ubmitted 8 hours ago * by
Originally posted this earlier today on
r/MarriedAtFirstSight only to have it mod deleted within minutes... here it is again for you to enjoy and discuss.
All of you speculating that Luke is gay are correct. A friend of mine works for the show and recently gave me some insight into the situation. Shortly after decision day Kate and her friends found a second Facebook profile of Luke’s where he was listed as being in a relationship with another guy. She confronted the producers asking how they could have possibly overlooked that while matching them... they said they had no idea about the other profile. *face palm* Then while filming the reunion episode, Luke’s sexuality got brought up and he got so frustrated with the questions that he stormed off stage -still wearing his mic-, locked himself in a room and called someone sobbing saying “They know. They know I’m gay.” Lifetime most likely won’t air this because of privacy and permission issues, as well as not really being in line with their content. But the situation is so ****** up and sad on so many levels... on one hand it’s heartbreaking that he felt like he had to go through with something like this but on the other, it’s heartless to put someone like Kate through it all for your own benefit. I also found out that Kate was originally matched with a different guy, a doctor, but he withdrew from the show last minute and Luke was next in line.