. It's clearly biased. The author specifically states he hates the Lakers. The site is BILL SIMMONS' website. The Lakers were 3-1 under those 40 point games. I'm not saying it's a good thing he's doing this, but the team just isn't that great at the current moment causing him to shot at this high volume. Simple as that. 

Bynum involvement. Once again watch the games. He cannot handle double teams properly at this moment. He's young, he hasn't been accustomed to these doubles being thrown at him. He takes too long to make his move, allowing the defense to collapse on him and he throws up these wild shots. He hasn't been in the right position at times and this all is due to his conditioning. He get's winded easily and it's obvious as the game progresses. This causes him to lose focus on establishing position. Once again this winkle should hopefully work itself out as the season goes on. The Pau +Bynum tandem may not work though because of spacing issues, but this hopefully will progress as the season goes on. If not the Lakers should look to move one of the two for a PG. Also Bynum is abysmal on pick and roll defense, but that's a different story. He'll get better as he gets in game shape. 

And why do you constantly bring up the 2005-2007 seasons. Kobe shot a high volume, they lost yes. But you are clearly hating on him if you keep bringing this up. Look at his roster. He MADE those players. His second best player one season was Chris Mihm. The season they didn't make the playoffs, Mihm was the most consistent player behind Kobe. Then the next season was when he exploded for 35.4. Odom was the second option. The starting lineup consisted of Brown, Odom, Walton, Bryant, Smush. Players such as Brian Cook were our key bench players. Where the hell is Smush Parker now? Why in the hell do you constantly bring up this Kobe ball and point to those seasons when obviously he had to shoot. It's an accomplishment for him for bringing that team to a 7 game series with the Suns. They were a defensive rebound away in game 6 of advancing to the second round and facing the Clippers a team the Lakers could have handled. They almost beat out a team that were one of the favorites to win it all. That team overachieved. 
The convo wasn't even about Dwight. Shaq felt the need to just pull the slander out of nowhere. His act is so tired already.
shaq been talking crazy all night..

LBJ the MVP of the season to this point, really?!

and a top 3 of LBJ, kobe and wade?!

kobe is cool.. but ain't the heat on a losing streak???!!?! how the hell they got 2 of the top 3 MVPs up to this point?!?!?

but both LBJ AND wade have missed games.. and then you got LBJ folding like a lawn chain as soon as the 4th quarter starts
Shaq is a gots-to-go situation. you can tell the other guys are uncomfortable. Ernie was legitimately going in on him to have him make some damn sense. I told ya'll this wasn't going to work. Shaq is good in small doses. That's it.
If I was Shaq-- I'd take every shot I could at Dwight, too.

^ LeBron can't be Top 3 in an 'MVP list' right now? Yeah, they lost 3 games in a row but he would have been a runaway winner for any MVP stuff before that point.

Wade on the other hand - you're right- you probably could find 15-20 guys who have had a better start to their season than him.

Kobe, Bron, KD. however you want to sort them so far.
Man, if Vince is the guy that's going to be taking all the last shots, that ain't cool.

Very ugly game for both teams. Props to the Lakers for pulling through.

I have no idea why Odom and Kidd took so many shots. I know they were aggressive on Dirk, but if we would've kept getting it to him, he would've got calls. Kidd and Odom ain't going to get no calls.
Originally Posted by srvballer

I could listen to Kenny smith talk about basketball all damn day everyday...

Agreed. (sort of)

I'd rather have him tell jokes and get roasted, dude is comedy.
Kenny was pretty bad tonight too. You know it's bad when Chuck is the only one making sense.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

What's the rumor about d12 wanting to add the clippers to the mix?

He's "intrigued" that they have CP3 & Blake..  Only way for it to happen if it's through a trade is giving up Blake & DeAndre..

Very unlikely through free agency unless Mo is traded and DeAndre or Caron are traded as well

would leave the Clippers with a 6 man roster..    CP3, Eric Bledsoe, Randy Foye, Caron Butler, Blake Griffin, D12

Basically what D12 said was "They have too good players. I'd be intrigued by the Clippers because they have 2 good players" (I typed that in a 6 year old voice)
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