Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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yup. got clapped. not ignoring it.

and Bayern got the under it looks like? who approved of that nonsense?? hopefully it doesn't go too bad in the return leg, only the lord knows if we'd pull off something like Pool did Barca last year AWAY :lol:

is this year a success for Frank? top 4(now 5) is necessary to answer the question yes. can't completely blame our outing on Frank. the ban (now lifted but still) what we got to work with, players leaving and new ones coming in. I would like if Frank settled on a formation though the game versus Tottenham was the first time we went three in the back since the new year and we won it after what seems like forever since a decent victory. Did it again today but it was the almighty Bayern as opponents.
Valiant effort by those farmers in London. Finally got to catch the whole thing. Thiago is probably our most important player (even as incredible as Lewandowski is) because of how much he controls the game and the tempo. I love Davies. So happy for him and all his success already. Hoping we get to see him in Bayern for the next 10+ years and he becomes a club legend.In regards to the match, it could've been a whole lot uglier too if we were a little more on point with final balls. The 2nd leg is gonna be brutal if we put out the full squad. Hard to judge our quality right now against a club from such a lower level league.


It’s funny cause it’s true :lol:
I saw him unable to shield the ball multiple times and ultimately turnover possession. But what do I know
he won man of the match

it was tough match overall. They parked the bus and quique was reluctant to start Ansu away from home. Who is basically the only pace on the wings from the forward position.
But busquets was good. All things considered he dominated the midfield
I just need Chelsea to focus on not tumbling out of the top 4, this CL campaign is all but wrapped up so lets worry about actually making it back next year.
Stoked for the games today. Don't have much of a preference on who wins the City v Madrid match. I am really interested to see how each coach sets up and goes about the game.

Running home after work in an attempt to catch some of the first half and the second half
City and Madrid fans wild nervous today....

😆 😆
You dont even know the feels I'm going through. Whichever club drops out of the KO stage wont hear the end of this...period.

I have one friend that's a true Real Madrid fan and the only time we've spoken this past week was about him buying a new truck and the Wilder and Fury fight. We duckin all the boys and the questions about the matchup rn :lol:

Gonna be watching a delayed DVR replay so I'm super anxious.
This is the definition of a just wait and see what happens match. Neither side looking their hottest the past couple matches going into this first leg.

there’s only one plus I got rn and that’s that we wearing the Hacienda kit. At least we gon look good.
You dont even know the feels I'm going through. Whichever club drops out of the KO stage wont hear the end of this...period.

I have one friend that's a true Real Madrid fan and the only time we've spoken this past week was about him buying a new truck and the Wilder and Fury fight. We duckin all the boys and the questions about the matchup rn :lol:

Gonna be watching a delayed DVR replay so I'm super anxious.

Armada Armada won’t admit it, he’s trying his best to be rational - but Armada can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t focus..... so I don’t blame you :lol:
I know I’ve mentioned this point before but Zidane made a very understated mistake 2 match days ago. He started Marcelo clearly not knowing that Mendy was one card away from suspension, which then forced him into having to bench him 2 matches in row to ensure he plays in El Clasico. With that one oversight, it played a role in us dropping points two la liga matches in a row, has dropped our defensive form/confidence, and will presumably have taken Mendy out of some rhythm with his teammates.

It’s inexcusable that a player who’s arrival had been key in finally giving RM a defensive identity after who knows how long, hasn’t played since February 9th while being fit. And now is thrusted into the fire for back to back matches against City and Barca in one week.
Slowly feeling the nerves. Hoping the boys come out strong knowing theres a possibility of no CL for a couple of years. Should be a good matchup.
Bad news for Lewa. Missed him getting hurt too. Who do they have as a back up #9. I assume eventually Haaland will end up there since bayern just uses every german club as feeder club

I don't know when he could've gotten hurt either. He was celebrating with Davies in front of the fans after the game and looked totally fine. We really only have the 18 yr old kid Zirkzee from our academy who scored 2 game winners in his first 2 bundesliga appearances back to back with like 10 mins played total :lol: I would love to see him get some real chances to show what he's got.

I'm not so sure with Haaland. There's lots of rumors that we have a backdoor deal that we will be allowed to get him with his clause in 2 years, but our club hates dealing with Raiola so I guess we'll see what happens. Would love to see him become the replacement for Lewa when he's done
What the hell
It appears Lyon is threatening to sue their own supporters for defamation over all the ridiculing of the club president and the manager as clowns.
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