☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Damn the Thunder are smart. 

So, does this finally end the Durant and Russ can't play together crap?  They both took a tad less money to play together in this small market (hi !++#+*%%
) so hopefully everyone gets off the Russ can't coexist with Kevin nonsense. 

If they do manage to lock up Harden and Ibaka, I'm going to start hating the Thunder real fast. 

And whoever said Harden reminds them of Manu. 
  Harden is good.  That comparison sucks. 
I called that coming when he was drafted, my best player comp ever much better than my kevin love = brad miller with more range.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Buc Em

The Jazz looked so awful to start the season. They're definitely in shape now.
I still don't believe in them.
What's to believe in though? They're doing good. No serious injuries for them. If they continue this play they'll probably make the playoffs. That about it.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Buc Em

The Jazz looked so awful to start the season. They're definitely in shape now.
I still don't believe in them.
What's to believe in though? They're doing good. No serious injuries for them. If they continue this play they'll probably make the playoffs. That about it.
I don't know, I just don't think they can keep it going throughout the season, that's just me though.

Dirk has been so damn frustrated this season, and he's been pretty frustrating to watch. He's not in shape.
Halftime show just started, and not 20 seconds in, I hear: "Three degrees, buddy. Look it up."

Same %#%@, new day.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I still don't believe in them.
What's to believe in though? They're doing good. No serious injuries for them. If they continue this play they'll probably make the playoffs. That about it.
I don't know, I just don't think they can keep it going throughout the season, that's just me though.

Dirk has been so damn frustrated this season, and he's been pretty frustrating to watch. He's not in shape.
I understand that, don't get me wrong I can seem them slumping or hitting a wall too but 8th seed aint out of reach for them.

I don't got faith in Devin Harris leading that team far.
lebron needs to play like this all the time...even with wade... i honestly think that wade doesnt mind it, wade can play better off of lebron then the other way around.. i read some where that is was wade pushing lebron to shoot those last sec shot to convince lebron that he can close the game... anyways good game by the heat, on to the next
Reggie was right, ref aint have to eject Favors for that. He overreacted a bit
Kidd has had some of the most amateur passes I've seen from ANYONE in a LONG time recently. Very poor decision making in the half-court.

Open-court, he's still great, but he's making tons of passes to Dirk that are just forced. And Dirk isn't nearly as athletic enough to try and gather these balls. You need passes to be at his chest level, and not quarter-court heaves either. If it's at his knees, or if they're far enough away for the defense to react, then it's a turnover, automatically. Kidd doesn't have the zip on the ball, and Dirk doesn't have the ability to bend down and get the ball anymore.

Showing our age.
Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

Devin Harris about 10 feet wide on that shot. 
Thank God that was Devin Harris, and not Derek Fisher, Arron Afflalo, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, or Derek Fisher.
damn, Kidd almost dun goofed. Didn't Kenyon martin do something like that once vs Utah lol

should've left Watson in.
That ending had potential with that TO on the inbounds

Vet move by Watson helping out his young team.

Favors shouldn't have gotten ejected
It's amazing how well we were playing before we played both LA teams and tonight Utah.

We played good for one half tonight, and even though we won, it was a bad half.
Sooo Devin Harris should probably just go hang himself... dude is turrible
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