☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by CP1708

YoungTriz wrote:
R.i.p. To your career city... I remember listening to the radio show they Had here... And they said nike wanted to see what they where doing ( maybe because of broy) with training and what not and the blazers refused...
I'm telling ya, that organization needs to be put down. 

Freaking back channel paybacks for fines, tight gripped ownership group that isn't even a working member of the team, their mob type mentality front office the way they try to act, this crap with Nike, not wanting to do anything with their training staff, their constant tv deals/fights they have, the weird draft/contract work they do like signing Roy and his knees are gone a couple months later, I mean, what are these people doing? 

I mean, it's entertaining, I love the hell out of their ineptness, but God damn.  When the Hornets get contracted, they need to make Portland the second squad.  Or at worst Stern needs to rip the team from Allen's grasp and move it somewhere else or somethin.  Allen and his people are complete garbage.  All the way back to the Whitsitt days it's been like this.  Which is right around the time Allen took over if I'm not mistaken.  I'm surprised McMillan hasn't completely gone off yet.  I wish he would write a book or something when he gets out. 

even the radio host where asking what the hell is wrong with the blazers for refusing... THIS IS NIKE... if i was the blazers i would be really close with nike for a lot of reason, from extra training places and the money they put into their athletes why not take advantage of the situation..

who is the GM now?... i know this must have been said plenty of times but the whole Pritchard and BRoy situation was totally messed up from the contract..
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by CP1708

YoungTriz wrote:
R.i.p. To your career city... I remember listening to the radio show they Had here... And they said nike wanted to see what they where doing ( maybe because of broy) with training and what not and the blazers refused...
I'm telling ya, that organization needs to be put down. 

Freaking back channel paybacks for fines, tight gripped ownership group that isn't even a working member of the team, their mob type mentality front office the way they try to act, this crap with Nike, not wanting to do anything with their training staff, their constant tv deals/fights they have, the weird draft/contract work they do like signing Roy and his knees are gone a couple months later, I mean, what are these people doing? 

I mean, it's entertaining, I love the hell out of their ineptness, but God damn.  When the Hornets get contracted, they need to make Portland the second squad.  Or at worst Stern needs to rip the team from Allen's grasp and move it somewhere else or somethin.  Allen and his people are complete garbage.  All the way back to the Whitsitt days it's been like this.  Which is right around the time Allen took over if I'm not mistaken.  I'm surprised McMillan hasn't completely gone off yet.  I wish he would write a book or something when he gets out. 

even the radio host where asking what the hell is wrong with the blazers for refusing... THIS IS NIKE... if i was the blazers i would be really close with nike for a lot of reason, from extra training places and the money they put into their athletes why not take advantage of the situation..

who is the GM now?... i know this must have been said plenty of times but the whole Pritchard and BRoy situation was totally messed up from the contract..

Blazers have one of the worst training staffs in the league.  And I agree 100% with CP on the way Allen runs the team, guy needs to go, I don't care he has money because he doesn't know %+%@ about how to spend it on the team.  Cho should have been kept on, this was another garbage draft going after freakin Nolan Smith in the 1st????????  No thought of building this team for the future and signing old guys.  As much as I like Jamal he brings nothing to the team beyond this year.  Batum should have been dealt away a year ago as well, tired of hearing about his "potential" and him not living up to that.  Fan base is also to blame, they get so attached to players and don't know jack about basketball.  I don't know how many times I have tried to have a conversation about the Blazers with someone when they will say "xxxxxx is a good guy, we should keep him".  Dumbest fan base in the country.
The worst part about Allen is that he's one of the owners that was soooooo adamant that everything was the players fault rather than look in the mirror. Maybe if he hired some competent doctors to run his training staff, actually spent money to win, and let basketball guys like Cho do their job then Portland would be back in the elite. Owners like Allen make me sick and I'm not even a Portland fan.
Hate to agree with JA, but it's ashamed the NBA still hasn't figured out the live ball shot clock violation thing. We had the ball and a 4 on 1 break.

And why is Mike Breen always trying to argue and be a contrarian?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Big J 33 wrote:

Dwight to OKC >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cleveland if he went the small market route.

Cleveland with Dwight & Kyrie >>>>>>>>>> Another team like the Knicks.

While I do think that Kyrie will be a top 5 guard for years to come, you're delusional.
I don't see how Dwight, KD, and Westbrook are like Melo, Amare, and ___ at all. More like the Heat than the Knicks.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Dwight to OKC >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cleveland if he went the small market route.

They can't pay him unless you mean by trade. 
I guarantee OKC isn't in the business of paying a boatload of luxury tax. 
Considering I specified small market, the Knicks aren't in the discussion.

And still no.
Moody, I was saying if Dwight wasn't interested in market size, Cleveland wouldn't be a top destination.

And yeah, trade would be the only way.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Clippers get their goon to join the youngins in LA. Nice move. Kenyon will contribute.

They needed somebody to protect Blake Griffin. How long before he's ready to play?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Dwight to OKC >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cleveland if he went the small market route.
Cleveland with Dwight & Kyrie >>>>>>>>>> Another team like the Knicks.
Mad cuz Big J actually made a point as far as Dwight going to small markets
unless you're making a bad comparison. There is no guarantee wins in the next 5 years playing with Kyrie. Playing with KD and Westbrook is just about a guarantee to be in the finals the next season.
He can't play with KD and Westbrook. One of those guys would have to be traded. They can't pay him straight up.
A year later, Karl Malone calls out the Jazz on Jerry Sloan’s exit

A couple of weeks before the first anniversary of the Night That Rocked the Jazz, the messy night that Deron Williams, first, pushed back too hard on Jerry Sloan during a game against Chicago and Sloan, second, felt undercut by his best player and, in one quick moment, undersupported by Jazz management and, third, quit, Karl Malone wanted to talk.

What happened to Sloan had festered inside Malone for long enough. In the immediate aftermath, he came to Utah to express concern, buying his own ticket to the next game at EnergySolutions Arena via a scalper because the Jazz had told him there were no tickets available for him, and spoke to reporters. Now, 12 months later, he wanted to make things clearer.

For four hours last Friday, Malone co-hosted my radio show and talked about many topics, the way only Malone can. His signature point: He said the Jazz botched the Williams-Sloan situation, giving the player too much power, and essentially blamed Kevin O’Connor and Greg Miller for undermining an icon who had coached the Jazz for 23 years.

“On the whole handling of that, I would have to give [them] a D or F, and I would lean more toward an F,â€
A letter from Tim Duncan to Dwight Howard.

Spoiler [+]
Friday, February 3rd, 2012 at 4:37 pm 
[h1]Big Brother: Dear Dwight[/h1]
A letter from Tim Duncan to Dwight Howard.

by Charles Dunson

Dear Dwight,

It’s me, Timmy (it’s OK get the South Park jokes out now). I don’t talk much publicly, but I do greatly enjoy crafting handwritten letters. However, I don’t know your address and you may not even live in the same city by the time I finish so I’ll just type an email. We bigs have to stick together. Most of the media has forgotten me and embraced you as the NBA’s best big man but that’s OK.  Anyways, I’ve been following your celebrity trade demands through the media. You’ve been more of a diva than Aretha Franklin making lunch demands on tour with the Supremes. However, that’s part of your problem.  You should follow my example. I played four years of college ball while you came straight from high school. The simple truth is that I could teach you some things.

You could have been remembered differently than these other superstars that were more worried about their Q-rating and endorsement dollars than their ring totals. Orlando is a great franchise and a classy organization. But you should know that forming a championship nucleus is like dating on E-Harmony. Sometimes you meet in person and find out the profile photo your date used was taken 20 years ago.

Eleven years ago, I nearly flew to Florida so I could sign with the Orlando Magic. To a kid from St. Croix playing in San Antonio, Orlando was a major market. I guess we can
agree to disagree on that point. I didn’t think David and I could win another title together because he was getting older and I was in my prime. I was supposed to be the final piece in deadly trio with Grant Hill and Tracy McGrady in addition to two lesser known players named Chauncey Billups and Ben Wallace. This was before Tracy became a perennial All-Star and future scoring champ. Unfortunately, Grant’s ankles forced him to sit out 235 games over a five year span and he was never the same again. T-Mac and Hill never won a playoff series together while I won three more titles by staying in San Antonio.

You need a mentor.  A slightly smaller Big Brother— if you will. As you may know, I learned from a true professional in David Robinson. Robinson was in a position much like you are now. After spending two years in the Navy after his college basketball career ended, Robinson could have chosen to become a free agent and play in Los Angeles with Magic or Chicago with Jordan. Instead, he honored his commitment to the Spurs. He spent nine seasons with San Antonio before we won an NBA championship together. We eventually won two and he’s hailed as a hero throughout Texas. He taught me everything including how to handle the NBA life, how to play the position and even which shaving gel to use. On the floor we played with military precision and discipline. You can thank Coach Pop for that.

You’ve never had these things, Dwight. You clown on Stan Van Gundy in the media and call out your teammates, but people are beginning to stop taking you seriously. You’re too good for that. You’re a blend of David and Hakeem “The Dreamâ€
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

A letter from Tim Duncan to Dwight Howard.

Spoiler [+]
(P.S. I forgot to mention: We haven’t used our amnesty clause yet because our GM R.C. Buford doesn’t make bad acquisitions like Gilbert Arenas or Vince Carter so if you’d like to bring a friend, you’re more than welcome. We can make room.)



that would be nice
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