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That's one narrative.
The other is they have been massively underperforming during the qualifying rounds. The same with Italy.
The other big European countries handled their business and they were far from perfect. Really no excuse for Portugal with all their talent. And you forgot to mention they **** the bed in the last match.

I’ve mentioned Portugal s*** the bed against Serbia last about 20 times the last 4 months.

But you were in witness protection and fled the thread because Barça sucked and Messi scored 2 goals all year.

Don’t you understand that’s whole point? In CONCACAF and COMNEBOL teams s*** the bed all the time and still get into the World Cup. It’s ridiculous.
I’ve mentioned Portugal s*** the bed against Serbia last about 20 times the last 4 months.

But you were in witness protection and fled the thread because Barça sucked and Messi scored 2 goals all year.

Don’t you understand that’s whole point? In CONCACAF and COMNEBOL teams s*** the bed all the time and still get into the World Cup. It’s ridiculous.
you get really sensitive when you are loud wrong. recurring pattern.
hit dog hollers.
Who did Flo pay for this?? :lol:

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