bout to go watch it this monday so far everybody saying its garbage....hopefully not cus i love all the movies, part 2 was the +%#@, part 3 was even betterwatched it about 7 times and when the movie ended i was like damn whens t4 comin out
Click the spoilers in this thread after you watch it and then tell me if you thought it was a well written script...
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

bout to go watch it this monday so far everybody saying its garbage....hopefully not cus i love all the movies, part 2 was the +%#@, part 3 was even better watched it about 7 times and when the movie ended i was like damn whens t4 comin out
Just take it for what it is... a mindless action movie.

I think it could have been so much better if it was rated R.
Spoiler [+]
Or the 'twist' was actually about him being a robot, and not that he was used to lead Conner to SkyNet, which was obvious.
ill go in with an open mind
if you know what im saying
Spoiler [+]
I thought when HQ was destroyed, the war was basically won.

Then they go and hit you with a "it's only the beginning..."
Watched it today and I thought that it was all right. I also watched Angels and Demons and I have to say that A&D > T Salvation
I thought the movie was good. The way it ended means there will probably be another installment coming.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Spoiler [+]
I thought when HQ was destroyed, the war was basically won.

Then they go and hit you with a "it's only the beginning..."

Spoiler [+]
They explained in T:3 how there's really no "center" to destroy, Skynet is a worldwide system.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Spoiler [+]
I thought when HQ was destroyed, the war was basically won.

Then they go and hit you with a "it's only the beginning..."

Spoiler [+]
They explained in T:3 how there's really no "center" to destroy, Skynet is a worldwide system.
Spoiler [+]
Yep. I went back and watchd T3 and they sure did.

But even though that may be the case, the resistance already have found a weapon/device that can essentially win the war. That leaves you wondering why John didn't bring that with him when he infiltrated HQ (That thing can turn off the machines via a signal)
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Spoiler [+]
I thought when HQ was destroyed, the war was basically won.

Then they go and hit you with a "it's only the beginning..."

Spoiler [+]
They explained in T:3 how there's really no "center" to destroy, Skynet is a worldwide system.
Spoiler [+]
Yep. I went back and watchd T3 and they sure did.

But even though that may be the case, the resistance already have found a weapon/device that can essentially win the war. That leaves you wondering why John didn't bring that with him when he infiltrated HQ (That thing can turn off the machines via a signal)
Spoiler [+]
Good point. Why didn't he take it? He didn't know what they knew so, he had no reason not to...
Type the following but eliminate the "*"

(your text)

coolgy23, Take out the 'H', type what I wrote, then type what you want in between the brackets.
I actually liked the movie, and liked all the tie-ins. Excited to see what they do with the other installments.
Spoiler [+]
As far as the signal goes, i'm pretty sure they said that the signal was a trap used by the machines to let the humans think that they could win. That's why that airship was able to find the submarine, because they were playing the signal, which wasn't actually meant to work.

And here's my thought process on the whole killing Reese right away thing. T2 and T3 showed that even when the humans tried to stop judgment day, all they could do was prolong it. So who's to say that the human resistance movement isn't the same way? If they kill Reese, then MAYBE John Connor isn't born, but if they lure Connor in also, and kill both, then the machines can almost guarantee they have nothing to worry about. At least that's how I saw it
Originally Posted by coolgy023

I actually liked the movie, and liked all the tie-ins. Excited to see what they do with the other installments.
Spoiler [+]
As far as the signal goes, i'm pretty sure they said that the signal was a trap used by the machines to let the humans think that they could win. That's why that airship was able to find the submarine, because they were playing the signal, which wasn't actually meant to work.

And here's my thought process on the whole killing Reese right away thing. T2 and T3 showed that even when the humans tried to stop judgment day, all they could do was prolong it. So who's to say that the human resistance movement isn't the same way? If they kill Reese, then MAYBE John Connor isn't born, but if they lure Connor in also, and kill both, then the machines can almost guarantee they have nothing to worry about. At least that's how I saw it
Spoiler [+]
John Connor field tested the device and thought it worked. He had no other information telling him that it didn't work or was a trap. So why (before the sub got blown) didn't he take it with him, not knowing it was a trap? Was he psychic or did Sarah warn about it on a tape? Nah... PLOT HOLE.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by coolgy023

I actually liked the movie, and liked all the tie-ins. Excited to see what they do with the other installments.
Spoiler [+]
As far as the signal goes, i'm pretty sure they said that the signal was a trap used by the machines to let the humans think that they could win. That's why that airship was able to find the submarine, because they were playing the signal, which wasn't actually meant to work.

And here's my thought process on the whole killing Reese right away thing. T2 and T3 showed that even when the humans tried to stop judgment day, all they could do was prolong it. So who's to say that the human resistance movement isn't the same way? If they kill Reese, then MAYBE John Connor isn't born, but if they lure Connor in also, and kill both, then the machines can almost guarantee they have nothing to worry about. At least that's how I saw it
Spoiler [+]
John Connor field tested the device and thought it worked. He had no other information telling him that it didn't work or was a trap. So why (before the sub got blown) didn't he take it with him, not knowing it was a trap? Was he psychic or did Sarah warn about it on a tape? Nah... PLOT HOLE.
Touche, sir. I have no defense for that.
From reading the spoilers and not watching the movie I seem to gather that it's more of a build up to lay the foundation down of what the future is like,when compared to the other movies. Am I on target here or am I just trying to give false hope to this movie?
You're correct JRS.

Movie is basically a set-up for a trilogy.

And yeah, I asked about that plot-hole earlier and still no one has come with a good reason for him not having that box going to Skynet.
Originally Posted by El Rey Pappa

wuSHUMast3r, I COMPLETELY agree with your analysis.

I cannot believe that the great musical composer, Danny Elfman actually attached his name to ths hot piece of garbage.

I now fully understand why Bale blew up on the set and pwned that production guy. Wouldn't you be mad if you were in a movie with this bad a script too?? And was I the only one that every time Bale yelled in the movie, was reminded of him cursing that poor guy out on that audio that was leaked?

It was absolutely ******ed that they spoiled in the trailers that Marcus Wright was really a robot. That would have been a great twist to experience while watching the movie. He was arguably the most interesting character in this train wreck of a movie. What a joke.

OH MAN! I totally forgot that Elfman was involved in this. Big fan, but I must say this score was absolutely boring and totally forgettable... all things thatcan be blamed on the director.
Well I mean if that's the case then the movie doesn't seem all that bad, outside of the poor editing. Hopefully the next 2 are done the right way. Ineed to see this some time this week.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Well I mean if that's the case then the movie doesn't seem all that bad, outside of the poor editing. Hopefully the next 2 are done the right way. I need to see this some time this week.
How do you know about he editing and you've never seen the movie?

Just curious.
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