⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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I can see that....I don't wear them everyday. Hell, I don't even go into work everyday now.
I don’t have to go in all the time either but I’m in the < 1% of folks who will occasionally wear a tie and jacket while working from home that isn’t on television. It all depends on if video is required and who’s on the call.

Blake left on bad terms ? :lol:

Pistons seem to have alotta salt for Mr. Blake :lol:

What makes you say this? He got a tribute video. If they really didn’t rock with him, I think they would forego that.

what we on tonight fellas?
What makes you say this? He got a tribute video. If they really didn’t rock with him, I think they would forego that.

just talking about how the players been roughing him up and fouling him what seems a little bit harder.

been a long week fam, watching this in a fog :smokin :lol:
For anyone that’s consistently watched the Wolves, why are they this bad? I expected KAT and a rando to cook the Rockets
Man, I was on a teams meeting a couple weeks back and expected it to just be my team. I had on a t shirt with my necklace showing. Joined and there were at least a half dozen people on there I didn't know. What made it worse was I had to provide an update for a program I co lead. Don't think anyone cared.

What we're all here for.....

To prevent the possibility of infection, Minnesota should forfeit the rest of their games. They're terrible.
Don't feel like finding the post, but I said Griffin just needed a change of scenery after the trade.
Going from Detroit who is going no where to a team in Brooklyn that are legit contenders will do wonders for anyone.
Suits on USA is the most egregious with it. They made being a lawyer look like the flyest thing of all time. It also portrays wearing a suit every day as the flyest thing ever...which it is NOT.
If I had a dollar for every time someone asks me have I seen suits after I tell them I’m a corporate lawyer then I would be rich enough to quit this job.
It gets old after a while. Its been six years of the same thing over and over

Yeah I couldn't imagine wearing a suit over here every day with hot weather and humidity year round.

I only wear a suit if I have a meeting with a client, otherwise it's a dress shirt and tie and even that get tiring, especially in the summer.
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