⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Think you could make an argument he's been just as good if not better than Mitchell. Jazz have the best record in the league though. One of the Pels might get the short end of the stick.
The one saving grace for Donovan is that he's at 40% from 3 on 8.5 attempts

They are a wash somewhat statistically (Mitchell better from 3, Fox better from 2) except Fox has a few more assists per game. That's a tough argument to make against Mitchell who like you said is on the team with the best record in the league
I don't really get what this means :lol:

White Claw Wednesdays? :lol: Nah, I get it.

But I’m all seriousness you don’t think the folks who will be selecting themselves for the league will have a thought about MULTIPLE All-Stars in Utah and NO won’t be as appealing. I would love one of the NBA loyalists who knows how’s the process to speak up about reserves but having four dudes that are in those two cities doesn’t work out out to me for the league.
White Claw Wednesdays? :lol: Nah, I get it.

But I’m all seriousness you don’t think the folks who will be selecting themselves for the league will have a thought about MULTIPLE All-Stars in Utah and NO won’t be as appealing. I would love one of the NBA loyalists who knows how’s the process to speak up about reserves but having four dudes that are in those two cities doesn’t work out out to me for the league.
New Orleans has one of the worst records in the league. I just can't see any way that they get multiple all-stars. Some people in this thread might even consider those guys to be "looters in a riot".
New Orleans has one of the worst records in the league. I just can't see any way that they get multiple all-stars. Some people in this thread might even consider those guys to be "looters in a riot".

I think we are actually agreeing :lol:
Same view I had when Beal should have been an All Star

idk the Kings have like 1 more win than the Pels. But I wouldn't be mad at Fox, Ingram or Zion making it
I don't understand this Kings team :lol:

Played like complete garbage for 5 games straight and are now looking competent

Fox earning that contract and showing he's worth the max so far; glad he's a King :emoji_hugging:
Good game tonight. Playing against you guys with no backcourt on a back to back wasn't ideal, but you were clicking. Fox/Hali/Barnes were awesome.

Scal called Haliburton Guard Scottie Pippen :lol:
Same view I had when Beal should have been an All Star

idk the Kings have like 1 more win than the Pels. But I wouldn't be mad at Fox, Ingram or Zion making it

I hate to be a stat addict but they (NOP) certainly don’t deserve one more AS because of it. I’m currently in the camp arguing they deserve an AS. Just not two. I believe this will be the the favored party when selections come around but if I’m wronged? Someone was robbed of an AS Selection.
I hate to be a stat addict but they (NOP) certainly don’t deserve one more AS because of it. I’m currently in the camp arguing they deserve an AS. Just not two. I believe this will be the the favored party when selections come around but if I’m wronged? Someone was robbed of an AS Selection.
I mean, instead of taking a hardline stance on this just say the 12 you think are deserving

When the Pels have 4 less wins and 2 more losses than the 8th seed I feel like that's negligible. I weigh individual performance much more. Now when it's best record in the league compared to say Sacramento then I take that difference in consideration (i.e. Mitchell v Fox)

I know it won't matter but I also look at context and how that freakin team is built
If he ain't gone by end of the season, then the Wolves simply don't deserve to be great for the next Decade.
Immunity from the owner doesn't help, I am speculating but he needs to go, I suspect a tanking on purpose (not like they are good enough to win games anyway)
West All Stars so far, IMO. Standings be dambed

Could still get in: Shai, Wood, Fox

(Who I think will get voted)


I would argue that PG is having a better regular season than Luka and should start over him.
Why are people acting as if Fox has to take one of the Pelican players spots?? the kings are a whopping 1.5 games in front of the Pels.

Zion is gonna get the edge over both if keeps his numbers up, And ingram is the bigger name between him & Fox, along with putting up better numbers.
Also The Looters in a riot take is kinda wild considering this years predicted MVP is sitting at 7.5 games back just like them :emoji_disappointed_relieved: .

But i forgot "authentic stats".......
Who spot Christian Wood taking? He’s been better than fox, Ingram, and Zion
Jokic, LeBron, Kawhi, Luka, Dame, Gobert, AD, PG, Mitchell and Curry are locks.

Choose between Conley, CP, SGA, DeRozan, Zion, Ingram, Wood to round out the rest of the roster. Sorry Book, Ja and CJ.
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