09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by GoinHam

Originally Posted by Lazy B

I take back what I said week 1 about Randy Shannon being able to light a fire in these kids. They play like they are worried about who's running through Jayde after the game.

she cool peoples but I'm not gonna act like that aint true
why is it that the PAC 10 is "so weak" when there is about 4-5 fairly equal teams at the top (Ore, Ore St, Stan, Arizona) and the SEC is "SOGOOD" when they have one good team in each division? I really can't wait for bowl season again. Not that the PAC 10 will get any credit anyway... Ireally feel like we could def run the table again and UF or Texas will win the NC and everybody will be slurping how good the SEC is again. We need to startsetting up some PAC 10 vs SEC matchups and REALLY see whats good! BTW, yeah i'm mad
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

what a MOVE Christian DooDoo'd on Utah DB = TD

TCU dudes got on Dark Visors

Hughes with a Sack

TCU game on CBS College Sports.
Epic fail on the MWC's part
Just seen the Stanford/USC boxscore, goddamn.

That shot @ Jayde was coldblooded.
Hes had two of em, usually he does nothing on the field, but back on campus dude can go to every party, strollin, shimmyin and twirlin canes smh
Go ahead, JB. 6-5/225, he's playing at the next level. They said this boy Dion Lewis puts up 360 on the bench
. Representing Jersey outta Blair Academy (I see you, Luol Deng). Don't knowhow Lewis flew so under the radar but he's got a lot of Ray Rice in him. His freshman campaign has everything to do with Pitt/Wannstedt's near perfectseason. They could and should have beat NC State earlier in the year (only 19 carries in that game for D. Lewis). Real tough 3-game stretch got ND tonight(should win with commitment to the run game mixed in with deep balls to Baldwin), @ Morgantown (difficult road test, gotta stop Devine), and home against anundefeated Cincy squad with NC hopes.

ND looks flat but they got two of my favorite players in CFB - Tate and Te'o. Really thought Manti Te'o was SC bound before the season. Get Tate theball more! 3 touches isn't close to enough the coaches should know that. I wonder if Weis is gone after this season...conventional thinking says yes butcan they lure Urban Meyer? Thoughts on Brian Kelly??

On another note, Lee sucks. Is Jefferson out for the season? I like what he's done to improve since JJ got the starting job for good.
Why is LSU wasting time playing Jarrett Lee? The $$%! are they doing not just throwing Russ Shepard out there and letting him play?
Originally Posted by chinoman1782

damn u canes! i need to know who is Jayde cuz if they played like that she better be bad!

Me too.

Pardon my ignorance, but i felt so lost over the past two pages.
Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

why is it that the PAC 10 is "so weak" when there is about 4-5 fairly equal teams at the top (Ore, Ore St, Stan, Arizona) and the SEC is "SO GOOD" when they have one good team in each division? I really can't wait for bowl season again. Not that the PAC 10 will get any credit anyway... I really feel like we could def run the table again and UF or Texas will win the NC and everybody will be slurping how good the SEC is again. We need to start setting up some PAC 10 vs SEC matchups and REALLY see whats good! BTW, yeah i'm mad
although i'm an sec guy, i do agree with you somewhat. i think the league is definitely overrated by the media, but i still think we'reat the top or close to it.

to the sec's credit though, they've only lost like 5 or 6 out of conference games this year (vandy and msu, arguably the two worst sec teams, accountfor 4 of those alone). i think the other bcs conferences have lost several more. i know this will bring up the claim that sec teams schedule"cupcakes", but this season the conference has faced virginia tech, oklahoma state, georgia tech, houston, nc state, arizona state, west virginia,washington, texas a&m, ucla, louisville, etc. remember these games are scheduled years in advance, so you never know if a team will be as good as theyusually are. also, there are no losses that i would consider absolutely embarrassing... i'm not sure the other conferences can make that claim (marylandloss to mtsu? colorado lost to toledo? washington state lost to hawaii?)

and as for the sec / pac-10 matchups you are requesting... weren't there 3 of those this year? seems the sec went 2-1 there (lsu/washington;georgia/arizona state; tennessee/ucla)

also, we went 7-2 in bowl games last year. i know the pac-10 was a perfect 5-0, but would they have gone 9-0 if 9 teams had made it? who knows.
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