☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by Buc Em


That team would be run so much better. D'Antoni would actually be able to run the fast paced offense he wants. Melo still stays in New York in that deal and can take as many shots as he wants. Win-Win.
Nah, I think the Knicks and Magic should just cut Melo and D12 so they can sign with the Rockets. Not sure what that would do for the Knicks and Magic though.
so how true are these d12-Knicks rumors? Knicks fans are just as bad as lakers fans, so I believe about 2% of what they say/write
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

so how true are these d12-Knicks rumors? Knicks fans are just as bad as lakers fans, so I believe about 2% of what they say/write

Instead of trying to actually get to the root of their team's problem, like multiple players playing with zero pride/heart/effort on a consistent bases, fans rather just do w/e possible to trade for a different superstar as if that's going to solve all problems and take em' to the promise land.
I'm sorry, but what can fans do about the teams problems? Vast majority of Knicks fans are well aware of the various problems surrounding this team.
That would be a good trade for the Magic getting Amare and Tyson. They'd be Nuggets East.

But who the hell would the Knicks start at PF? They would SERIOUSLY start Shumpert, Fields and Jared Jeffries as the other 3 players? Besides the Heat, the league is starting to go in a different direction where having a deep group of young, talented, unselfish players with a few vets > building around a couple highly paid, 1 on 1 superstars. Nuggets, Pacers, Blazers, Sixers, Jazz, Timberwolves and Rockets are following that blueprint. You could say that the Clippers, Bulls and Thunder built their current teams with this blueprint as well, and the Spurs seem to rebuilding with this in mind.
Hypothetically speaking of course, since I don't think it happens.. but I would expect the Magic tack on Hedo with Dwight. Plus, they would need to include another player(s) because Tyson and Amare for Dwight doesn't match salaries. So you just start Hedo and Melo together at both forward spots. Or hell.. start Hedo at the 1.
If the Knicks did get Dwight......I expect Phil Jackson to be the head coach in New York within the next year
Originally Posted by Buc Em

If the Knicks did get Dwight......I expect Phil Jackson to be the head coach in New York within the next year

True, cause Phil always coaches teams that needs that extra oomph to put them over the top. I'd like to see what he could do with either a bottom of the barrel team (Wizards, Raptors), or
a team on the rise but not quite a contenders (Sixers, Blazers, Grizzlies)
For all the blame placed solely on Westbrook, I rarely see much of the media and other people ever blame the coach. Durant's inability to get open is partially his fault, but it's also the problem of their offense. No one wants Russ chucking contested shots or forcing passes, but when the playclock runs down and there's no other option, he has to.
Brooks isn't a bad coach by any means, but I think he's inherited a lot of his success thanks to management making the right draft picks and player moves.. rather than his own skill as a coach. They're playing great right now, so it shouldn't be an issue, but come playoffs if they struggle I really hope Brooks gets his fair share of the blame, rather than everyone piling on Russ. 

Exactly, it's just me and you, and nbaplaybook.com who have noticed; as well as the Grizzlie's big men, that the Thunder really have one play, or one way to get into any offensive possession and that's for usually Collison or Perkins to headhunt KD's defender and set a screen. When we tried to just iso KD and clear him out to post up, Tony Allen pushed him out past the 3 pt line plus KD couldn't/wouldn't seal him so you really could not consistently make that pass anyways.

Barkley made the comparison and it's the same one I have made, but Dirk used to have the exact same problem. KD/Dirk will have a smaller defender so they get to a spot and just stand there with their hands up calling for the ball, but since they don't seal the guy behind him the defender is free to wait for the pass then run around and deflect or steal it. Again, with Dirk it's past tense though. KD usually posts up strong right there in the center of the court, but not always. Take the Boston game for example, the reason Russ took, and made, what ended up being a backbreaking 3 was the same thing. He was trying to get it to KG posted up right there at the top of the key but KD couldn't seal so he used KD as a pick to get to the other side and have a different angle, still not open enough, had to shoot.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Buc Em

If the Knicks did get Dwight......I expect Phil Jackson to be the head coach in New York within the next year
True, cause Phil always coaches teams that needs that extra oomph to put them over the top. I'd like to see what he could do with either a bottom of the barrel team (Wizards, Raptors), or
a team on the rise but not quite a contenders (Sixers, Blazers, Grizzlies)
He'd end up getting the GM to trade for a star player or two and his presence there would draw the best FAs and in the end ppl would be saying all Phil does is coach teams with star players. Especially with those teams you stated as examples, each one but Tor has great trade assets.
Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

Miami's first loss w/o Wade this season.

Bosh had 8 TOs.
Chalmers is weak as hell, I don't understand how you're surrounded with everything you could ask for as a PG and still not get better.


4-14, 12 pts, 2 assist, 6 turnovers
I creep in other teams seasons threads (all sports). Never seen such absurdity especially in the basketball threads. Dudes wake up and go to sleep dreaming. It's hilarious really lol
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