⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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Damn, Sarri made it all the way from Fourth Division Italian football. He earned this and what’s coming to him.
After 20yrs no less.

A quiet moment he had to himself amongst the celebration

And even better
Shame Sarri is probably gone after this. Man got us back into the top 4 and the Europa League trophy and he's probably one and done.

For Frank Lampard of all people...yeah yeah he's a club legend but the man's been managing for less than a calendar year....
Shame Sarri is probably gone after this. Man got us back into the top 4 and the Europa League trophy and he's probably one and done.

For Frank Lampard of all people...yeah yeah he's a club legend but the man's been managing for less than a calendar year....
yall don't deserve him tbh
chelsea fans were ****ting on him all season

didn't trust the process
yall don't deserve him tbh
chelsea fans were ****ting on him all season

didn't trust the process
I've had my complaints about his rotations but I never wanted him gone. I want stability. I'm tired of seeing a new manager every 2 seasons.

I just recently read something that stated Abramovich has paid out close to £93 million to all the managers he's let go since 2004. That's absurd to me...there's no consistency when it comes to running the team and you have a guy who is willing to work on long term projects, did the most with the least and you wanna let him go for Frank Lampard. Enough is enough.
At this point.. I feel that Sarri has done more than enough to keep his job. I wouldn’t sack him, but if he wants to leave for Juve, I wouldn’t care that much tbh.

Stability would be nice, but I’m still not sold on Sarriball in England or Sarri’s rotations.
Sarri rubbn his hands from the fact them ciggs will be smoking on the pitch if he goes back to Italy

Aka im coppn a ramos Jersey when that new home kit drops. Hate him or love him, i semi had a scare he was leaving.. Love my cbs!
Can you even smoke in Italy? Haven't seen a manager do that since Zeman or whatever his name was with Roma
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