⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Use it like... tomorrow :lol: They need another piece, and need to get that piece incorporated well before the playoffs start

I think they have the Kanter one too which is worth like $5M. The Hayward one is only worth about <$20M if they use it now, $28.5 if they wait til the summer. B Sox B Sox can correct me if I'm wrong.

Wouldn't be surprised if they wait. But Danny did say the trade deadline is the sweet spot for using it so who knows.
What about his technical skill? What stands out to you? (Positives)
Haven't seen that many hornets games and didn't bother to check him out until right before his draft. When I watched his overseas highlights I thought he'd be able to figure it out because he showed that he could takeover games with his vision and hit big shots. Just needed to work on his shot selection and form. His shiftiness at his height is a valuable commodity and reminded me of D'lo and Luka. I was sold on him even tho he only had like 3 good shooting games. His overall numbers were trash but he clearly had a high ceiling and I gave him extra credit for playing against grown men
It's crazy how much better Lamelo is then Lonzo. He's just better at everything. It's even hard to explain because they have many of the same mannerisms and movements on the court, Melo is just better at all of them lol
It's funny because if you judged their games now, you would've thought Melo was the ball dominant guard and Lonzo was the off ball guy at Chino Hills.
Ingram & Zion could be considered Looters...... but WLBJ is sitting right there with them at 7.5 games back ....... interesting
I dig the Luka Slander but Luka lead them to the playoffs last year and the mavs this year have been ****** by covid
If time is fake, why do I still feel so old today?

Lol at bragging about getting sent home after the first round by a team led by Curious George. That's embarrassing b. Luka is the king of putting up empty stats.
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