☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

how does dwight howard score 14 points in the first 8 minutes of the game and then finish with only 18? smh
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That Warriors 4th quarter reminded me of a Lakers game.
… …

Grizzlies have to be one of the most resilient teams in the league..They lost Rudy Gay late last season and still kept winning even w/o him..Then they lose ZBo this year and are playing even better w/o him..That shows the heart the players have but also shows a lot about the coaching staff

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%#@# you Mike D'Antoni
Oh and Telfair will be suspended. I'm damn mad if he doesn't.

Cardinal got him with a flagrant, got called for it, deservedly so.

Beaubois goes up for a layup, Telfair pulls him down on his jersey with his left hand, and proceeds to punch him in the air with the right hand.

Maybe he was frustrated and it wasn't intentional, but he treated Beaubois like a ragdoll.
How many shots have Rudy hit with less than 30 seconds to take the lead or tie? Like 15 now? 

7 in a row. Hope we cut Portland's throat tomorrow night 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Grizzlies have to be one of the most resilient teams in the league..They lost Rudy Gay late last season and still kept winning even w/o him..Then they lose ZBo this year and are playing even better w/o him..That shows the heart the players have but also shows a lot about the coaching staff

Spoiler [+]
%#@# you Mike D'Antoni
When Z-Bo comes back they're going to be very scary, barring injury of course, due to Speights dropping down to the second unit with Mayo being able to carry the offensive load.
Great defense X Great Half court set with more than one player that can takeover= Good Money in the playoffs 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Oh and Telfair will be suspended. I'm damn mad if he doesn't.

Cardinal got him with a flagrant, got called for it, deservedly so.

Beaubois goes up for a layup, Telfair pulls him down on his jersey with his left hand, and proceeds to punch him in the air with the right hand.

Maybe he was frustrated and it wasn't intentional, but he treated Beaubois like a ragdoll.
The Custodian aka The Instigator
JR Smith always had a nice crossover, but all of that aside..Dude was 0-3 on every move where he broke someone's ankles, one of them getting swatted into the 3rd row
Originally Posted by Buc Em

That would be a good trade for the Magic getting Amare and Tyson. They'd be Nuggets East.

But who the hell would the Knicks start at PF? They would SERIOUSLY start Shumpert, Fields and Jared Jeffries as the other 3 players? Besides the Heat, the league is starting to go in a different direction where having a deep group of young, talented, unselfish players with a few vets > building around a couple highly paid, 1 on 1 superstars. Nuggets, Pacers, Blazers, Sixers, Jazz, Timberwolves and Rockets are following that blueprint. You could say that the Clippers, Bulls and Thunder built their current teams with this blueprint as well, and the Spurs seem to rebuilding with this in mind.

Thats what they are going back to sure, but legit when has a team that wasnt 8 deep ever won a title. Lets be real 9 has and always will be the magic number. And right now there arent any contenders that on the right day arent 9 deep even this early.Does Orlando do a hedu deal for nothing right now?I still dont know why la has not taken a gil flier. With their lack of bench its ******ed
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

JR Smith always had a nice crossover, but all of that aside..Dude was 0-3 on every move where he broke someone's ankles, one of them getting swatted into the 3rd row
as much as i love the crossover,  IT IS NOT THE SAME IF YOU DONT MAKE THE SHOT...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

how does dwight howard score 14 points in the first 8 minutes of the game and then finish with only 18? smh

But he wants to go to a team in which he's THE Man though... Wants to be the 1st option... Wants to be thought of as building the team and not the final piece

At this stage in his career why would you want to be teamed up with anyone not named Chris, Deron, or Derrick?

I mean seriously... How Do You Not Even Consider Chicago?  You're willing to go to the NYK's but not Chicago... This is real life?!?!?

i know it's way to early in the season for this to REALLY matter yet, but it was still a little bit shocking when i looked at the western conference standings just a second ago..

LA and portland are currently outside the playoffs (at the 9th and 10th spots)

dallas would be the 7th seed

denver the 2 seed (this season obviously was set up perfectly for them having depth, youth, speed and that altitude home advantage.. as a few folks have mentioned above about the importance of depth and youth)

and somehow utah is the 5th seed (it's amazing that utah is better than new jersey AND denver is better than the knicks)
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

How Do You Not Even Consider Chicago? 
i really don't think winning is THAT big of a deal to him..

if he really wanted to win, he would look at the teams that have depth, young guys, despensable young guys and despensable draft picks.. and the only 2 teams i could see making reasonable trade offers and still having a team that would capable of winning a championship are the bulls and thunder

LA would be even more depleted by trading bynum and/or gasol.. if it's just bynum and picks, then i could see it working

knicks would be gutted as well

not sure what the clippers would give up, but i assume blake and CP3 wouldn't be included

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Memphis Sucks

spoke too soon dummy

Your forgetting the part where I care
Anyhoo Yes.. My boy Mike Conley continues to get it done.  Defending him since '08 and this boy is true at the pg position..  People putting Ramon Session in front of Mike Conley.. Ridic..
He is choosing between 3 teams where he wont get the ball enough. Its always been ******ed and now contractually you cannot just make the deal and let the chips fall where they may and its ******ed
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