The fact that the guy kept talking back to Bale trying to justify what he did made Bale even more agitated. I though that was great
hahaha that remix youtube video is hilarious
"Brilliant. Christian Bale is a wicked +++% actor, love to see him in a movie with jason Statham where they're two angry dudes being angry and bashingpeople up. LOL"-Youtube Commenter
that Bale techno remix is hot....makes me wanna throw down with the next random person I see.
a few pictures of the set;


One of the Terminator skulls in the Terminator factory (before it's placed on the torso). Christian Bale's character, a grown up John Connor, falls down a vent shaft and onto a bed of these skulls.


Terminator model T-800 chases John Conner in the film. In Terminator Salvation we'll get a look at the prototype of the Terminator that traveled back in time from 2029 in one of the earlier movies. Confused by all the time travel? So are we! All we know is the director says some type of salvation takes place in 2018 and "you see the R&D that went into the T-800."



A massive nuclear explosion kills most of the people on earth, leaving behind these skeletons in a church. The action in Terminator Salvation takes place in 2018, and to get the right look, the director, McG, said, "We talked to the people who monitored Chernobyl about what the world would sound and look and taste and feel like after the bombs have gone off."


Terminator Salvation DP (Director of Photography) Shane Hurlbut on top of a crashed copter. "We shot this on location about a mile from the studio (in New Mexico) where the rest of the film was done," said a source. "John Connor crashes a copter into the water and is attacked by Hydrabots, Terminator-type robots designed to catch and kill humans trying to swim to safety."


Showdown! Christian Bale crosses paths With Shane Hurlbut, the director of photography and object of his now infamous rant. This shot was taken shortly before their blowup on the set of Terminator Salvation.

Christian Bale in costume chats with his wife on the set. She's sitting in the director's chair, which says Project Angel on the back. That was the code name of the film during shooting.

This is one of the assembly lines in the T-800 factory where the Terminators are produced. The heads are mounted on the torsos here.

apparently him & the DP resolved it that same day and they even worked together like 2 weeks ago, according to the interview
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but this is the DP's side of things

From Cracked.com

[h1]The Christian Bale Flip Out According to the Other Guy[/h1]February 6th, 2009
By: Daniel O'Brien

[Note: In my professional opinion, reading this post while listening to this Remix takes the entire experience to the next level.]

This week, audio from the set of Terminator: Salvation took the Internet by storm. Apparently, Christian Bale lost his temper, and said some not-so-nice things to the Director of Photography, Shane Hurlbut. To get a little perspective, we're bringing you Shane's version of the events that lead up to those fateful three minutes.


Sooooo @+@*+%' stoked, today. I applied to be the Director of Photography for the new Terminator movie and I just got the call- I GOT IT! I'm so balls-to-the-walls amped about this because CHRISTIAN *+!@!%@+%+%%@ BALE is gonna be in this movie! We're gonna work together and probably hang out, literally, every day and night. No lie, we're probably gonna become totally best bros after this because I'm one of, if not, the most talented Directors of Photography in the greater Burbank area. He's gonna be so impressed with my DP'ing and we're gonna turn into like a mad powerful Hollywood duo, like makin' deals every day. This is gonna be the best summer ever, which is why I'm keeping this set journal for pictures and my thoughts or whatever. This journal's probably gonna be literally real expensive someday when Christian Bale and I are running Hollywood like it's no big deal.


I totally got a picture with Christian Bale today and it was !*@@%@+ awesome. He didn't know it was being taken or whatever but that's cool, because he was like mad nice afterwards and he was all "In the future, please don't take a picture when I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone else."


He's saying "in the future" because I think he knows how tight were gonna be. Next movie's gonna The Adventures of Batman and Shane, ya heard?


Christian is such a totally cool dude. I got him to sign a whole bunch of @!*@ today, INCLUDING my copy of The Batman Movie on VHS. I was like, "Sign my The Batman Movie, dude, I think you're mad good," and at first he was like, "That isn't me." And I'm all, "I know dude, it's The mysterious Batman, right? Nah, for real sign it," then I gave him a wink. And he said, "No, you don't understand," and I'm like "No, dude, I get it. It's cool, your secret's safe with me," and then I winked at him a few more times and he signed it. It's like he was still in character and didn't want anyone to know he was Batman. That's like method acting and @!*@. I studied a little acting, and I'm pretty good at it, so I totally get where he's coming from and totally respect him for it.



No lie, today was literally the best day of my life. We were filming a scene for the Terminator movie and C-Bale (I think it's safe to call him "C-Bale" now because we're basically like best bros, we're gonna hang out), he, like, shot this robot in the head or whatever and was being intense in the movie and I was like, "Yo, I bet his heart is beating mad fast right now," so I snuck in so you could barely see me and I captured the sound of his heartbeat for the audio.


Everybody was real impressed and the sound is so !*@@%@+ intense. Not to brag or anything, but I'd make a seriously great sound engineer, I'm just great with natural sounds, you know? Everyone always says so. I'm like a painter but the paint is sound, and the canvas is like a microphone and the paintbrushes are also sounds. Anyway they have to film that same scene again tomorrow for some reason, so I think I might try to get a different angle on his heartbeat.

DAY 11

Surprised C-Bale at his house today at like 2 AM to go partying. He wasn't in the mood to party. We'll probably go tomorrow or whatever.

DAY 15

C-Bale was a little weird today, I don't know what his deal was. The thing was, he was doing this real close-up scene with this other guy in the movie and they were talking and arguing about the robots (or maybe the one dude was a robot), and it was all intense but I was thinking to myself like, "Yo, there's mad glare comin' off C-Bale's head and whatnot," because there was mad glare, and it was real bright. And I'm all, "Who's in charge of that," but, check it, I'm in charge of that. So, I didn't want to stop the acting or whatever so I just used myself to block some of the light because, and I'm not trying to kiss my own %%% or anything, but I'm a totally resourceful DP/light technician, everybody always says so. Some people would try to find blinders or splashers or whatever but I thought, "I don't have blinders or splashers, I just have me," so instead of standing around like an idiot with my %%% in my mouth looking for splashers, I just used myself to block the light, I wasn't even in the way.


Anyway C-Bale pulled me aside later, 'cause we're mad tight and all, and he's like, "I appreciate what you did but, in the future, I'd rather have a little bit of space while we're filming the scenes. I'm not at all trying to be rude or condescending, but it can just be a bit distracting when someone who isn't in the scene shows up in the scene, do you understand?" And I didn't, but I'm all, "You the man, C-Bale! Bat Blimp!" And he goes, "We didn't actually have a Bat Blimp," but it's cool, because we're totally tight.

DAY 21

We were having more lighting problems in the movie or whatever, so I had to step into the scene again while my boy C-Bale was doin' his thing (thang), and I messed with the lights and everything and I think it made the movie look literally a million times better because, and I'm not just trying to tickle my own balls here, I'm a totally great light designer. People are always coming up to me on sets like, "Seriously that was the best !*@@%@+ lighting I've ever !*@@%@+ seen in my entire !*@@%@+ life and I'm like Steve Spielberg or whatever." Literally.

But then anyway, so I'm standing around set like right after I finished doing the lights and I'm like @!*@, because I remember C-Bale telling me about how it's distracting when someone's in the scene but not in the movie, or whatever. So I figured the only thing to do would be to, like, pretend I'm in the movie , right, so he'd forget that I was Shane the DP, and he'd think I was just one of the guys, chillin' out, fightin' robots. So that's what I did. I stopped being Shane the DP, and I started being one of his soldiers or whatever, chillin' out and fightin' robots. Check me out, doing both of those things:


Right? No lie, I've never done any professional acting before, but I think I nailed it. I was just like, "Okay, Shane-Dog, pretend you're kicking mad robots and @!*@" and then that @!*@ just came out of me like I'm Guy Pearce or whatever, kicking robots. I'm a really great DP and everything and I love my work, but if the right project came along I seriously think I might consider starring in a movie. Me and C-Bale were talking about doing a movie together. Or not talking about it, but we're gonna have a meeting together to discuss. I am going to mention it to him.

DAY 22

Yo, C-Bale is such a !*@@%@+ *#%$. He must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or he must've been on some serious drugs or something because he totally absolutely lost his @!*@ today on set. I don't know what his problem was. I was just doing my job like I always do. It's like because he's a !*@@%@+ "actor" or whatever he doesn't realize how important the DP is. If it wasn't for me, this whole movie would be totally dark and soundless and everyone would go to the theater and be like, "Hey, what the @!*@, this Christian Bale movie is like totally dark and soundless, what gives?" That's why I'm around, to make sure the lights happen and everything. What I was doing today was setting up his !*@@%@+ lights. That's my job. That's all I was doing. My job. See?


So excuuuuse me if my job was getting in the way of your "acting" or whatever. And you know what's worse? I was cheering him on the whole time. No lie, I used to do Ultimate Frisbee in college (no lie, I was great) and it always helped me when people would cheer me on. They'd be all, "Shane-Dog you're the man" and I'd be all, "I am" and then I'd rock %%% at Ultimate like it was no big deal. So as soon as McDonalds shouted "ACTION," I started cheering on Christian because we're bros and that's what bros do. I was like, "Yeah! Act, Christian, you act the @$#* outta that scene! Act all over Ron Howard's daughter like it ain't no thing." So here I am, supporting my bro and setting up the lights because it's my job, and out of nowhere this dude flips out with his whole, "You're unprofessional and I'm Batman and we're done" $*!$#$$#. In front of everybody. No offense dude, but I think it was you who was unprofessional. I'm pretty sure there's no scene in Terminator where John Connor is supposed to look at the DP and start screaming at him like a big stupid baby (but, no lie, there might be a scene like that. I didn't know what scene we were in and I still haven't read the script.). Seriously, Christian, it's cool 'cause we're bros now and everything, but you were, no lie, acting like a total Diva. He was whining and I'm like, "Bale? This dude's such a diva, it's more like BaleyoncÃ[emoji]169[/emoji], am I right?" I mean, I didn't say that at the time, but you get the idea, he was totally being a divabitch superbaby. And I totally woulda kicked his %%%, too, because you can't talk to me like that and I've been in a ton of fights, but he had, like, mad security guards happening and I'm not even trying to get quadrupled-teamed by a bunch of 'roided out security guards, so I'm like "Peace" and got fired and whatnot.
Terminator Salvation, which opens May 21st.

Director McG walked onstage and the first thing out of his mouth was, Hhow great does Watchmen look?"

Then he told the audience, which was rather subdued for a big Con crowd, they needed to get more excited. I've said it before and I'll say it again. McG should be hired by every studio with a Fanboy pic to promote it. He's a master at working the room.

Having just wrapped up the Terminator road show presentations last month, McG has this routine down pat. He addressed the James Cameron issue, how the man who launched the franchise told him he would reserve judgment on the fourth film until he sees it, and how he hopes to show the movie to Cameron in a few weeks.

Then he recapped the recruitment of Christian Bale to the project. He also had a little fun at the expense of Bale's recent audio rant.

"You guys know how Christian is, he doesn't like to talk much, he's very soft-spoken," McG joked.

After calling Bale's house and talking briefly with the actor's wife Sib, McG showed a six-minute montage from Terminator Salvation.

The director called it a world-exclusive, footage that had never been seen before. But, at the http://www.newsarama.com/film/090113-terminator-salvation-preview.htmlroadthat I saw last month, they showed much of the stuff in the montage. But that's splitting hairs.

While still partially incomplete, with green screens visible and computer graphics in place where some of the machinery in the movie, the sequence gave a hint to the technological mayhem McG has promised to unleash in theaters in May. It was also well received by the fans in attendance.

The Bale tirade was addressed as soon as the audience questions began. McG mentioned that the fallout from the widely played audio rant has been minimal. I'm sure he's glad Christian apologized publicly Friday for the outburst. It gave McG the out he needed to discuss it, state how things happen sometimes on movie sets, and that was that.

There was no mention, however, about whether McG had a talk with his DP about keeping a lower profile on the set after the incident.

One of the most interesting questions found McG defending his work on the Charlie's Angels movies, saying he wanted to show female action heroes could work.

He also admitted that getting kicked off Superman Returns was one of the most humiliating moments of his life. For those who don't remember, he was fired from the project because his fear of flying kept him from flying to Australia.

He likened it to an alcoholic hitting bottom. McG said he sought professional help to get over his flying fear, and it's one of the reasons why he directed a movie about a plane crash (We Are Marshall.)

When a fan mentioned "the more Michael Ironside, the better", McG praised the popular character actor and said fondly, that he's out of his mind. "In his mind, [Ironside] thinks he's 6-4 with a six-pack of abs and a full head of hair," he joked.

McG reiterated the timeline and mythology of T4 won't pay attention to the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series.

The panels wrapped with McG letting someone from a Terminator fan site ask if Schwarzenegger will make an appearance.

Just as he hedged when asked if Linda Hamilton would pop up in the movie, McG tap-danced around the question. He did mention they are trying to create a new special effect dealing with the T-800, one of the central issues in the movie's plot.

McG added cryptically that he does not want today's Arnold, he wants mid-80s Arnold. Whether his special effects guys can pull it off, remains to be seen.

One other concern may be that the fanticipation for a new Terminator movie is nowhere near what it is for Watchmen. Understandable, given Watchmen's comic book roots, the history of the project, and also the general apathy regarding T3.

Still, Warner Bros. should be concerned that a large part of the crowd at the panel emptied out immediately after the Watchmen presentation.

As more footage is released, maybe that will change. Christian Bale is obviously a huge draw on his own, but if today was any indication, Terminator Salvation may need a bit more than his star power (and audio taped outbursts) to have a blockbuster debut in May.
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