09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

MAC might wanna think about hanging them up



nonsense,takes 9 months to recoup stays in shape and watches tape and spends a few months with emmanuel stewart/nacho/floyd senior(imagine how they wouldcommunicate lol) he'll be set to avenge his lost to maragrito HE NEEDS TO BEAT MARGARITO!!! its the only way to get back in the ring mentally, and anyoneher like margarito idk why i like him , punches slow as %$%% cheats...yet i can see him being champ at 147 again....paul dont want it with margarito and paulbeat margarito
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

I'm pulling for Dre this weekend. I like his style of being slick, yet willing to trade punches. Who is favored in this fight though?
Obviously Ima homer but I think Dre is gonna make Kessler look real uncomfortable. I don't see him handling Wards speed or athleticism verywell.

On another note, a lot of people haven't seen Ward fight much and are underestimating his boxing intelligence and his versatility. He's young but heswitches between orthodox and southpaw as well as anybody. Not only does he have all the punches but he utilizes them all too. He can float in and out ofrange on the outside of the pocket or move inside and cut off his opponents range and do damage there.

Kessler got the title for a reason though and this is gonna be a serious test for Andre. One thing I guarantee you will be a factor is the venue. I wasn'tat the Ward/Miranda fight but I heard the crowd was aggressive as hell.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Anyway, no more Manny, Floyd, Cotto talk
kinda tired of those other threads

I'm pulling for Dre this weekend. I like his style of being slick, yet willing to trade punches. Who is favored in this fight though?
I hear yah.

Kessler is the favorite. His Super Middleweight Title is on the line as well.

Watching the Fight Camp right now. Love the access and footage they get, just wish the episode was more current. I'd rather have them cover more of Ward/Kessler than the buildup of the first few fights. Guess I'm to used to the 24/7 format, though I do appreciate the less theatrical approach that Fight Camp brings.
I actually enjoy Fight Camp a little more than 24/7. We see more inside access. 24/7 still has an advantage in music though

One thing I guarantee you will be a factor is the venue. I wasn't at the Ward/Miranda fight but I heard the crowd was aggressive as hell.

If Oakland supports Ward with the same passion as the Raiders
Gonna be a crazy atmosphere
Anyone think paul can be upset by Martinez? Not quite sure why this fight is happening......smh and now with manny with the wbc looks like my boy is nevergetting that belt haha manny vs the punsher in nevuary ...he should get the winner of berto/mosley. williams vs mosley would be epic
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:
I got $20 on Nightmare.....you down?

like taken candy from a baby

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:
SMMFH........can't believe that *@+ I watched last night.

Mike.....double or nothing on the Pac/Cotto.....I got MAC.

Rob having a bad run. Son might jump off his roof if Ward gets KOed.

I'm a huge Martinez fan, but I don't think he has a shot. A little more notice like say if they were fighting either the week before or afterBerto/Mosley, I'd give him a better shot. But Paul has been training for Kelly for sometime now and Martinez has been in limbo about his next fight for awhile.
just rewatched the Ward Miranda fight, 1st fight of his i actually watched...he shows good skill but nothing special to me...looking forward tot he fight thisweekend.
Originally Posted by EdWord

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

MAC might wanna think about hanging them up



nonsense,takes 9 months to recoup stays in shape and watches tape and spends a few months with emmanuel stewart/nacho/floyd senior(imagine how they would communicate lol) he'll be set to avenge his lost to maragrito HE NEEDS TO BEAT MARGARITO!!! its the only way to get back in the ring mentally, and anyone her like margarito idk why i like him , punches slow as %$%% cheats...yet i can see him being champ at 147 again....paul dont want it with margarito and paul beat margarito

Not really.

He's a pretty much lock to stick at 147lbs.

He's not beating PBF and he already lost to Manny.

He beat Shane. Whats left for him?


Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by EdWord

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

MAC might wanna think about hanging them up



nonsense,takes 9 months to recoup stays in shape and watches tape and spends a few months with emmanuel stewart/nacho/floyd senior(imagine how they would communicate lol) he'll be set to avenge his lost to maragrito HE NEEDS TO BEAT MARGARITO!!! its the only way to get back in the ring mentally, and anyone her like margarito idk why i like him , punches slow as %$%% cheats...yet i can see him being champ at 147 again....paul dont want it with margarito and paul beat margarito

Not really.

He's a pretty much lock to stick at 147lbs.

He's not beating PBF and he already lost to Manny.

He beat Shane. Whats left for him?



you never know lmao every now and then a quintana comes up with a belt , im sure if he can get his confidence up by beating a paper champ enforcing what aemmanuel stewart teaches he is gonna feel good about himself.....for safety reasons i dont think he should go to 154 ...after what 10 round withjudah,margarito clottey and pacquiao which all resulted rather bloody the last thing he needs is a paul williams or kirkland.... and who do you guys have asfighter of the year , i got Juan Manuel Lopez
paul wanted a rematch before the cheater took the mosley fight and he and arum said no because "paul was a no name"
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

paul wanted a rematch before the cheater took the mosley fight and he and arum said no because "paul was a no name"

oh damn
didnt even know it was like that
I like Dre but idk about this weekend. Pantera was supposed to be his first true test, and although he passed I wouldn't say he did it with flying colorsbecause it never appeared that he had Miranda hurt. I'm rooting for him, but I don't expect a victory.

And I heard tickets were available still at Oracle for Saturday night?
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