♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

Yo why doesn't my signature work

Just turned on the game
I love me some Jimmer 

I wanted him on the Bucks sooo bad 
 Do work Sacramento fans, I like watching your team. My team I root for in the West.
Everyone knew he Jimmer was feelin' it. Hell, I was yelling for them to get him the ball as Jimmer was calling for it.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Tyreke needs to be traded
Why's that? and for who/what?
This is interesting........

You can't like their chances here given J.J. Hickson's season-long struggles, but sources say that the Kings are shopping Hickson hard before the March 15 trade deadline, hoping to salvage something from the last trade consummated before last summer's lockout.

In that swap with Cleveland last June 30, Sacramento surrendered both Omri Casspi and a protected first-round pick for Hickson. But Hickson's game has regressed with the Kings, prompting them to see whether they can find a new home for him.

And if they can't? The Kings will naturally hope that the justifiable euphoria surrounding this week's long-awaited arena deal, which at last ensures that the franchise will stay in Sacramento after years of support from some of the league's loudest and most loyal fans, is all anyone keeps talking about.

Damn straight.
Originally Posted by Mister916

I don't think anything is going to happen. Unless Amick says something.
This is true, but the last few years the Kings have been relatively active. I'd bet on the Kings making a deal, big or small, rather than not.
I was pumped when he shot that 3 from the Staples Center decal like 5 feet behind the line
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