⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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I just don’t trust Andre Drummond who is telling folks that he’s getting a max contract this summer to not try and be extra on the offensive end. I know the Lakers don’t need to get to the rim but apparently he tries to get there more than anyone else in the league.

I’m not saying he doesn’t have valuable facets of his game that would help teams but I’m worried that he’ll try to showcase the flawed parts for his personal gain.
One reason why I'm not even worried that Drummond won't have selfish motives if he came to the Lakers:

He's been playing for sorry *** Detroit and Cleveland his whole career. Soon as he puts on that purple n gold and sees all those trophies with Bron and Davis standing next to him, he'll see nothing but #MambaMentality.

If AD2 made the conscious decision to join the Lakers,then it can only mean he came here to get that ring, which in turn would boost his value when it's time for that next contract.
A lawyer is the quintessential "TV made this look doper than it actually is" job. Let TV tell it, someone's getting sport game level applause after every case.

A big reason why I don't watch law-focused TV shows and I'm pretty careful about the movies I watch with that subject matter.

On the same subject, aside from the rewards available if you hit it big, acting is another job that actually kind of sucks. For TV and movies, its more sitting around and waiting than anything else.
A big reason why I don't watch law-focused TV shows and I'm pretty careful about the movies I watch with that subject matter.

On the same subject, aside from the rewards available if you hit it big, acting is another job that actually kind of sucks. For TV and movies, its more sitting around and waiting than anything else.
Suits on USA is the most egregious with it. They made being a lawyer look like the flyest thing of all time. It also portrays wearing a suit every day as the flyest thing ever...which it is NOT.
My mother ****ing hates TV portrayals of law :lol:

I feel the same on programming but showing someone googling everything and reading documentation isn't as sexy :lol:

I'd like to say its sexy the way I do it, but I can't :lol:

There's just some things that are basically impossible to make look cool/sexy. Like picking up your dog's **** with a little bag when walking it.
Suits on USA is the most egregious with it. They made being a lawyer look like the flyest thing of all time. It also portrays wearing a suit every day as the flyest thing ever...which it is NOT.

You don't have to tell me brother. Even pre-pandemic, I barely complied with our office dress code and its business casual. Wearing suits sucks.
A big reason why I don't watch law-focused TV shows and I'm pretty careful about the movies I watch with that subject matter.
I feel the same on programming but showing someone googling everything and reading documentation isn't as sexy :lol:

IMO it’s funny watching TV shows/movies about your profession or an topic where you’re a subject matter expert with other people. I always get the :stoneface: when I breakdown how certain things are patently inaccurate :lol:.

But on the other end of the spectrum and to the OG point, it is frustrating seeing your profession portrayed as fun, exciting and rewarding when in reality you’re either at the bottom, hate it and are just there for the check or if you’re at the top you’re grinding your *** off and making a ton of sacrifices |l

I could see how the same is true for professional athletes.
You don't have to tell me brother. Even pre-pandemic, I barely complied with our office dress code and its business casual. Wearing suits sucks.
Man, we got casual Fridays last year and people lost their minds. Talking about its destroying the fabric of the company and one dude literally said via feedback that "Next thing you know people will be wearing football jerseys to work we cannot have this".

Like the world was falling apart at the seams cause I could wear sneakers on Fridays now.

what we on tonight fellas?
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