⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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How is it no reason? You have TENNIS PLAYERS mocking the embellishment and diving that takes place in a soccer game ...

I'm an reminded every two years why soccer isnt respected ... The softness is paralyzing ...

World Cup is every 4 years thou...

And soccer is the most popular sport in the world.. like the whole world
Last year France nearly elected a bigoted piece of **** because many in the country felt immigration, especially African immigration, as hurt the country.

Less than a year later a team filled with the children of African immigrants is gonna deliver another World Cup.

I hope all those fools that voted for Marine Le Pen remembers this with then they are celebrating
They won't be celebrating. They'll be sulking, like 20 years ago, when Jean Marie LePen called the '98 french team the UN team, and claimed that the players didn't even know the Marseillaise.

They're bad faith *******s, just like the **** boy who came over here with his "soccer is a joke" BS
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