09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I'm not the greatest boxing pro or anything, so I want to ask the diehards....

With Cotto's face looking like mush again, does this "legitimize" the beating Margarito gave him?

if you looked at mac's face, the ame exact spots that he had against margs re appeared last night.
Again, excuse my ignorance....

But at the end of the Margorito fight:



And at the end of last night's fight....


I won't pass judgment on the fight until I see it, and I haven't, and I give Manny the benefit of the doubt, but this is no different than little highschool girls that love Kobe Bryant or LeBron James, but can't even name the team he plays for.

It's same thing, different sport. People talking like they know something about a sport, when they are as oblivious as those who don't even know whatthe sport is like.

I understand he's the national hero of their country, but good lord.
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

His fans are the most godawful annoying things on Earth.

It's nothing against Manny the boxer, or Manny the person, but his blind followers who just praise him who don't know a lick about boxing makes me cringe.

And they're EVERYWHERE.

It's like being a fan of Michael Jordan but not knowing another basketball player in the world.

My co-worker last night was like "YEAAAH BOY PACQUIAO BEAT KATO!!"

What the hell is a Kato?
. Trying to tell me he's undefeated, and then try to say well he's undefeated recently.

It's just the fact that so many Manny fans come out of the woodworks every fight he has and try to talk all big, when they don't really know anything outside of Manny. He's an exciting fighter, he's a great fighter, but his fans are the most annoying things in the world.

I've loved Manny since his first fight on HBO I caught way back when, back when the average Filipino didn't even know who the cat was. But past few years it's been unbearable to watch the dude without having Filipino's across the globe yap their mouth about dude and how great he is.

95% of the people who were in this thread will disappear until the next Manny fight, which is
in it's own right.

I never claim to know as much as the rest of the dudes in here like Gunner, Stringer, Huey, or Rob, but I just enjoy the sport, and it's just real sketch to always see these fanboys come in here yap for a week about how great Manny is without knowing anyone else in the sport.
I understand where u coming from, especially the fact that there are some fans that are ignorant to the sport of boxing aside from Pac, but you gotta understand where filipinos are coming from as well. We ain't got NOBODY we could look up to. He's the Fighting Pride of the Philippines. We don't have a plethora of international superstars, celebrities, athletes, from the Philippines that have made a global impact. We're just proud of him and proud that he is representing our country....that's all.

this. Yeah there are Manny fans who are to excessive. but in reality... a Pacman fight is the only event where we can be proud to be filipino. As sad as it sounds, it's the truth. I actually don't want to see Cotto hang em up. I've always liked him as a boxer. Dude looked real focused coming into the fight too... even after the first round.

dudes gonna get beaten ******ed
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Cotto didnt look OFF, Pacquiao is just that much better than him. Give the credit where its due.

Cotto definitely looked off to me.
Cotto looked "off" to me after Manny clocked him in the 3rd. I bet you weren't saying that when Cotto was looking sharp in the 1stround.
Mike, by next week it should calm down

I'm getting the feeling I shouldn't even click on the other thread. I've re-watched this fight twice and I can't get the feeling out of my headthat Cotto should hang them up. That left hand in the 4th ended the fight. He didn't do anything after that no aggression no body shots and abandoned hisjab. Cotto was afraid to get hit after that one punch. The thing that got me is that between rounds he looked so damn discouraged and looked like he was havingflashbacks of the fight w/Margs in the same arena. His face was so goddamn swollen and he was bleeding so bad. With what happened to Gorres on Friday, I wasreally hoping they'd stop the fight before he took too much punishment. In 16 months, Cotto was hurt really badly by Margarito and Pac and got hit a goodamount of times by Clottey. I thought he showed that he was over the Margarito fight w/the Clottey fight but I was wrong. I think it's either time for anextended break or to hang up the gloves.

On to Pac. Great fight by him. His speed and power just overmatched Cotto from Round 2 on. The thing that stunned me the most was his chin, he took some prettyhard punches from Cotto and kept coming forward. Pac proved his chin and power moved up with him. Nothing else really needs to be said there, p4p #1 came inand made his job look pretty easy. Bring on PBF/Pac.

BTW you Pac fanboys coming in here saying that some of us are hating on Pac because we picked Cotto? Are you people %+##%!+ ******ed? If you can find one post,ONE POST, where any of us have taken anything away from Pac and his accomplishments please post it. I can wait. All most of us have done is criticize thefights he's taken as he moved up and the level of fighters he's destroyed lately. There's reasons most of us picked Cotto but like String said,we're not psychics.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I won't pass judgment on the fight until I see it, and I haven't, and I give Manny the benefit of the doubt, but this is no different than little high school girls that love Kobe Bryant or LeBron James, but can't even name the team he plays for.

It's same thing, different sport. People talking like they know something about a sport, when they are as oblivious as those who don't even know what the sport is like.

I understand he's the national hero of their country, but good lord.
why do you single out pacman fans? same #@$* goes down for mayweather. all these blind enthusiasts are already saying mayweather's going todemolish manny. if youre going to nitpick about fans, do so evenly.
BTW Rob your boy is going to get annihilated

Bad night altogether when Jennings exploded and made me realize the Knicks made a mistake
Cotto needs a 14+ month layoff w/ a new world class trainer. He just turned 29 why should he hang them up??? Should Pac have hanged them up when he gotKO'd by nobodies early in his career...no!

Its obvious.. He started way too fast, and thought he could bully around manny cuz he's smaller, once he blew out all that steam he got hit hard whichinjured him.

Cotto really needs a new trainer that tells him what to do. you cant beat any top fighter when your in charged.

It's obvious with the numbers and pass round 5 he had no steam and energy was gone which threw off focus.

This could have easily went either way with a great trainer. nuff said about that

PBF aint gonna box manny he will say something dumb like 154 weigh in or something
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

His fans are the most godawful annoying things on Earth.

It's nothing against Manny the boxer, or Manny the person, but his blind followers who just praise him who don't know a lick about boxing makes me cringe.

And they're EVERYWHERE.

It's like being a fan of Michael Jordan but not knowing another basketball player in the world.

My co-worker last night was like "YEAAAH BOY PACQUIAO BEAT KATO!!"

What the hell is a Kato?
. Trying to tell me he's undefeated, and then try to say well he's undefeated recently.

It's just the fact that so many Manny fans come out of the woodworks every fight he has and try to talk all big, when they don't really know anything outside of Manny. He's an exciting fighter, he's a great fighter, but his fans are the most annoying things in the world.

I've loved Manny since his first fight on HBO I caught way back when, back when the average Filipino didn't even know who the cat was. But past few years it's been unbearable to watch the dude without having Filipino's across the globe yap their mouth about dude and how great he is.

95% of the people who were in this thread will disappear until the next Manny fight, which is
in it's own right.

I never claim to know as much as the rest of the dudes in here like Gunner, Stringer, Huey, or Rob, but I just enjoy the sport, and it's just real sketch to always see these fanboys come in here yap for a week about how great Manny is without knowing anyone else in the sport.
Are you done yet bro? You do this EVERY Manny fight. Let them enjoy Manny, hes good for boxing
Originally Posted by EastCoastPapi

Cotto needs a 14+ month layoff w/ a new world class trainer. He just turned 29 why should he hang them up??? Should Pac have hanged them up when he got KO'd by nobodies early in his career...no!

It's obvious with the numbers and pass round 5 he had no steam and energy was gone which threw off focus.

First of all Pac never EVER took a beating and got hurt the way Cotto was against Margarito and Pac. He got beat up and hurt very badly in both fights. Hisconfidence looked shot by Round 5 and he did not want to get hit. That's why he should consider retiring. That's a ridiculous comparison betweenCotto and Manny.

Trainers weren't the problem for him looking like he had no steam. Manny and his head were the reason.
whats with this mayweather fan boy stuff? must be in the other thread

cause most of the people just hate on floyd
Originally Posted by kicks4days

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

His fans are the most godawful annoying things on Earth.

It's nothing against Manny the boxer, or Manny the person, but his blind followers who just praise him who don't know a lick about boxing makes me cringe.

And they're EVERYWHERE.

It's like being a fan of Michael Jordan but not knowing another basketball player in the world.

My co-worker last night was like "YEAAAH BOY PACQUIAO BEAT KATO!!"

What the hell is a Kato?
. Trying to tell me he's undefeated, and then try to say well he's undefeated recently.

It's just the fact that so many Manny fans come out of the woodworks every fight he has and try to talk all big, when they don't really know anything outside of Manny. He's an exciting fighter, he's a great fighter, but his fans are the most annoying things in the world.

I've loved Manny since his first fight on HBO I caught way back when, back when the average Filipino didn't even know who the cat was. But past few years it's been unbearable to watch the dude without having Filipino's across the globe yap their mouth about dude and how great he is.

95% of the people who were in this thread will disappear until the next Manny fight, which is
in it's own right.

I never claim to know as much as the rest of the dudes in here like Gunner, Stringer, Huey, or Rob, but I just enjoy the sport, and it's just real sketch to always see these fanboys come in here yap for a week about how great Manny is without knowing anyone else in the sport.
Are you done yet bro? You do this EVERY Manny fight. Let them enjoy Manny, hes good for boxing

Dude almost sounded like its gonna affect his life.. its not that serious!

He's one of the top boxers in the world, what do you expect? of course " fanboys " will be around.. plus they already said its the pride of theircountry.. just let them have them enjoy Manny..

Also the same thing can be said about Mayweather Stans.. i dont see Mayweather in your post... HHHmmmmmmmm....
Originally Posted by Brian Cushing

And Pac won't go up to 147.

he did for DLH because the money was right and DLH was the bigger name so he had no choice, they could of even got pacman up to 154 but DLh was been a idiotthinking he could make 147 and be ok
They banned Chester in the other thread

My back up got clipped too, barely posted anything on it yesterday.
bakedFresh707 wrote:
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by 1stand15th

bakedFresh707 wrote:
manny takes that category easily, Mayweather wears out his opponent and gets the decision.

Manny just proved his chin is welterweight worthy already, and is getting reviews bout bein in the top

all time
. Once Mayweather gets KO'd his name is gonna be dust in the wind and back to retirement

or a fight with another fading star
Props to Manny. I was WAY off with my predict. I have to ask, Are you saying people are putting Manny amongst the great welters of all time already or just his chin? Either way I disagree 'cause the sample size is TOO small. Three fights between junior welter and welter combined and he gets elevated to that status?
Never mind welter, i think people are starting to think he's one of the best fighters ever..

hes obviously not among top 10, he belongs in 10-20 category like Sugar said.

if you watch the fight Manny takes a bunch of shots in the early rounds and shrugs it off like its

nuthin, he was testing cotto's power And throughout the fight he decided not even to block his body.

FYI, during the midlle of the fight Pacman's corner was talking to him bout drinking after the game

Drinking after the fight huh
? After that performance he probably deserves it. Manny is GREAT no doubt, but Ineed to see him in with PBF to properly access him in a historical sense. I probably need to see Money too in that fight to properly rate him. Either way propsto Manny for last night.
Mayweather stans? Where at?

Not in this thread.

Someone asked me a question and I answered.

Even THIS thread is practically unbearable during Pacquiao fights..

See how many of these cats will be around for the Mikkel/Andre fight, should be damn good.

I think I might have Kessler

No favorites though.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Mayweather stans? Where at?

Not in this thread.

Someone asked me a question and I answered.

Even THIS thread is practically unbearable during Pacquiao fights..

See how many of these cats will be around for the Mikkel/Andre fight, should be damn good.

I think I might have Kessler

No favorites though.
Ward will win the tourney i got money on it
Like I said Cotto is a shot fighter. Props to Manny though, he whooped that tail good. Now Floyd has to fight Manny. If not I will definitely lose all respectfor floyd.
Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW Rob your boy is going to get annihilated


I've been saying that Dre's not ready for the champions yet...but I have a feeling. The Americans can't go 0-3 in the first round of the supersix....can they?

I think Cotto can be competitive and win a title at 154 (Namely the WBA belt
). He needs time off...and another Jennings type of an opponent or two. I would love to see him rematch Margarito either at 147 or 154. He's notdone....and I'm still riding with dude.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by EastCoastPapi

Cotto needs a 14+ month layoff w/ a new world class trainer. He just turned 29 why should he hang them up??? Should Pac have hanged them up when he got KO'd by nobodies early in his career...no!

It's obvious with the numbers and pass round 5 he had no steam and energy was gone which threw off focus.

First of all Pac never EVER took a beating and got hurt the way Cotto was against Margarito and Pac. He got beat up and hurt very badly in both fights. His confidence looked shot by Round 5 and he did not want to get hit. That's why he should consider retiring. That's a ridiculous comparison between Cotto and Manny.

Trainers weren't the problem for him looking like he had no steam. Manny and his head were the reason.

Ya cuz by round 5 his steam left. have u ever boxed bro? if u use all your energy and get hit HARD your pretty much done. Thats why Great trainers always sayPACE yourself even if you know you can knock a dude out.

Margo cheated cotto was whippin that boy until them hand wraps got tight (later rounds)
Also cotto hasnt been the same since his uncle left. He was soooo smart back than go watch his older fights. Even clottey he wasnt fighting smart i wasdisappointed.

Trainers were the problem bro. When u go out and try to muscle somebody thats great your gonna loose. He must of not watched when pac was knocked down 3 timesin 1 round and came back.

Cotto thought cuz he's stronger and bigger he could KO dude early, thats evident in how he was talking about KO before the fight and how he came out. If hestarted slower with his jabs and went to the body early he would of won. but again his trainer didnt tell him that. HIS DAD was training him basically who isnta trainer
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW Rob your boy is going to get annihilated


I've been saying that Dre's not ready for the champions yet...but I have a feeling. The Americans can't go 0-3 in the first round of the super six....can they?

I think Cotto can be competitive and win a title at 154 (Namely the WBA belt
). He needs time off...and another Jennings type of an opponent or two. I would love to see him rematch Margarito either at 147 or 154. He's not done....and I'm still riding with dude.
Americans are 1-1 , %#!% a judge say
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