☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Melo is lucky he didn't get kicked out earlier in the game grabbing Delfino and throwing him around.

Apparently, this guy can't handle the 'NY Pressure'...

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why was Melo all up in Jennings' face towards the end of the game?

Dude was talking !#+@, running his mouth. He's still salty he has to live in Milwaukee instead of New York and most people don't know who he is.

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Melo is lucky he didn't get kicked out earlier in the game grabbing Delfino and throwing him around.

Apparently, this guy can't handle the 'NY Pressure'...


I'll Allow It!!!

Are you boarding the "Trade Him" bus?!?! 
David Stern defends 66-game NBA season, but it's hard to argue injuries have hurt product

When he can’t put on a regular 82-game NBA season, David Stern just can’t win.

After the 1998-99 lockout resulted in a 50-game season, the commissioner was criticized for putting on a sham campaign. In case you’ve forgotten, Phil Jackson famously mocked it as the “asterisk season.â€
Originally Posted by Cali Fresh

Amare's defense at 2:34-2:38 
There was an even more embarrassing example in the NBATV highlight package (a Jennings drive to the hoop). I happened to be watching highlights with a friend who's not really into basketball, and after this one play she literally said "couldn't that one guy just move over and stop him?" It was so perfect I couldn't even respond.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by thecoolempire1

b/c Melo can't take the heat; Frustration-- the more they lose, the better for the Rockets...
........How bout we just swap Terrence Williams for Melo right now 
is t-will some sort of knucklehead? I know Parson's hustles but T-will is getting no burn and if Morris starts suiting up he will def get more PT bc he can play
Its crazy how jumbled up the West is...
Three playoff seeded teams have 5 losses

Three playoff seeded teams have 6 losses

One playoff seeded team has 7 losses (along with Dallas and Houston having 7 losses)

I know its early, but nothing is set in stone but probably OKC getting the 1st seed. No one has any idea on who will get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seeds. Lakers will challenge the Clippers for the division spot. Grizz, Spurs, Rockets and Mavs all have a shot at winning the division. I think it will come down to the Grizz, Spurs and Mavs though. I wouldn't be shocked if Denver or Portland could challenge OKC for the division title as well, even though its unlikely.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Its crazy how jumbled up the West is...
Three playoff seeded teams have 5 losses

Three playoff seeded teams have 6 losses

One playoff seeded team has 7 losses (along with Dallas and Houston having 7 losses)

I know its early, but nothing is set in stone but probably OKC getting the 1st seed. No one has any idea on who will get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seeds. Lakers will challenge the Clippers for the division spot. Grizz, Spurs, Rockets and Mavs all have a shot at winning the division. I think it will come down to the Grizz, Spurs and Mavs though. I wouldn't be shocked if Denver or Portland could challenge OKC for the division title as well, even though its unlikely.

the best thing about it is ITS UP IN THE AIR. OKC isn't unbeatable, and to say the Nuggets are top three is unproved. the playoffs will be awesome this yr. Even the East- If the Heat and C's play first round, no matter how bad the C's are as an 8th seed they are scary. 
All the fouls they get away with @ home
Originally Posted by thecoolempire1

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by thecoolempire1

b/c Melo can't take the heat; Frustration-- the more they lose, the better for the Rockets...
........How bout we just swap Terrence Williams for Melo right now 
is t-will some sort of knucklehead? I know Parson's hustles but T-will is getting no burn and if Morris starts suiting up he will def get more PT bc he can play
That has to be it. As athletically gifted as he is, he must be a headcase and rubs coaches the wrong way. I had thought for sure this season
he would be getting some PT. If you look at the bench, I swear it seems like both him and Hasheem Thabeet like being there.

Posted: 01/21/124:03 PM
Its crazy how jumbled up the West is...
Three playoff seeded teams have 5 losses

Three playoff seeded teams have 6 losses

One playoff seeded team has 7 losses (along with Dallas and Houston having 7 losses)

I know its early, but nothing is set in stone but probably OKC getting the 1st seed. No one has any idea on who will get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seeds. Lakers will challenge the Clippers for the division spot. Grizz, Spurs, Rockets and Mavs all have a shot at winning the division. I think it will come down to the Grizz, Spurs and Mavs though. I wouldn't be shocked if Denver or Portland could challenge OKC for the division title as well, even though its unlikely.

I was looking at through the newspaper and was thinking the same thing. There's no definite favorite. A lot of people may say the Thunder, but even that's

debatable. In a normal season, any loss I would say "ahhhh, there's 82 games, there's plenty of time to recover", but now, seems like every game is critical

no matter the back-to-backs and stuff. Teams can't afford to fall behind and try to scrap their way up. Some teams are gonna get left out in the cold.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Its crazy how jumbled up the West is...
Three playoff seeded teams have 5 losses

Three playoff seeded teams have 6 losses

One playoff seeded team has 7 losses (along with Dallas and Houston having 7 losses)

I know its early, but nothing is set in stone but probably OKC getting the 1st seed. No one has any idea on who will get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seeds. Lakers will challenge the Clippers for the division spot. Grizz, Spurs, Rockets and Mavs all have a shot at winning the division. I think it will come down to the Grizz, Spurs and Mavs though. I wouldn't be shocked if Denver or Portland could challenge OKC for the division title as well, even though its unlikely.
If the Mavericks so incompetent in the final three seconds of games, we'd be 12-4 and not 9-7..

Then again, if the Heat were competent, they'd be the 2011 NBA Champions........

If I had to guess, the teams to watch through the west are the Lakers, Clippers, Thunder, Spurs, and Mavs. You can throw in Utah, Denver, and Portland too if you want, but none of those teams have what it takes to contend, IMO.

Grizzlies are dependent on how fast Zach can get back, and if he does, how he performs. Marc's playing like the second best Center in the League, and if he can continue to excel while Zach is on the floor, they can be damn dangerous.

And I don't get it, but Conley seems actually competent this year.
JapanAir21 wrote:

And I don't get it, but Conley seems actually competent this year.

 He better had gotten his act together, he's gotten a free pass from the coach for a few years now.

He still gets abused by the physical PG's tho
Somebody gif that game winner by Love with Ridnour running in front of him
Originally Posted by henz0

JapanAir21 wrote:

And I don't get it, but Conley seems actually competent this year.

 He better had gotten his act together, he's gotten a free pass from the coach for a few years now.

He still gets abused by the physical PG's tho

Peep Game wrote:
That has to be it. As athletically gifted as he is, he must be a headcase and rubs coaches the wrong way. I had thought for sure this season
he would be getting some PT. If you look at the bench, I swear it seems like both him and Hasheem Thabeet like being there.

and Flynn too. even though his rotation isn't the best, the team gels well. Even Bud, who went from starting to bench- you can tell its rattling him a bit but he's going out there and being competative. Hopefully the team can sneak into the playoffs and continue to gel. I'm sorry but Rasta Hill isn't the best Center and its great to hear Bill Worrell's disdain for him when he does something wrong. I think this situation is great for Thabeet and Flynn b/c they are still young and motivated so they still have room to get better but Thabeet's stamina is pretty pathetic...

@ this sequence.

Great ending to the Wolves/Clippers game. Rubio and Love making huge shots.

Tonight is as close to a must win for the Knicks as there could possibly be for a regular season game.

The vitriol that would ensue if they lose tonight, especially against Melo.

I'm digging Miami's retro unis.

2011 CavsFanatic unis > 2012 CavsFanatic unis.
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