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I'm due for my booster next month #pfizergang anyone took that yet? :nerd:
I found it hilarious that it took upper management putting they jobs on the line to get the antivaxxers in my job vaxxed :lol:

noskey noskey - hope you feel better. I was rooting for y'all man :smh:
Thanks man. Feeling better now. I really thought we were destined to win it after Mora's goal. I've never seen or felt that kind of energy at Providence Park. It had never been louder. The players were reenergized. And then Sean Johnson did what he does best :frown:

But still, an amazing season and I'm proud of the team. No disappointments.
Thanks man. Feeling better now. I really thought we were destined to win it after Mora's goal. I've never seen or felt that kind of energy at Providence Park. It had never been louder. The players were reenergized. And then Sean Johnson did what he does best :frown:

But still, an amazing season and I'm proud of the team. No disappointments.

I'm glad the masses got see real 'murrican footy culture in Portland. Regardless, y'all still Soccer City, USA to me :pimp:


Suspend the season man, getting ridiculous seeing some games still scheduled amidst all this...
Why did it spread so badly in England

Pretty sure bars, clubs, restaurants, sporting matches, etc have all been open with no real restrictions. When I was watching Champions Leagues games almost all the audience were masked up, Prem games not a single one.

Edit. Damn, that vaccination discrepancy is nuts. Pretty sure it's the same with a lot of athletes in the US. I dunno why American and British athletes think they know more than scientists :lol: Who was the player who said he was "doing more research" before getting it? Get the damn shot and go back to kicking balls.
Really surprised at Serie A. I’m generalizing a lot here but feel like so many of the players in that league have a meathead type personality and those types come off as less likely to be vax’d here in the states.
Really surprised at Serie A. I’m generalizing a lot here but feel like so many of the players in that league have a meathead type personality and those types come off as less likely to be vax’d here in the states.

COVID hit Italy extremely hard, remember?

They were the first country outside of China that COVID decimated.

Italy/Serie A weren’t taking any chances.
do they even wear masks out there? seems like as soon as they could let fans back they did and no masks in site.
Same reason why it spread in NYC.. The majority of people don't rock masks while out in public. Even the vaccinated think they are unstoppable.
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