🦅 THE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES THREAD 🦅 | Training Camp underway

PFF are guys who don't watch actual football games and only watch highlights and nerd out over numbers on a paper. As a New Yorker, I get forced to watch Jets and Giants more than I'd like because they're always on as the local game, and Daniel Jones is hot garbage. Even giants fans dislike him. Looking forward to him vs our front 4 tonight so we can see this "unequivocally better" QB play
TNF game threads:
About time they bust out the black joints

also, it's week 7 and two of the "featured" jerseys in those photos are Fulgham and Boston Scott. Sums up our season
Fulgham is well deserved for the feature. Route gawd Quez getting a tuddy today

sn: that slay jersey flames
nike still needs to fix the green in our jerseys.. shhh has that teal still going
Fulgham and DJacc already got that handshake down :nthat:.
Kinda hate how the FO is gloating about “finding” Fulgham. They know damn well they got lucky and he just so happened to be forced into the lineup.
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