09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by GoinHam

also jes made a new pick up

Now go rob somebody and you'll fit right in.

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by GoinHam

also jes made a new pick up

Now go rob somebody and you'll fit right in.


lol i'd get away with it. cuz they'd be lookinf ros someone who has a orange UM jacket. they'd never suspect me


gatorb, raw or gtown, have yall heard anything about Elam being mad about Urban bringin other Safetys in. supposedly Urban told Elam he brought D Riley in fora look at WR (
) and Jefferson as a LB ... is this what yall hearing?
Urban tryin to do Elam like he did Jevan Snead... "no Jevan, we're lookin at Tebow as a Linebacker..."
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

gatorb, raw or gtown, have yall heard anything about Elam being mad about Urban bringin other Safetys in. supposedly Urban told Elam he brought D Riley in for a look at WR (
) and Jefferson as a LB ... is this what yall hearing?
Urban tryin to do Elam like he did Jevan Snead... "no Jevan, we're lookin at Tebow as a Linebacker..."
Actually, he told him that Riley is going to be a Graduate Assistant, and Jefferson was going to be Director of Player Personnel.... He probablydid, but nothing was as funny as when he told Darryl Stonum that Lloyd Carr thought he would be a better fit at UF
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Mike Leach is the new name buzzing around Louisville for their next coach...

That would be a good hire, and definitely good for the BE I'd like to see it happen.
it would be a great hire for them...we saw how easily Petrino did what he did in that conference. hell, Louisville was a fg away from playing in the BCS titlegame. i mean, he'd leave for Louisville, right?
Originally Posted by rawjs

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

gatorb, raw or gtown, have yall heard anything about Elam being mad about Urban bringin other Safetys in. supposedly Urban told Elam he brought D Riley in for a look at WR (
) and Jefferson as a LB ... is this what yall hearing?
Urban tryin to do Elam like he did Jevan Snead... "no Jevan, we're lookin at Tebow as a Linebacker..."
Actually, he told him that Riley is going to be a Graduate Assistant, and Jefferson was going to be Director of Player Personnel.... He probably did, but nothing was as funny as when he told Darryl Stonum that Lloyd Carr thought he would be a better fit at UF


Gators got Shaw so that prolly means they leading with D. Riley. those two are linked together always.
If I was a Gator, I'd rather have Riley, Dorsey and Jefferson over trying to stroke Elam's Ego. let him go to West Virginia and be stuck in obscurityfor 4 yrs.
If I were Leach I would, I mean he would win the Big East basically every year, coudl easily got to a BCS bowl year in, year out.
the Word goin around the hills is Ahmad Dixon will be in Knoxville with his folks this weekend and is supposed to give a verbal to UTk.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

If I were Leach I would, I mean he would win the Big East basically every year, coudl easily got to a BCS bowl year in, year out.

Now you're going a little far. Pitt, WVU, UC and even Rutgers would have something to say about that. Especially as long as BK is at UC, and Istrongly believe he doesn't leave after this year.
the thing is leach comes off like a total jack *@% in all his interviews for other head coaching jobs, thats why he ant got another one so far
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

If I was a Gator, I'd rather have Riley, Dorsey and Jefferson over trying to stroke Elam's Ego. let him go to West Virginia and be stuck in obscurity for 4 yrs.
Dorsey is gonna need some work though.
'The Irish's new athletic director, Jack Swarbrick, told reporters over the weekend that the six years remaining on Weis's gigantic contract would not influence his job status. There have been multiple and varied reports of just how much a buyout of Weis's contract would be. (The Sporting News reported $18 million on Sunday.)
Charlie's got one foot out the door but got damn,

SI article

[h1]After promising start, it's clear Charlie Weis is done at Notre Dame[/h1]

The highlight came the second month of the first season when Charlie Weis' Fighting Irish almost ended USC's27-game winning streak on a postcard-perfect afternoon in South Bend.

What a weekend. The 2005 Friday pep-rally was so big, it was held in the football stadium instead of the Joyce Center. Joe Montana came back to speak. Rudy Reuttiger -- the real Rudy -- came back to inspire the masses.

The Irish unveiled their spanking new, state-of-the art weight room, then Brady Quinn dissected the Trojans with a passing attack that looked remarkably similar to the one Tom Brady used to win three Super Bowls in four seasons with Weis as offensive coordinator.

USC came back and beat the Irish in the closing seconds (helped by the famous Bush Push play) but we all agreed this was a candidate for Game of the New Century.

Two weeks after the USC weekend -- only seven games into his brand new, six-year contract -- Charlie's deal was torn up and he was given a 10-year contract extension worth well over $30 million.

Notre Dame went on to a 9-3 season and a top 10 ranking. With Charlie in charge there was no reason it couldn't continue for the next decade. It was all in front of Charlie and it was only going to get better.

He could recruit the best kids and teach them the pro passing game. The golden days were back for the Golden Domers.

Now there's tarnish all over the dome and it looks like Charlie is going to meet the fate that befell his predecessors, Tyrone Willingham and Bob Davie. Weis still has $18 million coming his way over the next six years. That's a shakedown, with no thunder, but Notre Dame needs to do something.

After Saturday night's 27-22 loss to Pittsburgh, the Irish are 6-4. But there is no more talk of a BCS Bowl. They have lost two straight and three of five. They can't seem to move the ball.

They can't tackle.

Alums and boosters are mortified and stupefied.

Two weeks ago the Irish were beaten by Navy. Navy! In South Bend!

It was Notre Dame's second loss to Navy in three seasons. That might not sound that bad until you consider that Notre Dame won 43 consecutive games against Navy from 1963-2006. The Middies stunned Charlie's Irish in triple-overtime in 2007, then almost pulled another upset last year in Baltimore.

No team works or trains harder than the group from Annapolis, but it's fair to say that Notre Dame enjoys a hefty recruiting advantage over the Midshipmen. Seriously -- does Navy have more than one or two players who were recruited by the Notre Dame? The Irish lineman weigh 30 or 40 more pounds than the Navy linemen. Why didn't Notre Dame dominate?

Charlie's the guy who's going to take the fall.

Against No. 8 Pittsburgh, Notre Dame trailed 27-9 with 12:44 left before coming back to life. The Pitt defeat means that Charlie's teams have lost eight straight against top 10 competition. Weis' 2007 team might have been the worst Notre Dame team ever. Last year's home loss to Syracuse represented the Irish's first-ever loss to an eight-loss team. Fifteen losses in two seasons (2007, 2008) is a Notre Dame record. Weis is 1-10 lifetime against top 10 teams and he has the same record (35-25) that got Davie fired.

Oh, and he's got the winning percentage (.583) that got Willingham fired -- back in the days when the Domers thought Weis was the answer.

Two games remain this season. The Irish come home this weekend to play the University of Connecticut. A loss to UConn would be like another loss to Navy and would certainly signal the end for Weis. Notre Dame finishes its season at Stanford and that's not looking like a winnable game in the wake of Stanford's 55-21 thrashing of USC on Saturday.

Bloodthirsty Irish fans are ready to pounce. It's easy now to look back and say that Weis' first two seasons (9-3 and 10-3) were tributes to Willingham's recruiting skills.

Weis was asked about his place on the hot seat after Saturday's loss at Pitt.

"That's too big picture right now,'' he said. "I'm trying to get the team focused on the next game.''

Pure coachspeak. Downright Belichician. Weis learned his arrogance from the hooded master of Say Nothing, but that stuff is only tolerated when you win. And Charlie stopped winning after Willingham's recruits left South Bend.

Looks like it's time for Charlie to take his buyout and go back to professional football. Where he belongs.

Originally Posted by GoinHam

fair enough. i'd still take LSU, UT, USC, VT, Ole Miss over the defenses you named... but that is just me

i also enjoy how you disregard the whole only 100 less yds on 70 less carries.. you know good & well that YPC is a pretty good indicator of who the better back is when the carries & in the same range.

Ingram is the best offensive player on a top 3 team that has a great shot at winning the national championship. He has a signature moment for the season (246 yds vs South Carolina), he plays in the most media covered conference, his team is undefeated & on their way to the SEC championship & possibly National Championship.

all of those things make Ingram a better candidate for the Heisman, not to mention Ingram is just flat out better than Gerhart
No I wasn't disregarding the YPC because I am well aware of the fact that it is a BIG indicator. I was merely pointing out the fact that a lotof people aren't aware that teams in the PAC 10 are actually good
I'm not really trying to dispute that Gerhart will get the Heisman over Ingram,because as you stated, Alabama gets way more media coverage and hype. But saying that Ingram "is just flat out better than Gerhart" might be a littlebold. I don't think there is enough seperating them to really act like that is just a fact....
UofL is adding 20,000 seats to their stadium...Jurich better do something. And the only reason Kelly won't leave Cincy, imo...is, well, where's hegonna go? Unless I'm missing something. I hope he stays at UC.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

UofL is adding 20,000 seats to their stadium...Jurich better do something. And the only reason Kelly won't leave Cincy, imo...is, well, where's he gonna go? Unless I'm missing something. I hope he stays at UC.
Notre Dame if Urban doesn't accept/wanna leave UF.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

UofL is adding 20,000 seats to their stadium...Jurich better do something. And the only reason Kelly won't leave Cincy, imo...is, well, where's he gonna go? Unless I'm missing something. I hope he stays at UC.

whatever big name job opens up in the midwest 1st dude is GONE
Speaking of buyouts and firing...word on the street is that Mark Mangino may be on his way out of Lawrence for an alleged physical altercation with a playerand other "multiple" incidents. I have always heard rumors about MM's anger but its funny how it is all coming to light during one of his worstseasons at KU.

Hell, if this is indeed true it pretty much sums up our season really. A player can't get away from a guy that weights 350+. No wonder we are in the midstof a 5 game losing streak.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

wildKYcat wrote:

UofL is adding 20,000 seats to their stadium...Jurich better do something. And the only reason Kelly won't leave Cincy, imo...is, well, where's he gonna go? Unless I'm missing something. I hope he stays at UC.

whatever big name job opens up in the midwest 1st dude is GONE

Which job is that going to be though? I don't think ND swallows Weis' contract and lets him go at the end of the day honestly. What other big jobs areeven looking like they're going to be open?
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