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Arsenal must really not want the 4th spot. Whenever its right there they play with no passion.
The combination of hot potato and Mike Dean reffing will ensure we don't win today.

I mean Nketiah was just NFL tackled on the edge of the box, and he was called for the foul. **** Mike Dean.

And just like that? Lol.
Apparently my stream was like 5 minutes behind.
Ramsdale hasn't been great lately. Easily saveable shot tbh. Maybe Leno deserves a shot next game...
Ramsdale hasn't been great lately. Easily saveable shot tbh. Maybe Leno deserves a shot next game...
Yea he’s definitely been erratic af recently :lol:

And just as I say that he takes down Bowen outside of his box
Wow Mike Dean gave Bowen a yellow for simulation, instead of a red to Rammy for a DOGSO? Incredible choice from a garbage ref.
Can we please get some ****ing subs out there? Xhaka been *** all half and Nketiah can't get a decent shot off despite the multiple times he's got the world in front of him.
****. Now we have Tomi down because Arteta is too ****ing stubborn or blind to sub out a player after 75 minutes who's back for the first time in 4 months. If we have to endure Cedric at RB for the rest of the year we're done. Europa isn't even in sights.
Leão and Vini did it man!

I remember earlier in the season when I said they made the leap. But Vini was ahead. Leão finished stronger tho….

Doesn’t matter tho. Happy for both of them.

While I agree they both made massive leaps, the circumstances they did it under are very different. Vini was under a microscope and had people hoping he failed since the moment RM paid 45m for him as a 16 year old. He was forced to try filling the boots of CR7 and competed with Eden Hazard at his position. He was endlessly memed and had grown dudes like Soria essentially lead bullying media campaigns against him. And did it all playing for a much bigger club, and he kept smiling and playing beautifully.
While I agree they both made massive leaps, the circumstances they did it under are very different. Vini was under a microscope and had people hoping he failed since the moment RM paid 45m for him as a 16 year old. He was forced to try filling the boots of CR7 and competed with Eden Hazard at his position. He was endlessly memed and had grown dudes like Soria essentially lead bullying media campaigns against him, and he did it all playing for a much bigger club.

Oh yea of course.

The pressure in Madrid is crazy. Vini got his revenge.

No way am I making an argument there. Im just talking football and leaps.
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