☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Gallo with 37 points (a career high) and 11 rebounds in his first game back in New York.
He should be more aggressive, but there's only so much Amare can do when they call non-stop isolations for Melo. A guy who isn't a playmaker shouldn't be given the ball in those situations like he was.. he's going to just shoot every time.

Lacking a real pick and roll partner for Amare hurts him as well.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Gallo with 37 points (a career high) and 11 rebounds in his first game back in New York.

in 51:42  *
he was beyond gassed at the end
Originally Posted by JD617

Gallo: 37 points on 19 shots
Melo: 25 points on 30 shots

I too noticed that 2nd quarter run. But during that quarter, Bill Walker played lights out. Quick 5 buckets for 13 points, iirc.Nuggets and Bulls man. Nuggets and Bulls. My 2k team and my hometown team...
Hollinger's (?) prediction that the Nuggets would finish in the top 2 in the West is looking pretty good right now. NYK is a joke. No one thought the team would be this bad. On pace for 24-25 wins. And the schedule hasn't been difficult.
Yes & no. he is what AI was often falsely vilified for. AI won more and did more for his teams in his prime, while at 6'1. (which was his ultimate short-coming, no pun intended)

Melo gets you 30 and you hope it's good enough.

Neither with enough to win a title.
I agree that AI definitely got his team involved more, and maybe it's just he never got anyone around him good enough while he was in his prime, but I just see a bigger, tougher version of AI out there.

And I also hate that AI gets the distinction of being a great defender. It happens way too often. I just don't buy it, he gambled and played passing lanes well. That's defense, sure, but he never really locked anyone down did he?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I agree that AI definitely got his team involved more, and maybe it's just he never got anyone around him good enough while he was in his prime, but I just see a bigger, tougher version of AI out there.
Gonna have to explain this one to me. 
I probably shouldn't have said 'won more' but at least compared to what he had around him. but, Melo's been out of the 1st rnd one time, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I agree that AI definitely got his team involved more, and maybe it's just he never got anyone around him good enough while he was in his prime, but I just see a bigger, tougher version of AI out there.

And I also hate that AI gets the distinction of being a great defender. It happens way too often. I just don't buy it, he gambled and played passing lanes well. That's defense, sure, but he never really locked anyone down did he?

Agree w/ most of what u said.....but I do take issue with u saying melo is a tougher version of AI. That's false.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I agree that AI definitely got his team involved more, and maybe it's just he never got anyone around him good enough while he was in his prime, but I just see a bigger, tougher version of AI out there.

And I also hate that AI gets the distinction of being a great defender. It happens way too often. I just don't buy it, he gambled and played passing lanes well. That's defense, sure, but he never really locked anyone down did he?

Never. actually Melo might be a 6'7 version of AI.  But AI had a team built around him.  Melo won't and will never be considered as great.
I meant in sheer size, tougher was the wrong word to use. He could bully his way into the paint when he has his head on right. Iverson could do that too, but he would use his ability to be nimble instead, and not brute force like Carmelo has shown in the past.

There's no doubt Iverson had his runs. He was great when he was on them, but look at the teams that were coming out of the East each year. But he got it done. Melo hasn't.

And I don't think that Iverson was anything better than an average defender at best.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Well Carmelo is a below average defender. So there's that.
We aren't really talking about defense here though, neither of those cats you think of as defenders.

At least I don't. Kidd, Payton, and Stockton were much better actual defenders than Iverson as far as PGs go.
Iverson caught a ton of flack for being a ball hog but Aaron mckie, Tyrone Hill, Dikembe, Eric Snow, Glenn Robinson, Keith Van Horn, Willie Green, a really raw Iguodala, Chris Webber on maybe one leg, Kyle Korver, Kenny Thomas, Marc Jackson, George Lynch and Theo Ratliff were pretty much the best players he played with in all his seasons with Philly. Melo has played with better players than that pretty much his whole career. I love how Melo pushes off with his elbow, throws his entire shoulder into the defender or sweeps right through the guy with his opposite arm...and yet is praised for it and rarely called for fouls for it. There's a difference between being physical and just doing straight up illegal !$*#. I've never understood how he gets away with it.
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