Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN


Dude SUNK his teeth into those F's. I mean SUNK.
I wouldn't say he OD'ed on the dude without knowing the whole situation. It could have been at the end of the day, or dude has been putting in a lot ofhours each day like most actors do. I'd pry be a little cranky if this dude is preventing me from filming a scene.

it was pretty funny though how he flipped out. Given the circumstances I might have done the same thing.
I like how the director was like "I didn't see it"

if that was Cameron he would not have tolerated that from one of his actors

but then again star-actors probably do this all the time, just that Bale was caught on tape. he should be mad at his PR guy
seriously let christian bale talk to me like that. i dont care who he is there would be a problem
Originally Posted by instant klassic


the Bulldog Feb 2, 2009 6:39:45 PM Report Offensive Post
Hate to break it to you, but it's NEVER ok for a DP to interupt a shot. If there's a problem, he tells the Director then he/she stops the scene. As for everyone that's so morally out raged ("no one talks like that to other people")...have you been on an NYC street in your life? It happens all the time. Another example - you're working on a report for your boss. Your coworker spills coffee on it. You let it slide and redo the work. It happens again, due to his/her being oblivious...you'd let them hear about it. It's easy to bash celebs, I know, but be real.

mrbatman Feb 2, 2009 6:58:37 PM Report Offensive Post
Mr. Bale is a professional actor who obviously takes his craft very seriously; he expects a certain level of professionalism on the set from everyone involved. Especially seeing as he has top billing on this movie, he has every right to be mad. Clearly Mr. Hurlbut does not respect the art of acting or Mr. Bale, nor the effort put forth by the actors to perform in a scene. It's even worse when Mr. Hurlbut tries to casually dismiss Mr. Bale's objections, which infuriates him even further. For those of you who are unfamiliar with movie making, which clearly there are quite a few of you, there's a time a place for the lighting to be checked and it's not when the actors are in the middle of a scene.It's like someone casually strolling up to you while you're typing at work and they turn off your computer without asking, not once but twice. Oops, sorry you just lost your 20 page report that's due in 10 minutes…. oh, but wait, let's blame you for getting mad about it. Shame on all of you
Makes sense.

you better believe I'm bringing my samurai sword with me next day if that happens.
I can't wait for this movie.

I like the t-600 and that they kept the story-line cannon with T1... Reese describes them in one scene in that movie as big and slow with rubber skin allowingeasy detection.

I wonder what the the deal is with the 4th terminator in that pic...?
Sounds like me when I play someone that ONLY uses LeBron or Kobe on 2K9, win or lose.
Originally Posted by Hoosier Bad Boy 11


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roland Kickinger as the prototype T-800: This will be the first Terminator film in which Arnold Schwarzenegger does not physically play the Model 101 Terminator, because he is serving as Governor of California.[sup][22][/sup] The Austrian-born Kickinger previously portrayed Schwarzenegger in a 2005 biographical film on the A&E Network. When asked about his role, Kickinger said it's "Arnold's character in the first Terminator. That's basically my role, but 20 years before, so it establishes how the Terminator [came] about." He also revealed that there is a "very strong scene in the film where John Connor for the first time meets the Terminator, and he doesn't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy."[sup][23][/sup] However, McG confirmed Kickinger, the individual, will not be in the movie and that they will only use his body.[sup][24][/sup] Schwarzenegger also visited the set, leading to rumors he was providing his voice and got scanned for a digital double, which would be mapped onto Kickinger's physique. He had granted the Halcyon Company permission to use his likeness in the film.[sup][25][/sup] McG would only admit "[w]e're trying to synthesize a human character with a CGI character and that may or may not have something to do with the T-800,"[sup][26][/sup] and that they've "got a lot to talk to him about in regard to the role he plays in this."[sup][27][/sup]Polish strongman athlete Mariusz Pudzianowski was also considered for the role.[

The man would rather spend some time on a movie set than finalizing and agreeing on a California budget. Cmon now!

for real though, I heard that it was a very emotional scene and dude was in character and the DP broke his concentration. I wonder whatBryce Dallas Howard was doing throughout that whole rant though lol

I think Bale was justified for going off a little on the dude, but he kinda OD'd on it going on for like 5+ minutes. a quick 30 second rant to let himknow would've been okay
I mean , its okay to get mad for like 20-30 seconds , but dude was mad , for like , ever .

Get upset and move on dude .
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