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World Cup/FIFA could be in trouble down the road. They keep adding more and more teams who don’t deserve to be there and hosting it in nations that shouldn’t host it.

The Nations League has been nothing but a class tournament. It’s extremely well organized and fun to watch.

Ceferin with a huge massive W
World Cup/FIFA could be in trouble down the road. They keep adding more and more teams who don’t deserve to be there and hosting it in nations that shouldn’t host it.

The Nations League has been nothing but a class tournament. It’s extremely well organized and fun to watch.

Ceferin with a huge massive W

relevant...also big 🧢
Good luck. Make sure you have some dayquil and nyquil in your place. The booster hits like a ****ing truck.

Yours was that bad? My booster wasnt bad at all, I was just a little tired but thats it
Has it come out exactly what happened with auba? I haven’t really kept up with it
Hope it’s not the end of him at arsenal

i assume it’s a wrap for Pepe. Not mad about it he can leave

either laca or tierney need to be captain imo
And watching that west ham game made me realize we need a new Cazorla bad.. some to link the midfield to the #10/forwards
I forgot xhaka signed a new contract :smh:
Nothing like Romance language temperament amiright gang?
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Felt like I had a full blown flu for a couple days, minus the nausea. Fever, chills, stuffy and runny nose all at once, body aches. It was rough. I got the Moderna shot.

Wow really? Moderna here as well and I was good outside of being tired, but dang that does sound rough. I think there’s a decent chance you may have had the flu to be honest. i have a decent amount of friends and fam who are boosted and yours is by far the worst experience ive heard. Hope youre all good now tho!
Wow really? Moderna here as well and I was good outside of being tired, but dang that does sound rough. I think there’s a decent chance you may have had the flu to be honest. i have a decent amount of friends and fam who are boosted and yours is by far the worst experience ive heard. Hope youre all good now tho!
For sure. I've heard similar stories from coworkers and family that have gotten recent boosters too, though. Maybe it's the batches we're getting or something. A couple coworkers had it worse, but they are older.

All good now, except for the muscle I pulled in my shoulder at the Timbers v NYC game last weekend. ******* #WASHED for real.
Moderna booster felt the same as the shots for me, mild hangover type feeling with a sore arm.
I'm due for my booster next month #pfizergang anyone took that yet? :nerd:
I found it hilarious that it took upper management putting they jobs on the line to get the antivaxxers in my job vaxxed :lol:

noskey noskey - hope you feel better. I was rooting for y'all man :smh:
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