I enjoyed the movie. I think since McG shot the movie thinking he was gonna get an R rating, theres gonna be an unrated version that fleshes out the story modea little more. All in all it was better then wolverine but not better then Star Trek. Waiting on Transformers 2 now.
Just got back thought it was a pretty good movie.

Marcus does steal the show.

I like how they played "You could be mine" while connor was on the motorcycle.

Was the guy that played Kyle Reese also in Star Trek?
It wasn't to bad but I expected more. I was also expecting to see more T-800 and I was hoping for some reason to see a field ofthousands of T-800 on a battle field in battle with the Resistance.

They need to make a Terminator movie that begins with the days right before Judgement Day, That shows how Judgement Day begins and battles in Judgement Day.

I knew it was a Terminator movie but it didn't have the feel of a T movie
Originally Posted by heat23

I was hoping for some reason to see a field of thousands of T-800 on a battle field in battle with the Resistance.

They need to make a Terminator movie that begins with the days right before Judgement Day, That shows how Judgement Day begins and battles in Judgement Day.
I was hoping for something like that too. I also thought/hoped they'd show JC&Kate coming out of that bunker and fastforward to wherethey are now or something like that

I did like how they showed how Connor came to be the absolute leader of the resistance. All those leaders on that sub got knocked out in one punch

We'll see where the next director takes it, the storyline was good I just don't think McG executed it the way everyone expected

I feel like watching it again, I'll wait though

might re-watch the other Terminators though
Wow... I'm SO disappointed. This movie was a huge let-down.

Keep in mind that I'm a pretty big fan of the Terminator franchise. For instance, I actually enjoyed T3. It wasn't a great movie. But I thought it dida good job of "wrapping up" the trilogy at that point. Not to mention coming after T2, expectations got way overblown for T3. So I'm not likemost people who dismiss 3 as trash.

As a matter of fact, to further hammer home the point of how much I enjoy the whole Terminator story, I watched every episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles(fantastic ending to that series by the way).

Anyway, here's my review for those who are interested:

Spoiler [+]
As others have said, the movie didn't really advance the storyline in a big way at all. Sure there were little things that we learned (as illmatic pointed out, like how John got the scar, how he came to be known as the leader of the resistance, what happened to his wife Kate after T3, etc.).

Now that's cool and all... But man, the writers/creators missed the boat on so many other things.

First of all, it was just way too obvious that this is set-up to be a trilogy. That's fine, I'm not too mad at that. I mean, we already know that John eventually dies at a T-800's hands (supposedly Arnie). So them trying to tease John's death here in Salvation was really a decent try since he actually was thisclose to dying from a T-800.
But the filmmakers with the constant close-ups of Kate's belly and the fact that we already "know" the future of the Terminator storyline kind of took the suspense out of John's "death" scene for me. In other words, we KNEW he wasn't going to die in this flick.

Another thing that took the suspense out of the movie for me was the fact that the commercials and previews ruined the big reveal (which is that Marcus is/was part-machine). I think if they had done a better job of keeping that aspect of the storyline under wraps, we would have had more of an "oh snap!" moment. Because truthfully, that part of the plot was actually cool. A half-human-half-metal prototype to infiltrate the humans strictly to capture John and Reese was a nice plot-point. (Though quite honestly, a T model as advanced as Marcus, would have come AFTER a T-800 imo).

What would have been great (and what I guess they will save for a future installment) is showing the future from AFTER John sends Reese back. Or it would have even been cool to see a bit more from Skynet's perspective (for instance, like when Skynet was talking to Marcus) immediately after Judgment Day. Showing more of how the machines built each other and came to be would have been interesting I think.

Other little nitpicks:
- I think they introduced the scar too early. Cuz now Bale will have to be made-up in the next 2 movies with the scar on his face. They should have saved that for the the end of the next movie.
- The editing in this movie was terrible. As a guy who was into movie making for a small time, I must say that it was annoying to see 2 characters standing in a specific position... then quick cut to them in another position... then quick cut back to them in the original position. Some people will understand what I'm trying to say here. And it was a little annoying.

- What happened to the box John and Common experimented on that short-circuits the Terminators? Maybe I totally missed that part.... Because I would have thought he'd have it with him when he infiltrated Skynet.
- The audience where I was broke into applause when Arnie made his appearance.

- The character of Marcus and the portrayal by Worthington. Good stuff.
- The helicopter crash scene at the start of the flick. I liked the camera-work right there.
- Arnold's appearance. Great special effects job.
- Moon...

- The scene where they discovered Marcus is half-Terminator and subsequent interrogation of him. Loved it.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

As a matter of fact, to further hammer home the point of how much I enjoy the whole Terminator story, I watched every episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles (fantastic ending to that series by the way).


I'll read that review in a bit, I understand the criticism though

Spoiler [+]
and don't ask me if I'm mad about the game tonight, you know the answer
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

and don't ask me if I'm mad about the game tonight, you know the answer

My dude, I don't hold anything against anybody outside of S&T.
you cant really say it sucked

the movie stayed within its boundaries, which was an action-packed film

dont tell me you didnt see enough action, i even think they ODed it a lil' bit too much
What would have been great (and what I guess they will save for a future installment) is showing the future from AFTER John sends Reese back. Or it would have even been cool to see a bit more from Skynet's perspective (for instance, like when Skynet was talking to Marcus) immediately after Judgment Day. Showing more of how the machines built each other and came to be would have been interesting I think.
that would have been cool, I think they could have shown the machines being built, etc in a nice little montage in the beginning

The editing in this movie was terrible. As a guy who was into movie making for a small time, I must say that it was annoying to see 2 characters standing in a specific position... then quick cut to them in another position... then quick cut back to them in the original position. Some people will understand what I'm trying to say here. And it was a little annoying.

yeah, I mentioned earlier that in one particular scene(before Moon gets nekkid, which was cut out) that the editing was horrible. they may aswell have left that in in the theatrical cut cause they jumped from her about to take a shower in the rain, to those guys just showing up out of no where andno more rain. They could have done a much better job w/that
I just saw it, movie is weak. Its very confusing in the beginning but, at least the action scenes are dope.
Yeah... I don't think I liked it all that much

The trailers made it look SOOOOO Good

I still havent seen Star Trek... SMH @ me
i ended up seeing it today despite the reviews and i have to say i enjoyed myself (i know i said i wasnt going to see it before bc of the reviews haha). themovie had minor problems, but nothing to serious to give it that bad of a review.. mostly everybody pointed out the flaws and stuff already, but i think thebiggest flaw was hiring Common. dude just said one liners all through the movie! Dude cant act haha i hope he isnt in the next one.
i liked it

but everyone who left the theaters was confused, i could see why, but i understood it from the beginning how it ties with the first film
^ They're gonna make 2 more.

I guessing the next one is gonna be a cliffhanger, with Conner sending Reese back into the past to f*** his mom.

Then in the final one a CGI Arnold is gonna kill Conner before they finally destroy Skynet once and for all.
Overall good movie coulda been a little longer and more indepth and theyrushed the ending a litle but overall good def beter then T3.. cant wait tull the sequels
i was pretty disappointed in this but i admittedly hyped it up. I think they ODed on all the scenes where they paid homage to the first 3 (every single
time a terminator got socked in the jaw, it turned itshead like Arnold/T-1000)

I feel as if there was very little character development. This movie honestly didnt advance the story. i didnt learn much as to how things come to be and getset up for T1/T2.
Kate and Common pretty much didnt need to be there...waste of screentime

Action was ok, but it got bogged down by the lack of a decent plot. I was soooo excited for this too. I felt like how i did after i finished watchingWatchmen..i felt jipped.
Oh well. 6/6.5/10
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