Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Well I mean if that's the case then the movie doesn't seem all that bad, outside of the poor editing. Hopefully the next 2 are done the right way. I need to see this some time this week.
How do you know about he editing and you've never seen the movie?

Just curious.
Just from reading this thread and the spoilers.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Well I mean if that's the case then the movie doesn't seem all that bad, outside of the poor editing. Hopefully the next 2 are done the right way. I need to see this some time this week.
How do you know about he editing and you've never seen the movie?

Just curious.
Just from reading this thread and the spoilers.

I can't say that the movie was poorly edited. I actually think that it was shot and edited rather well.

The writing and acting sucked though.
Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by coolgy023

I actually liked the movie, and liked all the tie-ins. Excited to see what they do with the other installments.
Spoiler [+]
As far as the signal goes, i'm pretty sure they said that the signal was a trap used by the machines to let the humans think that they could win. That's why that airship was able to find the submarine, because they were playing the signal, which wasn't actually meant to work.

And here's my thought process on the whole killing Reese right away thing. T2 and T3 showed that even when the humans tried to stop judgment day, all they could do was prolong it. So who's to say that the human resistance movement isn't the same way? If they kill Reese, then MAYBE John Connor isn't born, but if they lure Connor in also, and kill both, then the machines can almost guarantee they have nothing to worry about. At least that's how I saw it
Spoiler [+]
John Connor field tested the device and thought it worked. He had no other information telling him that it didn't work or was a trap. So why (before the sub got blown) didn't he take it with him, not knowing it was a trap? Was he psychic or did Sarah warn about it on a tape? Nah... PLOT HOLE.
Touche, sir. I have no defense for that.

Spoiler [+]
I just assumed it took Common cranking up the volume on the radio to max just to crash the ship and since he was going alone, no way he'd be able to carry anything to scramble the frequency of that entire base.

[h3]'Terminator' is defeated at the box office
The Christian Bale movie raked in $43 millon over three days, but one film did even better.
Spoiler [+]
[h1]"Museum" comedy beats "Terminator" at box office (Reuters)[/h1]LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Ben Stiller beat Christian Bale in the North American weekend box office duel between their respective "Night at the Museum" and "Terminator" sequels, according to studio estimates issued on Sunday.
The 20th Century Fox comedy "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" sold $53.5 million worth of tickets during the three days beginning Friday, far exceeding the $30.4 million debut of its 2006 predecessor.

"Terminator Salvation" earned $43.0 million. The film fell short of the $44 million start for the previous entry in the cyborg series, 2003's "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," the swan song of franchise star Arnold Schwarzenegger.

But the race between the two new sequels was closer than it appeared because Warner Bros. got a head start on the U.S. Memorial Day holiday weekend by opening "Terminator" on Thursday, when it earned about $13.4 million. That takes the film's four-day total to $56.4 million.

The studios generally try to avoid each other when they roll out their big movies. In this case, "Night at the Museum" played to a broad audience, while "Terminator" was more targeted at male moviegoers.

Time Warner Inc-owned Warner Bros. said "Terminator" was likely more affected by competition for older men from the National Basketball Association playoffs, which hurt business in cities like Los Angeles.

Fox, a unit of News Corp, said the "Night at the Museum" opening set a new live-action record for Stiller. The film also opened in most international markets, earning $50.5 million.

Last weekend' North American champion, "Angels & Demons," slipped to No. 3 with $21.4 million, taking the 10-day total for Columbia Pictures' Tom Hanks religious thriller to $81.5 million. By contrast, its 2006 predecessor "The Da Vinci Code" had earned $136.5 million after the same period.

But the Sony Corp unit has said it never expected the second film to be as big, and noted it that it was the top choice internationally with sales of $60.4 million. Its foreign total now stands at $198.3 million.
So much hate...

Loved the movie. What's up with the bashing, it was a fun summer movie. Take it for what its worth, McG blew $%^& up and it was entertaining.

Yes there were holes but dammit I'm happy the Terminator franchise is back on track from where T3 left off. PLEASE DON'T TELL ME T3 WAS BETTER THAN TS.
Originally Posted by NIMO007

So much hate...

Loved the movie. What's up with the bashing, it was a fun summer movie. Take it for what its worth, McG blew $%^& up and it was entertaining.

Yes there were holes but dammit I'm happy the Terminator franchise is back on track from where T3 left off. PLEASE DON'T TELL ME T3 WAS BETTER THAN TS.

T3 was unnecessary, but was loads better than this piece of garbage. "Hate" is a strong word, I wouldn't go throwing it around at anyone whochallenges your point of view. Don't be so sensitive and juvenile. Film and music are popular forms of media meant to be consumed and discussed. I HATE itwhen people get all defensive as soon as someone bashes something they think is good. I wrote an essay on pg 20 detailing every single reason why this moviesucked. That's not hating, that's just stating.
I say the movie was Ok, to start. I didn't even know they're planning on making 2 more. Action scenes were entertaning. But it felt it was missingsomething. I grew up watching terminator and this movie didn't feel like a terminator movie.

I thought T3(which also sucked) showed that JC will the leader, when he took the post in the underground base.

This movie feels like when you order a steak well done at a resturant and they give you a steak medium rare, and the meat is still going "mooo."

I also was expecting to see an army of terminators.

I haven't seen Star Trek, but these summer flicks are off to a slow start. I guess its the recession.
I thought the movie was too short, the plot too basic, and the acting too robotic (pun intended). Well, if it was just intended to lay the groundwork for a newtrilogy, it did a poor job of making me interested in the sequels. They should've done more with the movie!!! I guess they just ran outta budget, what withblowing everything up left and right..
Originally Posted by wuSHUMast3r


This is one of the stupidest films I've ever seen. Script was straight up garbage... like it was written by a 16 year old fanboy. It made absolutely no logical sense. This film cost $200 million to make! Where the hell did all the money go? I'm gonna just list all the things that were wrong with this piece of crap:

Spoiler [+]
- I knew from the moment I saw the opening titles that my $10 was going down the drain. Terrible title sequence. Why show the title twice? What's the point of that? They must really think the audience has severe ADD. They start with the little background on Marcus, and then they stop the film to give you a text crawl about how John Connor is the prophetic leader, then they start the film again, and then they stop it one more time to remind you (again) that McG directed this piece of crap. I've never seen something so amateurish on a big screen.
- Why was it necessary for Helena Bonham Carter's character to have cancer? The makeup at the beginning was TERRIBLE.
- OK, so the machines have taken over the world. Where the hell are they? Opening battle sequence... only 2 terminators! Only 1 Terminator in LA?!? Skynet... shouldn't the headquarters be SWARMING with robots? Not once in this film are there more than 3 terminators in one scene. That's absolutely ridiculous. Could it have hurt to throw in just a few more? Again, this is the post-apocalyptic future run by robots... where is the army of robots that did this?
- If John Connor is the leader the prophecy says he is, then why isn't he calling all the shots? Why is information being withheld from him by other officers? Where is his leadership?
- The mute kid served absolutely no purpose except to pander to the audience.
- Somehow EVERY ROBOT has access to Skynet headquarters!
If you ran a company, would you give an intern access to all of your files?

- Hey, Marcus Wright! What are you doing back in Skynet headquarters? Shouldn't you be infiltrating the resistance? Oh well, come on in. Let me tell you about your past and I'll even throw in a free history lesson about how we took over the world.... and I'll do this by using visual screens because us robots are just like humans!
- If Kyle Reese is your #1 and you capture him, WHY NOT KILL HIM RIGHT THEN AND THERE?!? Kyle Reese dead, John Connor dead, right? I'm not going to get into the time travel debate. Regardless of what happens after you kill Kyle Reese, the question still remains: why keep him alive just so you can bait Connor into coming? And once he's there, send ONE TERMINATOR to throw him around. REALLY?!?!

- At the beginning, Connor's helicopter crashes because a nuke went off, but somehow blowing up several nukes at Skynet has no effect on their escape at the end!
- How did the humans not figure out what Marcus was sooner? Didn't want to give it away too soon? They freakin gave everything away in the trailer already! When that hick punches Marcus, shouldn't he have broken his hand? How does Marcus not rip the head off of those hicks when punching them? Shouldn't he weigh a ton? How would you be able to carry him back to the base? Isn't the purpose of the minefield to stop terminators from entering? Then how is it that Marcus still has both legs intact?!?

- How does the molten metal not melt the Terminator when it so clearly does in T2?
- I'm just going to assume that John Connor and Marcus Wright were exact matches for a heart transplant.

And that's not even half of it.

Thanks for saying what I couldn't. Or something like that.
I liked it, but i absoutley hate McG's directing. It made somewhat sense to me, but at the same time i was "huh"...Not the greatest Bale flickeither. Anyone notice they played "You can Be Mine" by Guns N Roses which was in the T2?

going to watch it again later on this week!
i really enjoyed it....
Originally Posted by daffy 016

i liked it a lot there was mad action... I was like
when I saw arnold
me too
dude came out that elevator with no clothes on iwas like

I fell asleep through half of the movie.
My friend who stayed awake said that it was
Looks like T4 was an epic fail

Based on reviews and NT post, the movie is littered with:

1. Plot holes.
2. Serious leaps in logic
3. Continuity Errors

No to mentioned, key plot elements were revealed in trailers.

Verdict: Will not see in theaters.
Yea, i did think it was hella stupid to keep dude alive instead of just killing him......which would have ended the whole damn thing.

I also wondered about why they showed that MCG credit twice in the beginning........was out of place like hell.

The rest of the movie i was pretty happy with.
Ok well, people probably wont care for what I have to say but, I loved the movie, flaws and all. And I don't want to shove this down anyones throats, causeI know people thought the movie was hot garbage, its just my humble opinion on whats trying to be done with the series. I'm just trying to go by all theinformation I have gathered from interviews with McG etc.. while awaiting for this joint to release.

This story, other than Marcus' focus point, shows how Connor becomes the leader of the resistance.

And no army's of Terminators, no army like battles, no plasma rounds, no leader Connor, skynet being what we werent expecting. That may be because Salvation is based in 2018, the scenes of the future depicted in the first three movies occur around2029. There's so much that has yet to be told. Plus, this Connors future is not the same future he was "warned about", cause I mean wealready know how the future was supposed to go down after hearing stories told from the first 3 and its nothing like that. So what I have come to understand isMcG and the writers, are telling the story of the Connor we've seen grow in t2 and t3, not the already grown future self that we see in those flashbacktype scenes in the first trilogy. I also remember reading that the T-800 models in Salvation were built way before what John was told, Arnolds model was madein the 2020's. I think in this trilogy (if they do finish it) is what we're going to see is how this Connor deals with the pressure of how things go ordont go according to plan.
im sure bale didn't sign onto 2 more movies for this first one to suckk. i mean it was good but had a lot of holes...holes i'm sure can be resolvedlater on. and yea your right jiffy i agree with you and wuSHUMast3r i also agree with you too...A LOT actually
but despite everything you said i stillenjoy T4 and hope T5 will be better with less holes and less non sense
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