⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Last year France nearly elected a bigoted piece of **** because many in the country felt immigration, especially African immigration, as hurt the country.

Less than a year later a team filled with the children of African immigrants is gonna deliver another World Cup.

I hope all those fools that voted for Marine Le Pen remembers this with then they are celebrating
Last year France nearly elected a bigoted piece of **** because many in the country felt immigration, especially African immigration, as hurt the country.

Less than a year later a team filled with the children of African immigrants is gonna deliver another World Cup.

I hope all those fools that voted for Marine Le Pen remembers this with then they are celebrating

Ya right lol. They love you when you do good, hate you when you fail.

Look at Ballotelli
Last year France nearly elected a bigoted piece of **** because many in the country felt immigration, especially African immigration, as hurt the country.

Less than a year later a team filled with the children of African immigrants is gonna deliver another World Cup.

I hope all those fools that voted for Marine Le Pen remembers this with then they are celebrating

Pretty hilarious one of the trumpettes mentioning baseball considering where some of the sports best players are from or not from, I should say
How is it no reason? You have TENNIS PLAYERS mocking the embellishment and diving that takes place in a soccer game ...

I'm an reminded every two years why soccer isnt respected ... The softness is paralyzing ...
Do you argue in every thread you participate in?

You in the World Cup thread trying to slander soccer.

God damn you must’ve been neglected as a child.:lol:
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