I'll prob see it tonight. I'm expecting to come in here and say I should have watched Star Trek instead. I absolutely despise McG for screwing this oneup and I blame James Cameron for not going after it himself.
great popcorn film but the story felt like it went NOWHERE

nothing new....we knew connor had to catch up with reese anyways...so it was alright
i think the MAIN reason why people are iffy about this movie is because the previews made it feel like john connor was the main character, but in actualitymarcus was the main character, hence the whole intro scene and him getting a second chance at life.

if the movie revolved around connor like the previews made it out to be, people wouldn't have their expectations ruined. if you go into a movie expectingsomeone to be the lead when they're not, you'll be thrown off and most likely not feel the movie as much. that was the case with me, but if youconsider the movie with marcus as the main hero, the movie is actually really good.
Originally Posted by bdis1986

saw it last night movie was real good to me ....

me 2 i dont know what everyone else was looking for it was sick
Movie was alright, not terrible but not great.

It just didn't feel like the story flowed. Ending was predictable. And to me, Bale didn't portray Connor was well as the previous 2 actors.
Just saw it, action scenes were great, but the story was subpar.

I didn't feel any connection to Bale's John Connor, moreso with Marcus. Perhaps if the script was geared towards Connor then Bale's performancewould have been better.

Definitely better than T3, but that's not saying much.
Movie sucked, I sat through 2 hours of hot garbage
to see an endingthat means nothing to the terminator series. At least T3 showed me how judgement day occured. This movie was a day in the life of John Conner and his idiotmilitary friends.

This movie didn't push the action genre forward, the terminator story forward, or the careers of anyone involved forward. But that's what happens whenyou get a movie directed by a dude who calls himself McG and the writing team who brought you Catwoman.
It was okay, but really, it's hard to put it above T3. Story was pretty predictable, but I just couldn't get "into" the movie. I actually didlike the ending though, and how it tied into T2.

My Review
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IMO the movie concentrated too much on Marcus. I would have rather had more story on Connor and his ascension to being a top soldier in the resistance. The story was too predictable as well. Action movies like this usually are predictable, but I had nothing invested in any of the characters. I also get confused with the paradigm of time travel. I mean, Connor basically saves Reese so that he can impregnate his mother in the past so he could be born? Does that mean if Reese died in the future, Connor would have disappeared (a la Back to the Future)? The "Arnold" look-a-like was totally unnecessary as well. If they couldn't have gotten him, they should have just used the T-800 exoskeleton. I was disappointed at the utilization of Bale and Dallas-Howard. I thought there would be more interaction between them (much like in T3) to bring out the cause of the human beings, but it never developed. All in all, a good idea of a movie, just under developed and not really thought provoking. To be honest, I enjoyed watching T3 the other day more than Salvation. To end this off this review on a good note, I should add that I did like the references to T2 (Connor's scar, how he became the leader of the resistance and Bale's execution of "I'll be Back." 6.5-7.
I was thinky dude was a cornball for that until i found out it's been his nickname since childhood. Naw he's still a cornball for keeping it. And ireally hope it's not as subpar as everyone says, this is the first movie i've had high hopes for so far this year, really expecting "citizen kanewith machines". If it's bad it's worse than wolverine, just off how high a regard i had for it.
One of them movies i watch and dont know what to say about it after. dont know if it was really good or sucked terribly. Ill just keep it moving till i watchit again
Saw it earlier today, I thought Marcus Wright/Sam Worthington was great. he stole most of the scenes he was in. Moon Bloodgood was
they should have done a better job at cutting out her nude scene though, it was pretty obvious something was missing as it jumped to the next scene

I thought the action scenes were great, I will agree the story/directing could have been a little better, but overall it was pretty good/entertaining

I was
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Arnold came out, they did a much better job at the CGI work then I thought they would. Came out pretty impressive

Some parts/lines were off, but overall I enjoyed it. I can't wait for the blu-ray

after first viewing, I'll rank the movies:

I like how it tied into the rest of the Saga, like with how he got his scar, etc

edit: One positive, McG won't be directing T5&6
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

so now i'm waiting to see if transformers will top star trek...cuz terminator sure ain't doing it.

Star Trek was dope. But I have a feeling T2 will be much, much greater.
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