⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Therein lies the point. A lot of things that we just go through life considering to be absolutes are totally arbitrary nonsense that enough people said are fact so it became so. Human society is founded upon herding.

Someone just randomly decided that the number ten should be the first number to have double digits in it. Why? Who knows why? We just know ten is 10 and just accept it.

Not telling anyone that the whole system needs to be re-underwritten but a lot of what society is based on arbitrary stuff.
Math is the only absolute though ...

I think that's a bad example homie!
When counting on your fingers, 10 is the natural resetter, that's why it was picked

Wildly implausible.

It’s much more likely that Old Jebidiah returned to the village after a long day of harvesting flax and said, “I have had a vision. After ‘9’ all numbers should have 2 symbols.” And all the other villagers were like, “cool. Old Jebidiah is crazy, but let’s just go with it.” And the era of double digits commenced!
Did PG say something dumb again? They’re talking about him on NBA Radio right now - not in a good way.
Anthony Edwards just epitomizes his generation.

Just an agitator who was raised in the social media generation

You really can't believe anything that comes out his mouth because the yearning to troll is too high
Spot on. I thought he was a bit more mature, but then quickly realize that wasn't the case. It was a few weeks ago he was being interviewed and baseball came up and he was talking about it. Now he doesn't know anything about baseball? :lol:
Spot on. I thought he was a bit more mature, but then quickly realize that wasn't the case. It was a few weeks ago he was being interviewed and baseball came up and he was talking about it. Now he doesn't know anything about baseball? :lol:

💯💯💯. On top of that Anthony Edwards has cultivated this personality of being "The guy who says funny things and interviews" and he's leaning into it more.
Did PG say something dumb again? They’re talking about him on NBA Radio right now - not in a good way.

"The injury allowed me to kind of make an excuse for myself," George said Tuesday. "But then I put it in perspective ... if I'm gonna play, then don't let it limit me.

"I feel like I've had a breakthrough because of that mindset."


It really doesn’t work to PG’s advantage that star players are expected to to do post-game interviews when their team wins a National TV game.
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