⚽️THE FOOTY THREAD: Leicester v City, Lyon v Brest, Troyes v PSG, Sandhausen v Leipzig, Wiesbaden v BVB

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told them about kubo too. Now he’s going to getafe. He’s not Madrid material.
Pretty sure it was only a loan request. Martin should be back next season if the other reports I saw were right.

Yea but the point I’m making is that Zidane’s track record with new and young guys has been pretty terrible.

Should Odegard have any faith next season with Zidane? I doubt it 🤷
I'm relatively concerned about Zidane's absolute loyalty to his old guard burning out the team. I thought Odegaard would come back and light up the attacking third, but alas. There's no way he could perform less reliably than Asensio at this point.

Never thought Kubo was more than publicity and international relations, but happy to see his future get sorted.

Squad needs an overhaul, bad.

EDIT: ESPNFC's article highlights the outflow of talent this year:

Hakimi? Ballin it up.
Reguillón? Ballin it up.
Llorente? Ballin it up.

It then mentions Jovic's heroics last weekend, but I still think the player isn't cut for more than the Farmersliga.

Personally, Fede is my current favorite player in the squad, and barring his injury earlier in the season it's hard to see why he can't get more game time.
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Anyone watching Championship of Africa tournament? Chan

Was hoping Bruno might be rested for 'Pool in the FA cup this weekend but guess not.

Good to see Bailly back in the XI

Hoping Mase gets back on the scoresheet today
I mean...Mings took the ball down....Rodri did come back from an offside position but once Mings touches the ball isn't it fair game?
Areola has been of the better keepers in the league this season, surprised he messed that up but I'll take it :lol: :pimp:
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